View Full Version : Slayer

06-24-2006, 08:11 PM
Anyone like this band? Jeff Hanneman is one of the most under rated guitarists out there, he's the other guy for slayer, he's always overshadowed by Kerry King who is indeed brilliant but Jeff is the silent one, we rarely here much from him he never shows off the awesome skills he has much. Dave Lombardo, one of the fastest and powerful drummers out there, even Lars Ulrich cannot beat this guy. and you got Tom Araya who sings faster then anything I've heard before and his power screams rock. Well this is the Slayer thread, fans get in here, they're the fastest of the bands in the big 4 of thrash, but only a few of their songs are decent. My favourite songs would be Hell Awaits, Post-Mortem, Angel of Death, Black Magic, Screaming from the sky and raining blood, I like War Ensemble and The Antichrist a bit too.

06-24-2006, 08:20 PM
Kerry King and Jeff Hanneman are like My guitar idols! :hyper:

Yeah Kerry Does overshadow Jeff alot but in my opinion the two make some of the most over the top guitar stuff ever, infact I was looking through old guitar world magazines and found some Kerry King and Jeff Solo's i've been working on.^^ Also I'm trying to master the Kerry King style of rythm by dropping my guitar down a whole step.

06-24-2006, 10:06 PM
Yep, love this band, Dave Lombardo is like...whoa, my hero lol

Captain Maxx Power
06-24-2006, 10:18 PM
Reign in Blood! Chemical Warfare! Season in the Desert (what?)! Angel of Death!

And so forth. Slayer are the kind of band who are so silly in a very fundamental way. They're about as intimidating as a marshmallow soaked in honey (although their fans are a different story). But I still like them.

06-24-2006, 11:41 PM
Seasons in the aybss is my favorite song by Slayer, 2 awesome guitar solo's and a kick ass rythm.:)

06-26-2006, 10:22 AM
Kerry King and Jeff Hanneman are like My guitar idols! :hyper:

Also I'm trying to master the Kerry King style of rythm by dropping my guitar down a whole step.

Doesn't Slayer only drop their guitars/bass half step??

Yea Slayer is my third favorite band.

Angel of Death


Spirit in Black

Chemical Warfare

Cult (new stuff)

Their new single is rather good...i can't wait till the new album comes out...sucks...i missed my chance to go see them :mad: