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View Full Version : Video file conversion

07-11-2006, 09:06 PM
Is it possible to convert rmvb (real player vid file) to avi? I don't know where to start since I only just heard of the file type.

07-11-2006, 10:43 PM
Their are, but i have yet to come across a free one

07-11-2006, 10:52 PM
Realmedia is crap. :p

Try this guide: <a href="http://forum.videohelp.com/viewtopic.php?t=212204">Link</a>

EDIT: <a href="http://forum.videohelp.com/viewtopic.php?t=289872">This</a> guide seems to be better, and you don't need trial software.

EDIT2: Yes, that one worked perfectly for me. It says it takes ages to encode from Virtual Dub, but it took me 30 seconds for a 20Mb rmvb clip.

08-08-2006, 09:39 PM
I tried looking at that and that just confused the heck out of me. I even tried TINRA but my computer to too new to use that program. I agree Real Media is crap. Most of the time the files are of poor quality, I am lucky to find the anime episodes in a decent picture.

I found a great Trial Version of a RM to AVI Video Converter, but my brother got hold of my computer and used up my trial converting other RM files, so I wanted to know if I gave the name of the Program could you download it and convert these files I have over for me. Its about 25-Day Trial Period with no watermark or least one that is unnoticable.

You could then save a copy of the Video files for yourself. The Anime is called Love Hina, its kinda of in the vein of Tenchi Muyo! (sorta of). It is really funny and has alot of heart. These particular episodes are dubbed. Too bad I couldn't find the specials that way. I have many of them already fansubbed, but when I burn the AVI files it kinda cuts off some of subtitles at the sides.

The program is called ADVANCED X VIDEO CONVERTER. You can find it fairly easy using Google search engine. I you agree I can e-mail a few files at time. There are about 30 all together. I have search high and low and and had no luck. So I am kinda desperate. I tried reloading that RM converter again, but apparently it recognises that computer address or something and would let me use it.