View Full Version : Most beautiful Imagery from a movie.

07-17-2006, 06:14 PM
Name that moment where all you could do was stare in silence. Ahem, the train scene in spirited away takes 1st place. Just so peacefull with the background and all and the music accompanyging it. GO.

07-17-2006, 06:26 PM

Madame Adequate
07-17-2006, 06:31 PM
Blade Runner and Hero.

I Took the Red Pill
07-17-2006, 07:08 PM
Chris took mine.

Tifa's Real Lover(really
07-17-2006, 07:08 PM
lord of the rings

07-17-2006, 07:09 PM
That big tower in A Neverending Story.

Crushed Hope
07-17-2006, 07:10 PM
Chris took mine.

Though Princess Mononoke's scenes that take place inside the forest, before the Nightwalker is killed are absolutely stunning.

07-17-2006, 07:25 PM
A new one, the shark scene at the end of the life aquatic with steve Zissou, just beautiful.

07-17-2006, 07:56 PM
Easy. When you first see Hogwarts, I was amazed because it was believable.

07-17-2006, 08:01 PM
I was expecting something harry potter related from you, SS. :3

07-17-2006, 08:05 PM
I wouldnt want to disappoint my fans now would I :D Oh and also:


You have to admit, she looked stunning.

07-17-2006, 10:11 PM
In Tristan and Isolde, there's a part where Isolde is wearing a wedding dress and is standing on a raft-like thing with candles all around her and the river is all lit up and it's BEAUTIFUL.

07-18-2006, 01:05 AM
In Gone with the Wind, When Scarlett walks onto the train station where all the Confederate wounded are. The camera started as a close up on her, than started backing up, gradually showing a whole lot of wounded and the scene ended with a torn Confederate flag. Very dramatic.

Galbadian Soldier
07-18-2006, 02:14 AM
This scene from Memoirs of a Geisha. i just was in total awe after I saw it. :D


07-18-2006, 02:17 AM
credit roll of spirits within

Nominus Experse
07-18-2006, 08:37 AM
It's too hard to place the title with one movie...

Lord of the Rings
Spirited Away
Memiors of a Geisha

There was another, but I cannot at this moment recall it's name...

07-18-2006, 09:59 AM

1. One of many stunning scenes from Lost in Translation. The whole movie is absoulutely gorgeous, especially the Kyoto scenes.
2. Shot from Barry Lyndon, probably one of the most underrated movies ever. The film is simply like no other.
3. From the upcoming movie the Fountain, also featured in my sig. Aronofsky is a master behind the camera, and this movie is looking to be one of the most visually stunning ever made.
4. 2001 A Space Odyssey. Need I say more? The stargate sequence is beyond belief. (Aatually pretty much all Kubrick is.)

A new one, the shark scene at the end of the life aquatic with steve Zissou, just beautiful.

<3 Yes. The Sigur Ros song in the background only added to that amazing scene. Wes Anderson is a visual master.

Honorable mentions:
- Eternal Sunshine: Amazing camera work and trickery, this movie has an unmatched visual style to it.
- Magnolia: The Save Me sequence. Very powerful stuff thar.
- Garden State: I don't know exactly what it is about this movie, but it just takes on a very beautiful feel for me.
- Amadeus: I'm a sucker for timepiece movies.
- A.I.: The Frozen NY and the Blue Fairy sequence. So delicate and mysterious, almost otherworldly.
- Amelie: French directors are weird, but they can set up some incredible shots.

07-18-2006, 11:00 AM
I'd have to say all of Memoirs of a Geisha. That movie was just the most visually stunning movie, ever.

07-18-2006, 12:46 PM

Akira has some great imagery in it. The whole movie is brilliantly drawn.

07-18-2006, 01:08 PM
This scene from Memoirs of a Geisha. i just was in total awe after I saw it. :D

Same here. I was left floored after that scene.

07-18-2006, 04:11 PM


From the movie Big Fish. There were more beautiful scenes, but I couldn't find them.

07-18-2006, 11:15 PM
i loved requiem for a dream ... the part at the end when the mom is all crazy from not eating and the son gets arrested and his girl sells her body for H.
that movie is sooo good and sad ... but really good .
i had to pick my jaw off the floor after watchin that the first time...
;) ... :p ... :)

07-18-2006, 11:17 PM


From the movie Big Fish. There were more beautiful scenes, but I couldn't find them.

Yesyesyesyes. Big Fish was visually stunning. Also, Memoirs of a Geisha was also just amazing, visually. The scene where Sayuri danced gave me goosebumps, along with a few other scenes, though the movie doesn't compare to the book.

Bart's Friend Milhouse
07-18-2006, 11:25 PM
The pictorial of Heaven in A Matter of Life and Death (1946) was almost dreamlike. Very imaginative and well pulled off

07-19-2006, 12:53 AM
Metropolis !!! wicked for when it was made !!!

07-19-2006, 01:15 AM
well since hardly anyones done any vidio game ones, I'l do some.

SPOILER- The end scene in FFX where Tidus jumps of the airship and totaly high fives Jecht

End scene from MGS Snake Eater

Like 3 scenes from Tales of Symphonia, but I can't name them all off

also one of the end scenes from LOTR 3 when all of the people bow to the hobbits

The reason why no one was doing anything from videogames was because the title says "movie" ;D. Also, don't post twice in a row, use the edit button please! -kikimm

07-19-2006, 02:18 AM
well since hardly anyones done any vidio game ones, I'l do some.

SPOILER- The end scene in FFX where Tidus jumps of the airship and totaly high fives Jecht

Pfft, the sending is much better visually IMHO.

I liked alot of scenes from sin city in the visual area, the end fight in V for Vendetta was great and lord of the rings was outstanding.

Stay Essential

Markus. D
07-19-2006, 02:47 AM
Just the beauty of Prontera on Ragnarok the Anime is quite a treat to observe as it shows differant parts of the town, and many folks walking around living there daily route of life.

that or.... The Geffan Tower, none more spectacular then what lied under the ground, the images were so convincing, I felt like I was really there.

Ramza Beoulve
07-19-2006, 03:44 AM

07-19-2006, 03:16 PM
Springtime for Hitler in The Producers (1968).