View Full Version : TNA=WCW

The Fat Bioware Nerd
07-08-2006, 09:44 PM
Have you noticed there are a lot of similarities between TNA and WCW? I would dare say that TNA is the new WCW. If you don't believe me let's compare the two companies here's what I know about TNA and WCW :

1. Both companies have/had a billion dollar corporation backing them. (TNA has Panda Energy and WCW had Time Warner.)

2. Both companies had a name change. (TNA use to be NWA-TNA and WCW use to be the NWA.)

3. Both companies are/were losing money. (I don't know about WCW but I think TNA has lost over twenty million dollars.)

4. Both companies are/were stealing talent from the competition. (TNA stole talent from the WWE and Ring Of Horror...WCW stole talent from the WWF and ECW.)

5. Jimmy Hart made the entrance music for TNA and WCW. (I think Dixie Carter fired him because she said don't come back to work if he showed up on the first episode of RAW on the USA Network in five years last October.)

6. Not to mention some of the current talent on the TNA roster use to work for WCW. (Kevin Nash, Sting, and Scott Steiner.)

Jimmy Dark Aeons Slayer
07-08-2006, 10:45 PM
Actually i always saw TNA as the minor league...

WWE wrestlers who get thrown out always end up at TNA.

The Fat Bioware Nerd
07-08-2006, 11:03 PM
But wasn't WCW the minor league before Eric Biscoff gained control over the company and took wrestling to main stream status with the nWo angle?

07-08-2006, 11:15 PM
4. Both companies are/were stealing talent from the competition. (TNA stole talent from the WWE and Ring Of Horror...WCW stole talent from the WWF and ECW.)
and vice versa. I can understand signing Sabu, but honestly how cowardly does it make WWE look to sign Shannon Moore and not use him just to make sure he stays out of TNA. honestly, It's Shannon Moore. Wouldn't it have made more sense to let their old jobber get a push in TNA and then say they must have better talent if one of TNA's stars used to merely job in WWE.

Also TNA may have a lot of similarities to WCW, but at least they aren't recycling old storylines like a certain other company we all know.

The Fat Bioware Nerd
07-08-2006, 11:49 PM
Yeah that's true I like TNA but they need to have somebody else hold the NWA World Heavyweight Championship...I'm getting sick and tired of seeing Jeff Jarrett as the NWA World Champion why do they always let him have his way? Jeff Jarrett being the World Champion doesn't help the company at all. TNA needing Jarrett as the NWA Champion is like the United States needing another C average President.

Jimmy Dark Aeons Slayer
07-09-2006, 12:12 AM
They did new stars that can really bring more popularity simply getting the abandoned wrestlers insīt enough...for example Christian got kicked out of the WWE and know his in TNA.

Frankely iīm more into watching ECW than Raw or SmackDown! and TNA i only watch when i got nothing to do...still i like their style of combat.

07-09-2006, 01:01 AM
Yeah that's true I like TNA but they need to have somebody else hold the NWA World Heavyweight Championship...I'm getting sick and tired of seeing Jeff Jarrett as the NWA World Champion why do they always let him have his way? Jeff Jarrett being the World Champion doesn't help the company at all. TNA needing Jarrett as the NWA Champion is like the United States needing another C average President.
The advantages of your dad being one of the owners I guess

The Fat Bioware Nerd
07-09-2006, 03:43 AM
Hopefully Samoa Joe will become the NWA World Champion soon.