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View Full Version : Using DVDs for music video

07-08-2006, 11:07 AM
Ok I can obiviously play DVDs on my PC. Now what if I want to use a clip from a movie? How do I go about it? If it helps I use Windows Movie Maker as I dont own the Adobe one.

Help please guys :D

07-08-2006, 07:46 PM
You'll need to decrypt the DVD's data first before you can use it. I would suggest using DVD Decrypter, available at www.doom9.net

After decrypting the DVD Video Object (VOB) files using DVD Decrypter, you'll need a program to convert them to AVI so you can use the video in Windows Movie Maker. I suggest using DGMPGDec (also known as DVD2AVI), also available on doom9.

If you would like a really nice graphical guide, it looks as if animemusicvideos.org has one available:

EDIT: And it looks as if the guide uses the same tools I mentioned above. :) This should make things a little easier.

Hope this helps. :)

07-08-2006, 09:19 PM
Thanks for that Samuraid :D Going to get my computer crazy boyfriend to help me put all that into play!