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View Full Version : Roto likes making hairy gay love.

06-25-2006, 12:49 AM
<!--http://roto13.livejournal.com/40411.html?thread=313307#t313307-->Link edited out, just in case roto decides to post some hot, sweaty manlove.

I thought you might all like to know that, and hopefully it has opened up a few people's minds.

TOPIC: Do you know any homosexual people? Are you good friends with them? What is your opinion of homosexual people?

Personally, I don't have any homosexual friends, although I know of a bisexual people. I don't mind them, it is their choice, although being a Christian, I should really say that I am against it.

06-25-2006, 12:51 AM
I am no Leeza. :cool:

With the link gone that makes no sense.

Anyway, there isn't need for a thread like this. I'm sure someone will find an excuse to turn it into a bash-homosexuality or bash-christianity thread, and while you can all trash EoEO with that filth, you aren't tainting my precious General Chat.

On the plus side, this is one less opportunity for Marick to use his "I am gay and Neel is brown!" joke.

06-25-2006, 05:26 AM
what, Marick is gay?