View Full Version : Federer takes 4th straight Wimbledon!

07-03-2006, 05:30 AM
.....will be the headline after the tournament. Don't you think?

So Nadal has been kicking his ass on clay, but on the grass Nadal is outmatched. I was hoping Andre would get past him, especially considering this will (most likely) be his last Wimbledon...even though I doubt he could have won the tournament it would have been a great farewell.

If not Federer, who do you see taking the trophy...and I hope you have a good explanation :D .

On another note: what is the forking deal with some of the women- namely, Sharapove and V. Williams? I can't even watch their matches, at least not without the mute button, because their banshee screaming is just too damm irritating.

Azure Chrysanthemum
07-03-2006, 05:39 AM
Sports discussion goes to Lounge.

07-03-2006, 05:58 AM
Sports discussion goes to Lounge.

Aye, aye, cap'n! Sorry about that.

07-03-2006, 07:56 AM
Wow someone is actually paying attention to tennis during the World Cup! xD
Sorry, just had to say that. I'm a big tennis fan, but now all the tennis news is obscured by the soccer news and they even mention some of the soccer scores during tennis matches through the tennis commentators, which is kinda random. Anyways, I think Nadal should win, but meh. I don't really have any favorites this time around, considering Baghdetis (sp?) isn't there (or is he? I don't know). I think Nadal could win this one, and if he does, it won't be a surprise. Neither will it be if Federer wins. It's all become too predictable, either way.

07-03-2006, 09:26 AM
With Nalbandian, Blake, Davydenko, Ljubicic, Johansson and Roddick out already, it's hard to go past Nadal and Hewitt as possibilities to win. Their court movement and endurance has often seen them winning 5 setters without any dip in performance, something which has always challenged Federer.

Baghdatis IS still in. He actually just beat Grosjean and moves on to play Andy Murray, the man who dominated Andy Roddick. Both Baghdatis and Murray are in with a slight chance, I reckon.

Realistically, I think Hewitt is the one that has the best chance of doing it this year. Not on grounds of ability but because he's had a pretty relaxing run in the first 3 rounds. With David Ferrer as his 4th round opponent, I think Hewitt may have an edge in the coming quarter finals and semi finals by being better rested and less injury prone.

Personally, I'd rather see Nadal. There's nothing more gratifying than seeing the world number 2 beat the world number 1. If Nadal can do it on grass as well as clay..then on the hard courts of the US Open or Australian, there wouldn't be any doubt that Nadal deserves the title of best in the world more than Federer does.

If you'd rather put money on some unseeded players, I say either Mirnyi or Murray.

07-03-2006, 01:42 PM
Every year I watch, hoping for a final that's half as good as Ivanisevic and Rafter, and it doesn't come. But then again, that was the best final i've ever seen.

I'll cheer for Nadal, Hewitt or any man who can put Federer out. Not because I don't like him, I just prefer the underdog unless there's some competition for the top player, and if Federer becomes another Sampras it'll get really old, really fast.

Bart's Friend Milhouse
07-03-2006, 02:09 PM
I don't think anyone can beat Federer on grass. Ancic may take him to a tie-break or two but other than him all the other contenders are in the other half of the draw. However this does not mean we are in for a boring second week since there are many interesting matches and players to feast out eyes on.
Djokovic/Ancic and Murray/Baghdatis are a couple of matches I am looking forward too already.

There's nothing more gratifying than seeing the world number 2 beat the world number 1. If Nadal can do it on grass as well as clay..then on the hard courts of the US Open or Australian, there wouldn't be any doubt that Nadal deserves the title of best in the world more than Federer does.

Just like to point out that Nadal has already beaten Federer on hard-courts this year in Dubai. So that just leaves the grass

07-03-2006, 08:19 PM
Not sure how Murray managed to go from his performance against Roddick to today's against Baghdatis, but I'm pleased to see Baghdatis in the quarters, though he'll have a tough one against Hewitt. I just can't see anyone beating Federer here, he's utterly dominant on grass.

Clouded Sky
07-03-2006, 10:07 PM
Federer is playing well, with only slight lapses. That said, Nadal is playing some of the best tennis I've seen him play on grass. And I would absolutely love to see him beat Roger. (Yeah, I'm a Nadal fan :p ) At the same time, Nadal hasn't had exactly challenging opponents, but I can see him winning his next match because that Finn is going to be exhuasted.

But so yeah, go Nadal!

07-04-2006, 08:53 AM
Wow someone is actually paying attention to tennis during the World Cup! xD
Sorry, just had to say that. I'm a big tennis fan, but now all the tennis news is obscured by the soccer news and they even mention some of the soccer scores during tennis matches through the tennis commentators, which is kinda random. Anyways, I think Nadal should win, but meh. I don't really have any favorites this time around, considering Baghdetis (sp?) isn't there (or is he? I don't know). I think Nadal could win this one, and if he does, it won't be a surprise. Neither will it be if Federer wins. It's all become too predictable, either way.

I'm not much of a soccer fan, though it has slowly but surely been gaining attention here in the states. I got into watching tennis only about a year ago, partly because it's one on one (excluding doubles, of course). I'm glad to see their are some knowledgable fans here at EofFF. We'll see what happens this week...

"EEYYYYUUUUHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"- M. Sharapova

07-05-2006, 03:19 PM
Every year I watch, hoping for a final that's half as good as Ivanisevic and Rafter, and it doesn't come. But then again, that was the best final i've ever seen.

I'll cheer for Nadal, Hewitt or any man who can put Federer out. Not because I don't like him, I just prefer the underdog unless there's some competition for the top player, and if Federer becomes another Sampras it'll get really old, really fast.
Philopoussis (terrible name to spell) vs. Sampras was good. But only because the underdog came through. It's one of my earliest memories of grand slam tennis. <3

And I read this article a while back. An interview with Pete Sampras and he's quoted saying something to the effect that if he played today's Federer while he was in top form, he would beat him on hard court, lose on clay and give him a good, close game on grass. I reckon that's pretty cocky but I suppose it's justified. Whereas previous world number ones were good at what they did (eg. Rafter with his serve volley, Roddick with a lethal forehand and first serve) both Sampras and Federer are "complete" players that can do everything to a very high standard.

07-06-2006, 11:01 PM
Unfortunately, I wasn't watching much tennis when Sampras was around... Nadal is looking impressive on the grass, and it looks like he'll get another shot at Federer (barring any upsets). I don't suppose it would be a really big upset for Bagdhatis (sp?) to win, but, like I said, Nadal is looking impressive.

07-09-2006, 10:30 PM
...which is nice. He was the one I was rooting for in the male singles tournament. I'm just disappointed that Sharapova didn't make it to the finals, but then again Mauresmo (spelling?) deserved to win the Wimbledon title. Another great thing to come out of Wimbledon this year is Caroline Wozniacki - a Danish junior player - winning the junior female singles tournament... That really made my day! :)

Bart's Friend Milhouse
07-09-2006, 10:43 PM
This win was crucial for Federer. What would losing another match to Nadal particularly on a surface in which he's been so dominant do to his confidence? But all credit to Nadal. Considering that a lot of the clay-court specialists have underperformed at Wimbledon he did ever so well in proving he is worth his no.2 seed on grass by reaching the final (and taking a set) and only at the tender age of 20. IMO, I think Rafael Nadal is now the main challenger for the Wimbledon crown, leaving the likes of Roddick and Hewitt a gear behind. He showed much more fight than Roddick last year and is hitting more winners than Federer himself.
A big question must surely loom over all tennis fans and is that will the best player of today's generation be a true all-time legend by being able to win all the slams or will Nadal's presence deprive him of being able to win that illustruous French Open title.

Sir Bahamut
07-09-2006, 11:39 PM
Excellent final for sure, with nr.1 facing nr.2 of the world! Like Nadal a lot, but Federer came out the winner in the end. Best tennis match I've ever seen for sure though, the tennis was at an incredibly high level all the way throughout.

07-10-2006, 03:54 AM
This win was crucial for Federer. What would losing another match to Nadal particularly on a surface in which he's been so dominant do to his confidence? But all credit to Nadal. Considering that a lot of the clay-court specialists have underperformed at Wimbledon he did ever so well in proving he is worth his no.2 seed on grass by reaching the final (and taking a set) and only at the tender age of 20. IMO, I think Rafael Nadal is now the main challenger for the Wimbledon crown, leaving the likes of Roddick and Hewitt a gear behind. He showed much more fight than Roddick last year and is hitting more winners than Federer himself.
A big question must surely loom over all tennis fans and is that will the best player of today's generation be a true all-time legend by being able to win all the slams or will Nadal's presence deprive him of being able to win that illustruous French Open title.

Good points: crucial win for Fed; can he take the French and get the grand slam.

It will indeed be interesting to see how this, now fully developed, rivalry will evolve. Considering that Nadal had previously only won three matches at Wimbeldon, I wonder if he will do as well next year; I don't deny his talent and ability though, and this year's perforamnce make it difficult to imagine him going anywhere but up.

The match was a very good one (excluding Nadal's bagel), and I was starting to get a little worried for Fed when Nadal took the third. One thing that really amazes me about Nadal is that shots that would be winners against any other player, Nadal turns into attacks. He's really got that cross-court, backhand passing shot from the outside corner down (he used it a couple of times against Fed.)

Yeah, It's gotta' feel good for Mauresmo, regardless of her diplomacy, to get the win without a forfeiture.