View Full Version : greatest movie blips?

lady yunalesca
06-24-2006, 10:01 AM
there is not a lot funnier when parts of movies that should have been left on the cutting room floor make it into the final cut!!!

what are your fave movie blips???

mine are :

teen wolf: right at hte end after the basketball game one of the extras in the bleachers pads his part out, by taking his "john thomas" out of his pants and letting it dangle for a while!!! (lol i cant beleive they missed that) class:)

star wars: i think its the empire strikes back where one of the stormtroopers knocks himself out (you can only see it in the widescreen version)

i am sure that there are a few more.......will be back with you on this!!!:)

06-24-2006, 10:06 AM
In one the final scene of The Goonies, one of the gang remarks that the best part of the adventure was fighting an octopus. Trouble is, that scene was cut in editing and didn't show up in the finished film. :D

Bart's Friend Milhouse
06-24-2006, 11:46 AM
Terminator (1984)
Arnie looks up Sarah Connor's address, turns up at the wrong door number and kills an innocent woman!

lady yunalesca
06-25-2006, 09:33 PM
In one the final scene of The Goonies, one of the gang remarks that the best part of the adventure was fighting an octopus. Trouble is, that scene was cut in editing and didn't show up in the finished film. :D

i have seen that moviue about a hundered times and never noticed that!!! :)

Vincent, Thunder God
06-26-2006, 02:15 AM
In one the final scene of The Goonies, one of the gang remarks that the best part of the adventure was fighting an octopus. Trouble is, that scene was cut in editing and didn't show up in the finished film. :D

I love that movie. I always thought they left that in because it could be interpreted as a joke, and they were too lazy to reshoot.