View Full Version : Life is tough...but in a good way

07-21-2006, 12:20 AM
Ever found a job thinking that it was the ugliest one in existance? I got a job cleaning and rewaxing school floors. I thought that it was pretty bad...untill I got my $765.51 cheak after 2 weeks.

Tifa's Real Lover(really
07-21-2006, 12:59 AM
wtf!?!? can they hire me? its like ps3 in 2 weeks

07-21-2006, 01:10 AM
Umm...do you live in Alberta canada? you'd have to aply for ScotYoung company.

07-21-2006, 01:26 AM
I think this thread would be better in EOFF. Thats just me though. The only job I ever worked was for paramount to be a small time actor in some film. Just small time nothing big.

07-21-2006, 01:35 AM
I've never really had a job, other than volunteering. Which is somewhat sad, because I'm almost 17. (Like days away.) I live in Ontario so that job is way out of my reach. :P Nice pay though, sheesh.

07-23-2006, 09:28 PM
i don't know about recieving huge paychecks ... but i work in a very "Prestigious" Historic hotel .... i deal with the dumbest ppl in the world ... it sux cause i am like pre-customer service ... i get yelled at and have no way to help them ... then when i offer to transfer the call to the appropirate department head ... they flip out cause i didn't say anything earlier ... its like hello asshole-io i couldn't get a word in with your righteous anger ....
i barely clear $500.00 in 2 weeks ... and i am living in an apt with mother theresa as the land lord ... i pay like 200-300 less than i should ... and still i am short on cash like all the time . after 3 years of being a good employee they were like ... lets get you a raise ... i got .30 cents !!! (Slap in the face) i bet if i stay here too much longer ... i will be bald from stress and probly have an ulcer ... i don't have much appreciation for the real world ... sometimes i feel like i should be an EMO or something ... lol