View Full Version : One season anime

Eiko Guy
07-19-2006, 07:38 PM
Does anyone know why some anime has situations where the finaal boss is so strong(this mostly applies to action anime) that they have to stop after one season. For example, shaman king zeek was so strong that no other force could rival him , and the team had advanced so much that it would be near impossible to get stronger. Inuyasha did the best thing by breaking the shikkon jewel so they could search for many seasons.

Any anime you like that was cut short because of this reason?

07-19-2006, 09:56 PM
Just one question, is Inuyasha even finished in Japan? Someone told me they weren't but seems unbelievable. Inuyasha has too many episodes. All the characters should be in their like twenties. Naraku must be beatable, otherwise what would be the point.

I can't really think of any anime like that...

Eiko Guy
07-19-2006, 10:22 PM
i think seshomaru could kill him by reviving onigumo with tenseiga

07-19-2006, 10:24 PM
Yeah I stoped watchin Shaman King just because of that.

07-19-2006, 10:36 PM
Inuyasha isn't over, well, not that I recall.


07-20-2006, 08:39 AM
I find that the best animes are the ones that only go for one season. But thats just me.

07-20-2006, 08:41 AM
Yeah, the ones that don't have 400+ episodes showing the next level of planet destroying power.

07-20-2006, 09:12 AM
The Inuyasha anime stopped, while new manga chapters are still being released. The anime was never finished.
Also, Naruto comes to mind.

Lilliputian Hitcher
07-20-2006, 09:45 AM
DBZ was a lot like that. Seriously; Super Saiyan 3? Morons.


I find that the best animes are the ones that only go for one season. But thats just me the opinion of awesome people.

Markus. D
07-20-2006, 11:21 AM
DBZ and its Super Saiyan 10 >_>

07-20-2006, 12:27 PM
DBZ was a lot like that. Seriously; Super Saiyan 3? Morons.


I find that the best animes are the ones that only go for one season. But thats just me the opinion of awesome people.

Espicially when it was a MAJOR plot point a few story arcs back that only one other Saiyan had achieved Super Saiyan status. Yet in the arc you're refering to, almost any of the people with saiyan blood can do it, on command and with mulitple levels? Personally I think they should have stopped with Frieza.

07-20-2006, 03:51 PM
InuYasha anime finished in Japan in 2004 after 167 episodes. It was cut short because apparently an important part of the staff couldn't work on the show anymore.
Some action anime are only designed to run for one or two seasons (13 or 26 episodes), but those tend to be the ones that are not based off of Manga. I can't think of any that were cut short, but I can think of at least one that went on longer than originally planned.

Toriyama planned to end the 'Dragonball' storyline with Goku becoming the 'True Super Saiyan' and defeating Frieza, but fans/executives demanded more. The result is a somewhat diluted continuation of the series that went on for several years longer than intended.

Moon Rabbits
07-20-2006, 03:52 PM
I find that the best animes are the ones that only go for one season. But thats just me the opinion of awesome people.

Yes! I am awesome.

The only time I've seen a 200+ anime I've wanted to watch all of is Sailor Moon.

07-20-2006, 08:16 PM
Toriyama planned to end the 'Dragonball' storyline with Goku becoming the 'True Super Saiyan' and defeating Frieza, but fans/executives demanded more. The result is a somewhat diluted continuation of the series that went on for several years longer than intended.

And resulted in a spin-off where a SSJ could turn level 4 and still not be the strongest being in the universe....

07-20-2006, 08:26 PM
I have trouble being dedicated to watching a 26-episode series. Having to sit through and be attentive to 100+ episodes would drive me nuts.

07-20-2006, 09:08 PM
I have trouble being dedicated to watching a 26-episode series. Having to sit through and be attentive to 100+ episodes would drive me nuts.

Quoted for truth. It really depends on the anime.

07-20-2006, 11:59 PM
And resulted in a spin-off where a SSJ could turn level 4 and still not be the strongest being in the universe....
Does that stand for Super Saiyan Jackass?

I agree that any and all Anime should end after one season. But that doesn't mean the concept needs to end. Why do people have such a problem with Spin-offs that producers tend to avoid them, instead choosing to cram more episodes into more seasons of their now very old show which makes it seem like an old man fighting his retirement.

People asked for a second season of Wolf's Rain. The concept of a timeloop completely destroys any hope of this ever happening. Fortunately, I don't believe in the infinite timeloop thing. The timeloop effect wasn't a natural occurrence and Kiba's story obviously didn't literally start as he walked into town, so the Timeloop can't possibly continue on indefinitely. Eventually, the character's would start to feel a sense of Deja Vu, memories would occur. They'd figure out what was going on before the crap could happen all over again. Season two wouldn't have to be about the second loop. It could be about the fiftieth loop, where Kiba and friends start to subtly do things a little differently.
More importantly though, Wolf's Rain doesn't have to be isolated to Wolf's Rain. An entirely separate world/dimension/reality could be forged for the telling of a new Wolf's Rain story. Just because the creators are too damned stubborn to give fans what they want . . .

Tangent averted . . . anyway, I've personally forged a spin-off of Dragon Ball. Since the Dragon Balls, Shenron, and Goku are all gone, I decided to create my own series . . . damn am I glad the Dragon Balls are gone. Now people can die permanently . . . mwaha. My show only has about two seasons. I haven't actually scripted anything yet because it's hard to think up two seasons worth of dialogue . . .

I'm gonna stop typing now . . .

07-21-2006, 01:33 AM
DBZ's plotline was the same all throughout the series. Some new tough guy wants to blow up the Earth, or has something to do with harming humans, and one of the Saiyans, mainly Goku discovers a way to power up to another SS level to defeat the enemy. Man, it just ran for way too damn long. It was like a bad soap opera, where they dragged out the drama so long that all the suspense dried up and you couldn't watch it anymore 'cause you'd fall asleep.

07-21-2006, 04:46 AM
Groove Adventure Rave got cut off, for some reason, bastards >_<.

Also, Hunter x Hunter got cut off, then picked up in an OVA, then cut off and picked up in another OVA for 3 OVAs and the series ebfore the plot finished.

07-21-2006, 05:55 AM
One season animes are usually much more enjoyable to watch. Ones that just keep going either turn out like the DB series where every character gets to a point where they're capable of destroying entire universes and STILL have a bad guy to struggle against for 50+ episodes or Naruto, where only one out of every ten episodes has anything to do with the story.

This is the reason why I prefer to watch shoujo but read shounen. Shoujo always seems to end after the start 26 episodes which is all I ever really need. I'm pretty sure I would have lost interest after a while if Azumanga Daioh had gone on to show the girls in university or whatever. Shounen tends to go on and thus it's better in manga form. As each new volume comes out, you have the luxury of just flipping through the previous ones and getting back up to speed.

Elite Lord Sigma
07-24-2006, 09:09 AM
I don't care how long an animé runs, as long as the plot line doesn't get overly repetitive. If it lasts only a season, but it had a great story, I won't feel cheated. But it if it feels like there's still something missing after it ends, that's when I feel extensions are needed. I think the reason why some of them go on for longer periods of time is because the producers don't want the fans to feel cheated for the show being too short.

07-24-2006, 09:19 AM
Cowboy Bebop and Trigun are the only animes that went on for only a season that I liked. I started strong, ended strong, and just was good overall.

07-24-2006, 09:41 AM
Also, Naruto comes to mind.
Naruto went for more than 1 season... Didn't it?

Cowboy Bebop and Trigun are the only animes that went on for only a season that I liked. I started strong, ended strong, and just was good overall.
I'm in love with Cowboy Bebop.

Azure Chrysanthemum
07-24-2006, 10:00 AM
I support an anime going as many seasons as are required to tell the story with as little filler (see: none or next to none) as possible. One of the things that's irritating me about Bleach is the current filler arc. I'd far prefer an anime stop showing until the manga catch up than them to add filler, it just tends to cheapen the anime overall.

And on that vein, it annoys me even more when the manga is sufficiently ahead but filler is still happening (I'm looking at you, Tsubasa Chronicle).

Nakor TheBlue Rider
07-26-2006, 12:08 PM
i dont think EVERY anime should end after 1 season, i was dissapointed to hear the Ghost in the Shell series only had 2 seasons.

but i can see how 1 season would be enough to tell some stories.

especially in anime's that dont require character to charge up for 3 and 1/2 episodes to launch some kind of super energy ball that never really ends up doing any good **COUGH**Dragon Ball Series**COUGH**

Markus. D
07-26-2006, 01:45 PM
or an Anime with a plot.... that never quite gets there, thus making it a longly strung out quest of randomness... Like Pokemon.

thats why I dont compare Digimon to Pokemon, Digimons Seasons are set in differant times/places thus making each a unique spectacle and adventure thats a treat for the imagination and the eyes (I actually didnt start liking it till season 2).

The Unknown Guru
07-26-2006, 05:12 PM
especially in anime's that dont require character to charge up for 3 and 1/2 episodes to launch some kind of super energy ball that never really ends up doing any good **COUGH**Dragon Ball Series**COUGH**
I agree.

However, I love one-season anime. If it tells the story properly and makes the anime feel complete at the end, then it doesn't need any cruddy plot twist so tht villain is somehow alive after they rip his brain out *COUGH*Dragonballseries*COUGH*

For example, Neon Genesis Evangelion, one of my all-time favorites and a very deep and meaningful anime, has only one season. At the end, everything is said and done, all characters are changed.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is, if I like it, then I like it, no matter how long it lasts.

Nakor TheBlue Rider
07-27-2006, 01:38 PM
i agree that if its good that I will like it no matter how long it lasts, but if you really really like it, one season just feels too short.

even when the story is all wrapped up and addign more will make it retarded, i find myself wanting the more...

However i guess it really is best when they let it go with the audiance wanting more rather than drilling more and more ridiculous story down our throats.

07-27-2006, 02:08 PM
The only anime so far that I wanted another season of, was King of Bandit Jing

Dragonball got lame after Frieza, and by GT, I wasnt interested at all

07-27-2006, 02:16 PM
Tenchi had 3 seasons. Universe rocked.

I wish there was a second season to Kenshin, though...wait...there practically is, considering the movie(s)...

07-27-2006, 11:28 PM
I usually stick to anime with 26 episodes or something. Right now I'm watching Monster, though, and that has 72 episodes. I've made a commitment. :P

Azure Chrysanthemum
07-28-2006, 12:08 AM
Kenshin is three season. Most of which, as I understand, is filler that ends after the Shishio arc.

Eiko Guy
07-28-2006, 05:38 AM
i like long anime because i hate to see my characters end

for example in cowboy bebop i want to see what happens between faye and spike after he kills viscious

07-28-2006, 05:50 AM
i want to see what happens between faye and spike after he kills viscious

Spoilers =(

08-01-2006, 06:47 AM
I find that the best animes are the ones that only go for one season. But thats just me.

i completely agree, fillers kind of ruin everything! But some animes are very good with continuous seasons (ie. Sailor Moon /not the dubbed but subbed version)

08-01-2006, 01:07 PM
Anime that are not based on manga tend to run for one or 2 sets of 13 episodes (13 episodes is one 'season' methinks), but they can run longer. Things that aren't based off an already existing product don't have anything that qualifies as 'filler'. Like Eureka 7, it's 50 episodes of original work (not based off manga). There are some slow parts that people might say are 'filler', but it's all part of the overall story. There is an Eureka 7 manga, but it's based off of the show.
Jump! anime, however (Naruto, DBZ, Kenshin, Bleach, etc), are much more prone to filler--things made to fill in the gaps between the official/real story of the original work.

Some anime certainly have more material to continue, but they end in a good place (like Cowboy Bebop). Besides, there are always movies and OVAs to be made. They can keep their new and good ideas condensed to a 90 minute movie or a short series of episodes instead of having to 'fill' up a 26 episode season with degenerate quality.

08-01-2006, 03:05 PM
There is one anime series I enjoy immencely that lasted only one season was "Love Hina". The series ended after 25 episodes. The first 24 episodes were part of one storyline and the 25th was to begin an all new 24 episode arc, but from what I have heard that production company ran out of money. There was still some unresolved questions. I know they were able to make two Movie Specials and that OVA sequel "Love Hina Again", but that ended after only 3 episodes. I wish they at least had at least another episode so that could wrap up the manga in which the 2 main characters finally got together and later married, and it showed us what became of everybody on the show. The Manga had 14 volumes and I hear they only got through about 12 at most, and even left out some colorful elements.

08-01-2006, 03:14 PM
I have no problem with long never ending shows as long as they stay good. It is a shame that most have to filler it up with complete crap. Bleach for example was awesome up until the filler started. Now I have stopped watching all together.

There are plenty of 50 episode series that are good such as FMA, Eureka Seven, some of the Gundam series.

There are also plenty of 24-26 episode series that need to be another 15-25 episodes longer to flesh out some characters and explain more of the actual story. Evangelion is at the top of that list but it would not have needed to do that had it not wasted its time all over the place.

08-02-2006, 05:17 PM
I can sit through anime like Cardcaptor Sakura and Love Hina, because they weren't redundant and weren't too long. (Both less than 100 episodes).

I've made somewhat of a commitment to Inuyasha which still isn't done in Canada. DBZ, even though I wanted to watch GT, I just couldn't.

08-02-2006, 07:59 PM
Has anyone on here ever watched the anime Blue Seed? It kicked ass! It used to play on the Action! channel. I will probably buy it on DVD sometime online whenever I have some spare money. Whenever that will be.

Crushed Hope
08-02-2006, 10:04 PM
Tenchi had 3 seasons. Universe rocked.

I wish there was a second season to Kenshin, though...wait...there practically is, considering the movie(s)...

Kenshin is more than one season. :( Sadly, most of it after Shishio is kind of less cool as the rest of the series. It ended off in the OVA Reflection, in a less than stellar way too :(

08-03-2006, 04:25 AM
Man I love the Tenchi series to death.

But with Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki there are 3 OVAs each with about 6-7 episodes apiece, made over a period of about 10 years. So I don't know how that works in seasons. I know the first 2 OVAs were shown on U.S. televison as just Tenchi Muyo! although they were pretty editted. There was a movie as well that took place after the first OVA, but kinda ignores the other 2 OVAs. I believe its U.S. title is Tenchi Muyo! The Movie: Daughter of Darkness.

Then came Tenchi Universe which did air on TV in Japan for 26 episodes and later in the U.S. Once again the Cartoon Network editted the episodes. This series didn't follow the OVA timeline. It was made by the co-creater of the Original. It had 2 movies that followed called Tenchi in Love and Tenchi Forever. This series was made by the original creater without any imput from his buddy and better received than the last one.

Third came Tenchi in Tokyo which showed Tenchi going to school in Tokyo and getting a girlfriend, but these shows changed everybodies personalities and many people didn't like it. It was alright in opinion at times, but the OVAs were great and so was the sequel TV series. But it 2 ran for 26episodes. It like the second series had its own timeline.

Lastly a new TV series debuted in 2002 I think it was. It was called Tenchi Muyo! GXP which followed the timeline set up in the OVAs but with mostly new characters and took place in the GP (Galaxy Police), same organization Mihoshi is in. It is as almost a risque as the OVAs and even has cameos or small parts of our favorite characters. The lead character is named Seina and looks alot like Tenchi and his good friend. It too ran for 26 episodes.

As of now nothing Tenchi has since come out. I wonder if the series is seemingly over? I have yet to finish seeing GXP and I didn't finnish watching Tenchi in Tokyo.