View Full Version : Akward Things

06-28-2006, 05:50 PM
Were there ever any akward lines or moments you didn't like in this game? Personally, I loved the whole game, but some of Steiner's lines were kinda odd... :tongue: And if you want, you can ever list humorous momets that you liked!

And please, NO arguements!

06-28-2006, 07:26 PM
the "ooo soft" was kind of akward, but hilarious at the same time ^__^

06-28-2006, 07:41 PM
Freya her her story was slighty odd; especially since we didn't get to hear the whole story.

They were together, and he left. He came back, and he left. He came back one last time, and he stayed.

There's no in between.


06-28-2006, 09:20 PM
Nah, I didn't like Freya that much, but most of the lines were excellent, and it's really hard to find fault with it, which is surprising considering it is a Japanese game.

06-29-2006, 12:04 AM
Zidane's high heels.

General Beranger Stone
06-29-2006, 02:30 AM
Zidane's high heeles.

and Stiner's eye shadow.... and bra..... DON"T QUESTION ME !

Darkwing Bahamut
06-29-2006, 08:02 AM
Eiko's costume and Kuja's costume.

06-29-2006, 08:08 AM
"Ooh soft' was pretty surprising. xD

06-29-2006, 08:43 AM
Seeing Brahne's face for the first time was pretty awkward. :D "Ooh, soft!" was another odd situation too.

06-29-2006, 10:11 AM
Ooo soft was good though, because it was Zidane being cocky.

06-29-2006, 02:51 PM
Garnet and Brahne. Just when a villain is killed, all of sudden, Brahne love Garnet and Garnet love her. I hated that scene. Other than that, nothing! Eiko love letter event was very funny.

06-29-2006, 04:59 PM
Garnet and Brahne. Just when a villain is killed, all of sudden, Brahne love Garnet and Garnet love her. I hated that scene. Other than that, nothing! Eiko love letter event was very funny.

In that scene, you have yourself saying:

"Omg, I can't believe it- The General and Rusty are hittin' it off!"

But then towards the end of the game yr like "Awwwww!" :p :)

06-29-2006, 05:05 PM
Eiko's costume and Kuja's costume.

yeah, i dunno what to think of a little kid running around without underwear on -__-

06-29-2006, 05:08 PM
Eiko's costume and Kuja's costume.

yeah, i dunno what to think of a little kid running around without underwear on -__-

Gosh! Why does everyone think it's like child porno? She's wearing clothes, obviously...

Quindiana Jones
06-29-2006, 06:28 PM
Yes. Clothes. Very revealing clothes...*shudders* and what's up with that moogle??
