View Full Version : Blitzball: Uninjuring Your Players

Forever Fantasy
07-12-2006, 06:44 PM
I've played a couple Exhibition matches to try to understand how to play the game. Well, when I was playing against the Luca Goers, two of my players were injured. Biggs and Wedge I believe. How do you actually uninjure them? :confused:

07-12-2006, 07:18 PM
After every game, you get more points to develop your players. In the screen where you assign training points to a player, go to the injured player, and it will give you three options, the first being what you can use to reduce your player's games missed stat, Downtime (which is useless), and the other being cancel.

Depending on how many points you allocate to the player, that figure will be multipled by ten to determine what the chance of them being able to reduce the missed games amount.

So, if Biggs is missing two games, and you assigned 9 points to the first option, there is a 90% chance of Biggs being having to only miss one game, after the healing regiment is finished.

Alternatively, you can play however many games they must miss without the player.

You can help prevent an injury by giving a player Downtime, which reduces their fatigue. But sometimes, accidents will happen.

Forever Fantasy
07-13-2006, 11:34 AM
Ahh, ok thank you. It doesn't make much sense the first time you read it it, but I'll reread it and see if that helps. Thank you again! :D

07-13-2006, 01:17 PM
To summarise, use Intensive Care to lower the player's OUT value. Once it reaches 0 they will be healed.

07-16-2006, 04:35 AM
what's the good in playing Blitz?