View Full Version : Dragonball Z!

06-27-2006, 04:53 PM
One of the ultimate and best animes ever. Anyone else a fan here? Pissed off it is hardly shown anymore from English TV? This is to discuss DBZ in general. DB and DBGT are acceptable.

06-27-2006, 04:58 PM
I only liked the Freeza episodes. I personally thought it got boring after that. I dont like GT and Ive barely seen DB, but I own the manga. It was pretty cool, although a fight would last 4 episodes.

And Vegeta was teh sex!

06-27-2006, 05:00 PM
I liked the whole of DBZ, the Frieza saga was teh sexorz. I liked The Buu saga and the movie "rebirth of Fusion"

06-27-2006, 05:09 PM
Gt was a joke what the hell were they thinking bringing back enemies from the past present and future...and as much as i like goku....the kid thing was totally ridiculous!

i liked the buu saga the guy really was fascinating....the cell story arc wasnt too bad but freeza saga won me over (im going backwards arent i lol!?)

havent seen db but i hear its quality stuff:p

overall it set a standard for anime series but as time went on it bagan to get tiresome (never ending battles and endless power-ups anyone?)

06-27-2006, 05:11 PM
I hate DBZ with a passion.

06-27-2006, 05:11 PM
but as time went on it bagan to get tiresome (never ending battles and endless power-ups anyone?)
Yeah thats what I meant. Me and my boyfriend joke about it "Ha! Im now using 30% of my power! Next time on DragonBall Z!" The theme tune was cool though.

06-27-2006, 05:22 PM
DBZ got stupid after the Cell Saga. GT was even more terrible

06-27-2006, 05:28 PM
I only watched it for a bit when we had Cartoon Network. I never quite figured out the plot, so I have no idea which story arc it was.

Azure Chrysanthemum
06-27-2006, 05:29 PM
I liked Dragon Ball, it had a nice little story with an interesting world and it worked.

Once it hit Dragon Ball Z, however, it became a testament to sheer overdone crap.

06-27-2006, 05:58 PM
IT had a sweet mechanics system, and the voice-overs werre insane. The characters could really move me and make me feel for em. Aside from that the story arc was clich'e and the series always just dragged on. I would have to say Andorids/cell was the best saga for me.

I used to have a dragonball MUD on the net; the powerlevel system and mechanics were just insanley perfect.


06-27-2006, 06:00 PM
I liked Dragon Ball, it had a nice little story with an interesting world and it worked.

Once it hit Dragon Ball Z, however, it became a testament to sheer overdone crap.

Do they still air Dragon ball on TV?

Ramza Beoulve
06-27-2006, 06:16 PM
When I was child I liked the DBZ series, but in Mexico, it got in TV 12 years ago, and is still there, now they are starting it again (Goku's brother part).

God, I remember when they showed and reshowed the Frieza part 1 Year long, that was really freaky.

Jimmy Dark Aeons Slayer
06-27-2006, 06:24 PM
Which one of us can say that didn´t watch Dragon Ball?

06-27-2006, 06:49 PM
Dragon Ball Z would have been great if it was only, like, 50 episodes long.

06-27-2006, 06:49 PM
I didn't -___- i just never got into it.

06-27-2006, 08:30 PM
Part of my username is actually a Dragonball reference.

I can't say that DBZ is the 'best manganime', but it certainly deserves legendary status among anime. It is, perhaps, the most influential product among anime/manga creators. I've read several testimonials from Japanese artists (particularly the creators of Naruto and Bleach) that said they wanted to make manga after seeing Dragonball.
It's a manga/show that people literally grew up with, starting in 1984 and going on until 1996 (in Japan, the end of DBZ). It's especially interesting to see Toriyama's art style become more refined over the years.
It's impossible to imagine where manga or anime would be today had it not been for DB/Z. So much of what has been produced since then has been inspired by it, and it was one of the break-through shows that increased the awareness of anime in the west.
It definitely has its low points, but when it's good it's good. I fully intend on collecting the entire DB/Z series on DVD over a period of time, this is one of the shows I want to show my kids.

06-27-2006, 10:06 PM
I have watched all of dragonball and dragonball z. I watched most of it out of order when I was in highschool(8 years ago) before it hit our shores. I hate the Freeza saga, like the Buu Saga and LOVE the Cell Saga(robots and time travel? COME ON?!!?).

Then I started to watch other anime and realized just how bad this stuff really is in comparison. I then watched Dragonball and that series is actually pretty good. Slowly introduces you to a unique world and the pace keeps up fairly well and isn't drawn out. New characters are always being introduced. It is by no means a 100% must see but it is very good I would say.

Kawaii Ryűkishi
06-27-2006, 10:43 PM
I liked Dragon Ball, it had a nice little story with an interesting world and it worked.

Once it hit Dragon Ball Z, however, it became a testament to sheer overdone crap.This is prettymuch how I feel. The original series was very charming; it had a child-like kind of whimsy and never took itself particularly seriously. Even the fights were unique and interesting.

06-28-2006, 01:54 AM
I liked Dragon Ball, it had a nice little story with an interesting world and it worked.

Once it hit Dragon Ball Z, however, it became a testament to sheer overdone crap.This is prettymuch how I feel. The original series was very charming; it had a child-like kind of whimsy and never took itself particularly seriously. Even the fights were unique and interesting.

I think this is how most people feel once they grow up and see more stuff.

Kawaii Ryűkishi
06-28-2006, 02:05 AM
Unfortunately, there are plenty of adults who are still thoroughly entertained by scenes of muscular dudes in torn clothes grunting at each other about "power levels" for hours on end.

06-28-2006, 02:09 AM
I agree with the bit about Dragonball. Dragonball Z is pretty horrible as a show; poorly animated, grossly overdone, and far, far too drawn out. There is one thing to say for it, though; it's damn entertaining. I watched a couple episodes on Cartoon Network a few months ago, and I'd say they bordered on hilarity.

06-28-2006, 02:20 AM
the jap version is better

Tifa's Real Lover(really
06-28-2006, 02:22 AM
stoped watching it after the buu series

black orb
06-28-2006, 02:29 AM
>>> I liked DB and some parts of DBZ, like that episode when Trunks from the future comes to kick Mecha Freeza`s ass, best DBZ episode in my opinion..
DBGT sucked..
I liked what they did with the Dragon Ball 10th Anniversary Movie because the Red Ribbon Army saga was probably the best of Dragon Ball..
The DBZ movie with that guy named Tapion was pretty cool too.

06-28-2006, 04:18 AM
Definitely like Dragonball better. (The older one.)

Edit: Karin-kitty!!!! =3

06-28-2006, 04:43 AM
I liked Dragon Ball, it had a nice little story with an interesting world and it worked.

Once it hit Dragon Ball Z, however, it became a testament to sheer overdone crap.
Hooray for Void for having common sense!

Yeah, the original DB was awesome.

06-28-2006, 05:59 AM
I used to watch that show religiously. Damn. But honestly, DBZ REALLY pissed me off after a while. The plot is the same. Horrible villian who's out to destroy earth (and might have a grudge again Saiyans or want their power), and Goku saves the day, miraculously finding a way to power up to another Super Saiyan level. Yeesh.

06-28-2006, 06:22 PM
It's too bad that back then the big-wigs couldn't leave well enough alone. Toriyama originally wanted to end the Dragonball series after Goku defeated Frieza, with Goku being the one and only Super Saiyan (and possibly dying when Namek blew up). However, people demanded that he continue the manga when he didn't intend to do it beforehand. So instead of having a decently thought out ideas brewing in his mind for years, he ended up recycling old ideas with different characters, and not as much pre-planning as he would have liked.
There was a break in the manga after Frieza while he thought up these ideas, but of course Anime can't take a break, so they put some filler in (Something manganime fans are suffering now in Naruto and Bleach). Hence, the Garlic Jr. saga right after Frieza is filler, while they waited for the manga to get a move on.

As for the animation, the show is very well animated in certain episodes (the important ones), especially in the Cell and Buu sagas at the end. Dragonball can't compare with the anime of today, partly because the series in general is 20 years old, and because everything that's been inspired by it has vastly improved on its formula.

06-28-2006, 06:28 PM
The Saiyan and Frieza Saga were the only good things. The Cell saga sucked, they would smurfing sit there and stare at each other for about 2 episodes. It was boring and stupid.

06-28-2006, 07:08 PM
No doubt! It is one of the best animes EVER created, I just have some problems with it. Goku's the only one WORTHY of admiring, all the other losers don't stand a chance against the enemies...well only Vegeta. But it's still cool/funny.

06-28-2006, 07:14 PM
I watched an episode of it. In fact, I watched it the first time it ever came on. I really didn't like it. I mean, all they used to do was shout very loudly at each other, the villains were boring and about as villainous as a piece of mouldy bread, and they was a distinct lack of genuine humour in it.

Put simply: awful.

06-28-2006, 07:17 PM
No doubt! It is one of the best animes EVER created, I just have some problems with it. Goku's the only one WORTHY of admiring, all the other losers don't stand a chance against the enemies...well only Vegeta. But it's still cool/funny.

I actually HATED goku, and the focus on him. Regaurdless, it was his Story, and it should of ended with freeza. Each Character has thier own strengths and drives; and fit well in the foot notes. I would have like to see more of the foot note characters. GT would have been 100 times cooler with out goku. IT was the chance they needed to give the series variety; instead the bastardise the super saiyan legacy.


06-28-2006, 08:42 PM
I watched an episode of it. In fact, I watched it the first time it ever came on. I really didn't like it. I mean, all they used to do was shout very loudly at each other, the villains were boring and about as villainous as a piece of mouldy bread, and they was a distinct lack of genuine humour in it.

Put simply: awful.
Come on. You need to watch more than one episode to make a judgement.

06-29-2006, 12:01 AM
I was never much of a Goku fan either, my favourite character from that series will always be Vegeta. He was just cool and a complete badass personality, but that just made his moments of frailty something more powerful (Specifically, when he's beaten by Freeza on Namek and lying on the ground telling Goku about the history between the Saiyans and Freeza and he starts to cry). Plus, the Final Flash is the greatest move/technique whatever. Other than that yeah, it got stale and repetitive. There were some cool parts, though. Piccolo vs Android #17 rocked, a major fight that wasn't horribly overdone. Same goes for Majin Vegeta vs SSj2 Goku. It also had it's moments for humour and stuff like that. Cut out the overdrawn crap, and it'd be way better than it actually ended up.

Also the big explosions on the Budokai games are fun. :D

Edit: Forgot, Mr. Satan/Hercule is also a legend.

06-29-2006, 12:12 AM
I liked Dragon Ball, it had a nice little story with an interesting world and it worked.

Once it hit Dragon Ball Z, however, it became a testament to sheer overdone crap.

And the big P was may favorite character.His is green ass would woop anyone ;)

06-29-2006, 12:13 AM
yea goku became very....VERY one tracked and kinda annoying through out the series....i personally love the cell sagas...they were very well done. Actual plot unlike the rest of the series past it. if they had just killed off goku then the series could have been so much better. let gohan become the strongest one....that would have been cool....son surpassing father...

06-29-2006, 10:06 AM
I watched an episode of it. In fact, I watched it the first time it ever came on. I really didn't like it. I mean, all they used to do was shout very loudly at each other, the villains were boring and about as villainous as a piece of mouldy bread, and they was a distinct lack of genuine humour in it.

Put simply: awful.
Come on. You need to watch more than one episode to make a judgement.
Actually, I watched more than one episode. Just to make sure. And one involved more ridiculous shouting scenes, some boring fighting scenes, and a part where the main hero took five minutes to summon a huge explosion or something, that apparently killed the bad guy. However, this was untrue was the bad guy appeared in the next episode.

06-29-2006, 10:07 AM
*repeat x 300*

06-29-2006, 10:08 AM
Sorry, I don't believe in Super Saiyan 4...

The only good sagas were Freiza Cell and Buu. GT is just
one oozing 'lets run away froom the enemy for 8 episodes' pile of

Dragonball can and will own you. I bet, its already per-ordered your leash.
Someone needs to 'Genki Dama' DBGT. biggest piece of crap I've ever seen in my life

If you have not watched Dragonball in your life, I'm afraid I'll have to shoot you.
If you see at least like ten episodes of Dragonball, you're set for life.

Outer Heaven
06-29-2006, 10:19 AM
I'm a Dragonball fan as well. I have the whole set, btw.:D

GT was so stupid, it was just a filler.

06-29-2006, 10:21 AM
I've been looking for original Dragonball DVDs forever. Ironically, though I don't like the second part of the story in the anime, I love the manga. I don't really care for GT at all.

06-29-2006, 01:25 PM
Sorry, I don't believe in Super Saiyan 4...

Well that's a shame, because Toriyama does.

06-29-2006, 02:08 PM
Akira Toriyama never had much to do with DBGT. I liked DB and DBZ. The last saga on DB should of been longer and a shorter time period between DB and DBZ which was 5 years.

Kawaii Ryűkishi
06-29-2006, 02:09 PM
Yeah, I kind of doubt Toriyama is a fan of DBGT in any regard. After being forced to keep going with DBZ until he was finally even sicker of it than the average person, he was probably pretty disgruntled by the time Toei said they were going to continue the anime without him...and then asked him to provide them with character designs and a story premise.

06-29-2006, 02:18 PM
DBZ probably could of had a legitimate finish after the Cell games. Probably earlier. I think Toriyama made it suck as a kind of last laugh after being forced to make stupid storylines and char designs.

Emerald weapon
06-29-2006, 03:08 PM
DBZ was good ahmean i can remember as a lad coming home at 4 and having to wait an hour to watch it on CN,yeah the fights were good but the thing that done my head in was the small sagas that never meant anything like the''sayaman saga''(dont know if i spelt it right)which was between cell and bu sagas,and the lengthy processes to power up''super saian 3!!!yay!!''ahmean wtf?n GT pissed me off because gohan had turned into a complete pussy lol he became a geek n he was ma fav character,DBZ was gd to me as a 11 year old but now ive just matured i suppose

06-29-2006, 07:33 PM
Yeah, I kind of doubt Toriyama is a fan of DBGT in any regard. After being forced to keep going with DBZ until he was finally even sicker of it than the average person, he was probably pretty disgruntled by the time Toei said they were going to continue the anime without him...and then asked him to provide them with character designs and a story premise.

Toriyama stated in an interview he liked GT.

Dragonball was good, Piccolo Daimou was the best part.

Dragonball Z was Gohan's story. Until the Buu saga destroyed that idea...Although the final few epiosdes look really nice. Majin Buu had some great moments of originality I mean Fusion! Who would have expected that. I think information on the internet ruined it to an extent for westerners. Imagine the suprise of a Japanese boy (or girl) opening Shonen Jump and reading that for the first time.

Dragonball GT; it had some good ideas but i think it failed to pull them off...Cool theme songs mind. :P

Why all the Son Goku hate? I think he's great, the Japanese equivilant of Superman. People also exagerrate the amount of time spent staring each other down too. However there that critism is justified but if you dont like it read the manga it has very little of that kind of thing.

06-29-2006, 07:40 PM
He also stated in an interview that the series went more or less in the same direction he would have taken it himself, including the transformations, and he also did a drawing of SSj4 Goku for the Japanese DVD Boxset of GT as an extra, so it's pretty safe to assume he accepts it.

Edit: It's not so much Goku hate, either. He was just, I dunno. Piccolo and Vegeta were both more likeable characters to me. Gohan and Goku are both pretty boring, although the Great Saiyaman was funny. Mirai Trunks was cool, too.

06-29-2006, 07:49 PM
Piccolo and Vegeta are likeable. Sometimes I wonder why I like Son Goku over Vegeta and Piccolo.
Goku I suppose represents that whole nothing is impossible philosophey in the way he is always the underdog going into a fight.

Gohan had his moment, most fans call it the greatest moment in the entire trilogy...His transformation to Super Saiya-jin 2 against Cell.

Kawaii Ryűkishi
06-29-2006, 07:55 PM
No, the best moment in the whole series was when Oolong blocked Pilaf's wish for world domination by blurting out his wish for a hot babe's panties instead.

06-29-2006, 08:05 PM
Ok. Correction. best moment is when Krillin (spieling) died on Namek, and Goku turns into a Super Sayen. After that, it sucked.

06-29-2006, 08:08 PM
No, the best moment in the whole series was when Oolong blocked Pilaf's wish for world domination by blurting out his wish for a hot babe's panties instead.
Hahaha! That was funny but what was even funnier was the way that the american version edited it...The US version had some rather interesting ways of getting round things that were not fit for American TV.
I'll always stick by my choice because it just showed that Dragonball could do drama well and it was interesting to see Gohan go from the little crybaby at the begining of the show to the most powerful fighter in the world.

06-29-2006, 08:21 PM
I never watched DB or DBGT, but I was a fan of DBZ a few years back. i can't remember it all too well now, but I do feel that the whole 'getting stronger, super saiyan thing went a bit over the top - it seemed that the whole time the 'strongest evil baddie in the unviverse' was threatening them, and suddenly the become the 'strongest goodie heroes in the universe'. I mean, how many times can an even stronger baddie turn up, honestly. And how many times (and people) can they turn super saiyan??

I liked the cell saga alot, but I did hate the fact a single fight took 4 or 5 episodes. And many episodes were spent staring and thinking. Nice to know how the characters feel, but I do want some action eventually.

06-29-2006, 08:59 PM
I'd say after the frieza saga it got alittle ridiculous. but all in all DBZ was good. all 3 were great in the own way.. but only in the original japanese versions. FUNimation ruined Dragonball/Z/GT. Also, why do people think Dragonball was crap and think of it as a prequel that came after Z? Dragonball was the original! GT was really good if you see the original japanese... but the eps that aired in america leave you thinking... what the hell is this crap!? examples of edits: GT in america skipped the first, i think, 15? episodes. in the first DB episode (japanese) there was a bunch of cursing, goku pissing on the side of the road likes its no big deal, and multiple topless shots of Bulma. YOu really cant say how good or bad the show is if you've only seen the FUNimation versions

Ramza Beoulve
06-29-2006, 09:27 PM
I'd say after the frieza saga it got alittle ridiculous. but all in all DBZ was good. all 3 were great in the own way.. but only in the original japanese versions. FUNimation ruined Dragonball/Z/GT. Also, why do people think Dragonball was crap and think of it as a prequel that came after Z? Dragonball was the original! GT was really good if you see the original japanese... but the eps that aired in america leave you thinking... what the hell is this crap!? examples of edits: GT in america skipped the first, i think, 15? episodes. in the first DB episode (japanese) there was a bunch of cursing, goku pissing on the side of the road likes its no big deal, and multiple topless shots of Bulma. YOu really cant say how good or bad the show is if you've only seen the FUNimation versions
And that's the reason I loved the Spanish versions, less censorship :p

06-29-2006, 10:06 PM
I have all the episodes of both DBZ and DBGT (though if you asked me for the DBGT I'd stare blankly at you not knowing where it is).

You should do the same except the site is down. Good stuff.

(DBZ comprises 291 episodes which amounts to around 16 to 20 dvds)

Markus. D
06-29-2006, 10:57 PM
I feel it went the wrong path...

like pokemon, they stuck to the goal, but never quite getting to it, thus meaning they HAD to become more uber as the shows went by... and continually winning there battles etc..

at least they eventually got rid of the episodes where they spent half an hour being constipated in mid air "ARRRRRRHGGGHHHHHH!!!!"

06-30-2006, 01:07 AM
If you think the show is too long you are watching dubs.

The original series makes sense and doesn't take too long in its pacing. A little drawn out and too many plot points but it all makes sense.

Emerald weapon
06-30-2006, 11:05 AM
I feel it went the wrong path...

like pokemon, they stuck to the goal, but never quite getting to it, thus meaning they HAD to become more uber as the shows went by... and continually winning there battles etc..

at least they eventually got rid of the episodes where they spent half an hour being constipated in mid air "ARRRRRRHGGGHHHHHH!!!!"
yeah glad they done that!i can remember an episode were vegeta was powering up a huge attack for the second form of cell and it took about 1 and 1/4 episodes for him to finnally launch the attack and he didnt kill cell!!!i was really dissapointed and angry that i got all worked up for nothing!

Markus. D
06-30-2006, 11:19 AM
If you think the show is too long you are watching dubs.

The original series makes sense and doesn't take too long in its pacing. A little drawn out and too many plot points but it all makes sense.

I watched the original subtitled versions of most of the series.

06-30-2006, 06:30 PM
I actually read most of the Manga beforehand. (Less filler, of course, now that it's all published. :p)

I actually found a Japanese volume of one of the Buu stories...(right when it hatches.) I just love how Toriyama designs his monsters. (Nothing short of pretty creative.) They're so much thinner than the English volumes...:p

Holy Lancer
01-04-2007, 02:52 AM
I wanted Future Trunks to own Cell too bad Cell is a fast little rodent.

01-04-2007, 05:36 PM
Please don't revive old threads, Dragoonknight. :mog: