View Full Version : Trance in FF9 useless?

07-21-2006, 03:40 PM
I'm patiently waiting for help in Treno (made a topic above =]), so I thought while I'm waiting I'd just share my opinion about Trance in FFIX (Compared to FF7, FF8)...

Well in short, it's 100% useless =/

The thing is, you never get to use it.

In FF7 you could save Limit Breaks for bosses and harder bad guys just by not attacking. Some people might have thought this might have been over powering sometimes, since you could enter a fight already having 3 characters with their limit break ready, but then again, you only got to use it once then it had to charge again. Sometimes your Limit Break would fully charge twice in a single battle. Very handy indeed.

In FF8 you got to use your Limit Break when you really needed it, when you were low on HP. This was also cool, as long as you stayed on low HP, you had a high chance of getting your limit break (otherwise just switch characters until it gives it to you). It was sometimes risky to enter a battle on low HP in order to use your limit break, because obviously if the bad guy did a good attack on you, you were screwed.

Now onto FF9. It takes FOREVER to get into Trance. 90% of the times I've gotten it, I've been battling random bad guys inorder to get my AP up for my new items, then half an hour later I'm battling a boss and my Trance guage isn't even 1/4 through =/ Hell, I'd say at LEAST 80% of the times I went into Trance, the battle was over in the next move, which had already been scheduled for attack. So I do an extra powerful normal attack on an enemy that only needed to lose 2HP to die. Sometimes I'm not even that lucky. The character will go into Trance and won't even make a single move before the battle is over!

Now am I missing something? I've on the 3rd disc, this is my 1st time through Final Fantasy 9 (I've pretty much 100% 7 and 8) and my characters are on quite high levels, Zidane is level 35 and I've been keeping about 5+ levels above what the guide recommends (I'm not leveling up for exp, it's the AP I'm after, especially with so many different characters which all need it levelled individually :s). I had High Tide equipped on some characters, it's usually unequipped though because I see no point in taking up an AP slot just so I can get Trance during a random battle with a bug with a max HP of 400.

Will Trance help me later in the game? Is there another ability which makes it go even faster? Just kinda curious, as it played quite a significant role in FF7 and 8 (7 you had to earn your Limit Breaks and 8 you had to get the new weapons). 9 it seems they just threw it in there.

I've had one battle where Trance actually helped me (when I didn't start with it thanks to plot line), and that was when I versed Amarant. I'm not joking, that was the 1st battle I had actually USED Zidanes Trance since that battle in Alexandria Castle on Disc 1! To my surprise I had 7 attacks to choose from! I had only ever used the 1st one, so I just used the lower one, and watch it to a crap load of damage =/

And before I post this, that reminds me - Is there a list anywhere that explains Zidanes Trance abilities? Like, I pretty much just saw random names and I have no idea if there's a difference between each one. All I know is that it did a great deal of damage. I looked at a few of the walkthroughs and ability guides on GameFAQ's but I couldn't find anything on Zidanes Trance abilities (maybe no ones ever used them before :p)

07-21-2006, 04:00 PM
Trance is more plot-related than battle-related, and you'll discover more of this towards the end of disc 3. I think it's good they've made it this way. In FFVII you could save your limit breaks for bosses. In FFVIII the system was completely broken and could be abused for the entire game.

With Trance you need to play it tactically. If you know a boss battle is coming up, and you should as you're using a guide, you can build up your Trance bar in random battles, leaving just enough to make sure it activates when the boss attacks. You can Flee from random battles if you don't need any more damage.

As you've discovered, High Tide doubles the amount by which the Trance bar is increased. Having a high Spirit stat increases the amount by which the bar is filled, as well as determining how long the character will remain in Trance.

Saying that, Trance isn't really needed, considering the highest HP you'll encounter is 65,535. The character's normal attacks and abilities deal more than enough damage to make do with.

As for Zidane's Dyne skills, here's what they do.

Free Energy: Attack Power * 1.5 single enemy
Tidal Flame: Attack Power * 1.5 all enemies
Scoop Art: Attack Power * 2 single enemy
Shift Break: Attack Power * 2 all enemies
Stella Circle 5: Attack Power * 2.5 single enemy
Meo Twister: Attack Power * 2.5 all enemies
Solution 9: Attack Power * 3 single enemy
Grand Lethal: Attack Power * 4 all enemies

All attacks are physical and non-elemental.

07-21-2006, 04:34 PM
Mmm, good reply. I agree with a few things. FF8's system could be abused, IE, enter a fight with the Ultima Weapon or something on 1HP and keep hope for Lion Heart, or use Quistis "The End" on any bad guy in the game. I don't think I should be forced to run away from battles just to save up my Trance for later battles though. I agree it might make it abit strategic, but I need those battles for my AP points!

Thanks for the guide BTW. Seems I already have Solution 9 but I'm missing alot of the other ones in between =/ Don't even know where I got it from, lol.

07-21-2006, 08:23 PM
First: Yes, I find Trance useless.
Second: Quistis can't learn "The End", Selphie does. And it's still highly random, and it's very rare to get it before dying unless you open the disc tray, which would count as cheating.

07-21-2006, 08:28 PM
Seems I already have Solution 9 but I'm missing alot of the other ones in between =/ Don't even know where I got it from, lol.
Zidane will gain a new Dyne skill each time he learns a Skill ability. To get Free Energy you need Flee, to get Tidal Flame you need Detect, and so on. Check which abilities he still needs to learn and find a weapon which teaches it.

07-21-2006, 09:13 PM
Trance is not useless because it saved my ass too many times.

07-21-2006, 09:48 PM
No, I don't think Trance is useless. It makes Zidane a really good fighter with all of his Dyne skills doing 9999 damage by the end of the game. Steiner will almost certainly do 9999 damage with all his physical attacks later in the game when he's in Trance. Dagger summoning the Eidolon when in Trance helps you deal some extra damage, not to mention I've noticed Auto-Regen lets you gain a lot of HP back while the Eidolon in the background is using its attack, especially if the Eidolon is Bahamut or Ark.

Vivi's Doomsday x2 is very useful if your characters can absorb it because that will certainly heal all your characters fully and deal almost 20,000 damage to all enemies. Amarant can target all allies with his Flair skills when he's in Trance, which is useful since you can cast Auto-Life and Regen on everyone, revive everyone or heal everyone's HP and MP. In addition, I think Trance rids you of all status ailments. That's why it's a good idea, for example, to have Amarant near Trance before you fight Ozma, and when he hits your characters with Curse, Amarant will reach Trance and be able to heal everyone with his Flair skills.

Although Trance has its uses in battles, I'll still agree with what was said above that Trance is more important to the storyline than gameplay. I wouldn't say Trance is totally useless at the moment I see Kuja using Ultima to destroy everything in Terra when he finally reaches Trance. :D

07-22-2006, 07:47 AM
Two words- Grand Lethal. :D Trance- especially Zidanes- saved my ass soo many times.

07-22-2006, 07:57 AM
I totally agree with Pyroteq. The Trance system sucked compared to 8 and 7's systems. By the time you finally manage to have the incredible stroke of luck by having a character Trance during a boss fight, it still isn't incredibly useful. All it does is give your character a slight boost in strength. It doesn't suddenly unlock multi-hitting attacks or anything like that.

Dagger's Eidolon? Quina's Cook? Zidane's Dyne? Amarant's Flair? Pfft, what a freaking joke. All those do is give their normal abilities a boost in power. If your characters are already strong, Trance won't do anything at all, except make your characters really shiny and awkward-looking. The only Trances that can be considered useful are Vivi and Eiko's Double magic. Freya's is ok, but isn't anything special.

BTW, on FF8 casting Aura on someone will make it alot easier to trigger Limits, and you don't have to risk being killed while you are in critical status.

07-22-2006, 07:57 AM
Trance can be useless for some characters. I really don't see the point of trance with steiner.

07-22-2006, 08:03 AM
I forgot about Steiner's. I can't even remember what his special trick is. Probably just as horrible and crap as Zidane's. "omfg its grand lethal look at all of that damage, it does so much more damage than my normal attacks wow"

Trance is such a waste of time it's funny.

boys from the dwarf
07-22-2006, 08:15 AM
its far from useless. you cant save it like other limits and special attacks but its very useful against tough bosses. trance has different effects on each character. a lot of these effects are stat boosts which is why steiners trance seems to do nothing. i think its suppose to make his attacks a lot more powerful. im not too sure but i bet on a site like gamefaqs.com there's a trance guide.

07-22-2006, 08:37 AM
At the least, they look awesome. (Especially Zidane's with all those magic symbols. :cat: )

07-22-2006, 08:42 AM
its far from useless. you cant save it like other limits and special attacks but its very useful against tough bosses. trance has different effects on each character. a lot of these effects are stat boosts which is why steiners trance seems to do nothing. i think its suppose to make his attacks a lot more powerful. im not too sure but i bet on a site like gamefaqs.com there's a trance guide.
Once you get far enough in the game your normal attacks will do 9999 by themselves, they won't need the help of Trance. This is when it becomes utterly useless, except in Vivi and Eiko's cases, where they can use two attacks in one turn.

Darkwing Bahamut
07-22-2006, 09:08 AM
Zidane's Grand Lethal I find most useful, but otherwise Trance was pretty much useless. I barely got to use them during boss fights, because most of the time they would've already been wasted on some random encounter right before the boss fight. So basically your efforts in filling up the Trance Gauge go in vain. At least in FFVII and FFVIII this is not the case.

07-22-2006, 10:33 AM
Zidane's Grand Lethal I find most useful, but otherwise Trance was pretty much useless. I barely got to use them during boss fights, because most of the time they would've already been wasted on some random encounter right before the boss fight. So basically your efforts in filling up the Trance Gauge go in vain. At least in FFVII and FFVIII this is not the case.

Yeah, this is my arguement. Also, it fills up so slowly. I'm about to enter the Sand Palace and I'm getting some extra AP's from the Landworms which give a nice amount of AP and EXP per fight, I get hit with Maelstrom which takes Zidane down to like, 7HP and I can't see any visible improvement in the Trance bar after losing over 2700HP =/

Also, I have every Dyne skill now and all it does it deal extra damage with each one, soon it won't even matter cuz they'll all deal 9999 damage. In FF8 Squalls Lionheart pretty much annihilated the enemy.

For the record, I've probably entered Trance probably 10 or so times with Zidane and I've used Dyne 3 times during the entire game and I'm on disc 3, and that includes the battle at the start of the game where you enter the battle in Dyne mode and Steiner comments on it.

07-22-2006, 10:43 AM
What people need to understand is that there isn't a need for multi-hitting lethal special attacks. Nothing in the game has over 65,535 HP. 9,999 damage is alot of damage, in this game. Of course, your normal attacks and the 'up to 9,999' attacks are a quicker, more reliable choice then Trances.

*a spider bites Steiner*

Steiner: Omg Trance!!1one!

07-22-2006, 10:51 AM
At least Trance isn't some kind of OVERPOWERED super uber attack which happens to be called Omnislash or Lionheart which can kill the Final Boss in nearly one hit.

I know why Trance is so unpopular by the players of VII and VIII or others, for that matter.
Because it's harder to use then those overpowered Limit Breaks of VII and VIII and also they are disappointed that Final Boss battles don't become laughably easy by using Trance. They have to use their heads to use Trance in a good way and not mindlessly mash some buttons.

Trance is good, very good. And it's as easy to get as in VII or VIII. Just do some random battles. Grand Lethal saved me when battling Arc. Tidal Flame let me breeze through the battle with Black Waltz 1.
Double Black Magic Flare against Necron (I don't use Doomsday, don't have the right equipment) for a quick battle. And then I'm even silent about Steiner in Trance who can do 9999 damage against Necron when he's in trance on lv 48. (Trance is nearly a must against this God. You need to finish him quickly before he can use Grand Cross.)

Conclusion: It's better, it's not overpowered, it's useful, takes some effort to use and is certainly not for people who hope to win a Final Boss battle with one Limit Break. This all together allows the game to remain at least a bit challenging.

The only annoying thing about Trance are all the people complaining about how 'useless' it is.

Quindiana Jones
07-22-2006, 12:03 PM
Trance makes me smile, especially the first time you see it with Zidane. That's so cheesey haha.

07-22-2006, 12:36 PM
At least Trance isn't some kind of OVERPOWERED super uber attack which happens to be called Omnislash or Lionheart which can kill the Final Boss in nearly one hit.

I know why Trance is so unpopular by the players of VII and VIII or others, for that matter.
Because it's harder to use then those overpowered Limit Breaks of VII and VIII and also they are disappointed that Final Boss battles don't become laughably easy by using Trance. They have to use their heads to use Trance in a good way and not mindlessly mash some buttons.

Trance is good, very good. And it's as easy to get as in VII or VIII. Just do some random battles. Grand Lethal saved me when battling Arc. Tidal Flame let me breeze through the battle with Black Waltz 1.
Double Black Magic Flare against Necron (I don't use Doomsday, don't have the right equipment) for a quick battle. And then I'm even silent about Steiner in Trance who can do 9999 damage against Necron when he's in trance on lv 48. (Trance is nearly a must against this God. You need to finish him quickly before he can use Grand Cross.)

Conclusion: It's better, it's not overpowered, it's useful, takes some effort to use and is certainly not for people who hope to win a Final Boss battle with one Limit Break. This all together allows the game to remain at least a bit challenging.

The only annoying thing about Trance are all the people complaining about how 'useless' it is.
The few times i got trance in boss battles was when I tried to steal their good items, and it always wore off before I had gotten them.

07-22-2006, 01:58 PM
Endless is very right. Alot of the time, Trance is "plot related". I haven't played FF9 in almost 2 years but from what I remeber, characters get their trance due to people dying, importance of battle or just emotional battles.

- Very start where Dagger is trapped in that leaf monster, Zidane uses trance to free him.
-Vivi uses trance when he fights Black waltz 3. (famous image of him casting fire)
-Quinas fat

Sometimes you get Trance on literally the last hit of the battle and sometimes you get it at the start of a boss battle. It's all about luck. (but as endless said, you can predmediate boss battles)

07-22-2006, 02:29 PM
- Very start where Dagger is trapped in that leaf monster, Zidane uses trance to free him.
I dunno about you, but Dagger was a girl in my version :D.

07-22-2006, 02:37 PM
too me trance is useful around disc 2, because some of the attacks on that are stupid like antilions sandstorm

07-22-2006, 02:54 PM
- Very start where Dagger is trapped in that leaf monster, Zidane uses trance to free him.
I dunno about you, but Dagger was a girl in my version :D.

Lmao. I originally had "Vivi" instead of Dagger, so I editted that and accidently left "him".

I'll leave the "him" so our post makes sense.

Jimmy Dark Aeons Slayer
07-22-2006, 03:42 PM
I think that if you characters are at a high level trance is not necessary for example if you steal enough items with Zidane his Thievery(or whatever itīs called) can already deal 9999 just like Grand Lethal.

As for Steiner his powerfull atacks like Shock already do 9999 with or withought trance.Same goes for Freya.

So yes trance is not needed at all at least i rarely need to use it to win a battle.

Plus i miss the destructive limit breaks that the characters from FFVII and FFVIII could use.

07-22-2006, 05:32 PM
I agree with Sephiroth1999AD.
Trance is very useful....well...for me.

Dyne: Grand Lethal hits all, 9999 damage. Omnislash hits enemy randomly, so there are possibility that Cloud didn't attacked one (or more) enemy. This saves my butt from Ark in Oeilvert. Plus, you can use Trance three times, 3x Grand Lethal!

Eidolon: Well, this may receive....er....curse, yes! Full animation for Eidolons and No-MP Cost. If you have enough Lapis Lazuli, Ark will do 9999 damage without MP. Three times = Three Ark. Also, full animation increases your Eidolon's attack.

Double Black Magic: This may proves useful or useless. If you use Vivi when fighting Ozma (With shadow absorbing armor), you'll make him a healing machine, and Double Black Magic doubles it! Therefore, you don't need a healer like Eiko and Garnet, you can just ask them to revive and support you. Equip Return Magic on Vivi when fighting Ozma: Doomsday triple effect!

Double White Magic: See Double Black Magic. This time, its about white and white. : Full-Life twice? Curaga twice? Curaga and Full-Life? That is the world most loyal subjects!

Flair: I never use Amarant, I didn't know much about him but I see Flair once. This will make Amarant a Mage-Fighter. His HP can reach 9999, he can do decent damage and his trances makes him a healer (Well, he's also a healer when he's not in trance).

Cook: To be mean, I hate this stupid Trance even if you can eat enemy faster. They should have made: Double Blue Magic. Anyway, this may proves useful for someone.

Freya's: This Jump is even better than her normal jump. She'll dive on the enemies more!! And that blue color.......I LOVE BLUE!!!! This also give more damage than the normal Jump and as well as avoiding damages from enemies.

Steiner's: Perfect, Triple the attack! Steiner is sure to do 9999 damage with Climhazzard.....for me! This will proves useful at the beginning but when Steiner can do 9999 with Shock and Climhazzard, this is the world disaster.

07-22-2006, 06:26 PM
Plus i miss the destructive limit breaks that the characters from FFVII and FFVIII could use.
Those Limit Breas were OVERPOWERED. Lionheart could kill True Ultimecia in almost oen hit. or was it Ultimecia Griever? Dunno, I just know it makes the game damn way too easy. Junctioning in general does.

Same with Omnislash. Way too overpowered. Only does it do less damage than Lionheart, but still overpowered.

Trance can be manipulated as easily as Junctioning or Limit Breaks in VII. You just have to work for it. And of course you all don't want that! Working for some easy -9999 is too hard to do. Rather perform some overpowered Limit Breaks by getting on low HP or letting your bar fill imemdiatly by getting hit by Supernova. :greenie:

And your attacks might do -9999 once, but to me it seems unlikely on lv 45 a 50. Which was the level I was the time I finished the game. Trance is very useful in those last battles.

The good thing is a walkthrough. You know when a boss battle is coming so you can train your trance bar for it.
And geeweez, if it's useless, then just don't use it. Why make a topic about it? It's not that the people who think it IS useful are interested in the fact that you think it's useless, at least, IMHO.

Jimmy Dark Aeons Slayer
07-22-2006, 08:46 PM
Plus i miss the destructive limit breaks that the characters from FFVII and FFVIII could use.
Those Limit Breas were OVERPOWERED. Lionheart could kill True Ultimecia in almost oen hit. or was it Ultimecia Griever? Dunno, I just know it makes the game damn way too easy. Junctioning in general does.

Same with Omnislash. Way too overpowered. Only does it do less damage than Lionheart, but still overpowered.

Trance can be manipulated as easily as Junctioning or Limit Breaks in VII. You just have to work for it. And of course you all don't want that! Working for some easy -9999 is too hard to do. Rather perform some overpowered Limit Breaks by getting on low HP or letting your bar fill imemdiatly by getting hit by Supernova. :greenie:

And your attacks might do -9999 once, but to me it seems unlikely on lv 45 a 50. Which was the level I was the time I finished the game. Trance is very useful in those last battles.

The good thing is a walkthrough. You know when a boss battle is coming so you can train your trance bar for it.
And geeweez, if it's useless, then just don't use it. Why make a topic about it? It's not that the people who think it IS useful are interested in the fact that you think it's useless, at least, IMHO.

Actually i was talking about Zell, Barret and Cid limit break i like them because they arenīt random like Lion Heart.
And yes i stop using trances at level 3 because they just donīt seem necessary and the fact is they arenīt of course it all comes down if you have trained your characters right or not, cause if they are weak then i admit trance helps out.

07-23-2006, 01:37 PM
Two words- Grand Lethal. :D Trance- especially Zidanes- saved my ass soo many times.
I prefer Solution 9 because it reaches the Damage cap without as much MP.

But yeah, were it not for trance and really really good luck Necron would still piss me off to no end.

Quindiana Jones
07-23-2006, 03:25 PM
I use Free Energy and Tidal Flame for the same reason. I like Steiner's Trance best though. Nice and simple.

07-23-2006, 10:53 PM
trance is never really needed except if your me and you like to destroy your home planet =D

07-24-2006, 01:08 PM
At least Trance isn't some kind of OVERPOWERED super uber attack which happens to be called Omnislash or Lionheart which can kill the Final Boss in nearly one hit.

I know why Trance is so unpopular by the players of VII and VIII or others, for that matter.
Because it's harder to use then those overpowered Limit Breaks of VII and VIII and also they are disappointed that Final Boss battles don't become laughably easy by using Trance. They have to use their heads to use Trance in a good way and not mindlessly mash some buttons.

Trance is good, very good. And it's as easy to get as in VII or VIII. Just do some random battles. Grand Lethal saved me when battling Arc. Tidal Flame let me breeze through the battle with Black Waltz 1.
Double Black Magic Flare against Necron (I don't use Doomsday, don't have the right equipment) for a quick battle. And then I'm even silent about Steiner in Trance who can do 9999 damage against Necron when he's in trance on lv 48. (Trance is nearly a must against this God. You need to finish him quickly before he can use Grand Cross.)

Conclusion: It's better, it's not overpowered, it's useful, takes some effort to use and is certainly not for people who hope to win a Final Boss battle with one Limit Break. This all together allows the game to remain at least a bit challenging.

The only annoying thing about Trance are all the people complaining about how 'useless' it is.

Well said. Yes, limit breaks are way overpowered. Omnislash and Lion Heart can pretty much kill any non-Emerald/Ruby/Omega Weapon boss with one hit (or with the final Ultimecia, bring her down to her final speech). Trance works well with FFIX's system, there isn't a super cheap way of killing everything with one hit in the game. It adds some challenge that way. Just because something doesn't do 999,999,999,999 HP damage to a boss with less than 100,000 HP, that doesn't mean it sucks. :rolleyes2

Carl the Llama
07-24-2006, 05:18 PM
Im curious as to why so many people can say that Rusty's limitis useless in the later stages of the game as I find saveing MP a great idea (you can just do a standered hit and it will do 9999) also to those of you who can do 9999 damage at the end of the game with special abilitys I ask you this: have you ever gotten Rusty's ultimate weapon? I find it hard to believe, if you can do 9999 damage then you spend way to much time leveling up, yes its nice to learn every ability but I ask you this: do you use all of them? honestly I think most of you will answer no because there is simply no reason. When I fight Trance Kuja just before the end fight ALL of my characters Trance so i do indeed find it very useful.

Word of the wise: dont worry about getting your ap just take it as it comes (and if you decided to ignor this then try fighting in the crystal against the bosses)

08-04-2006, 08:20 AM
The only trances i find useless are Garnet's (cuz i dont use her summons) and Quinna's (you can just eat things sooner...wow). Vivi's is very useful...especially if he knows doomsday. All of Zidane's trances are very useful, and steiner in trance is good too, since he's already strong. Freya's may or may not be, depends on the battle situation.

And really...if you have a trance or limit break or whatever that annihilates the boss in 1 or 2 hits, where's the fun in that? The bosses were made to be challenging, and beat using strategy, not blown away in a hit or two. Besides, what kinda victory feels better, coming out of a fight you almost lost only to make an awesome comeback, or just blowing the thing away in a few moves?

08-04-2006, 03:31 PM
I found trance's useless to me in the game. Never once did they save me during a boss battle and I was already doing decent damage by the time I finished the game.

08-04-2006, 03:37 PM
You may think that but I owe my first Ozma win to Trance! Trance is useful if you plan ahead and let monsters attack your party to build up your Trance bar.

08-05-2006, 03:54 AM
The only thing i absolutely HATE about trance is that you cant save it, and i've had some horrible timings for trance to show up, during random monster fights...and the most infuriating by far was my new file. I was fighting beatrix in Cleyra, and her final move that ends the fight ALSO put zidane into trance...what a waste.

But zidane's trances (when timed right) i find to be livesavers, especially when he fights solo against amarant, or when your party fights Ark (well...maybe not so much ark, cuz he's a wimp anyway).

08-05-2006, 04:14 AM
I always thought that being able to save limits and overdrives and stuff kinda ruined them. You're character's pissed now, he should pissed right there and then.

08-05-2006, 05:41 AM
I only cared for Zidane's Trances; the other ones were pretty much upgraded versions of old things.
Zidane at least gained new commands, and cool ones at that.
Grand Lethal. :heart:

08-08-2006, 06:58 AM
What rengori said made sense, you hit overdrive/trance/whatever from taking a pounding, thus you would be pissed, and it would be weird to save that. Actually in IX steiner said that the trance was linked to a high surge of emotions or something like that.

Also the trance in IX just plain looks cool. In X it's just some flashy move, but in IX when you trance...you get all glowy and kickass.

08-14-2006, 07:41 PM
I fail to see why people hate Trance, I think it is because they are pissed off they can't spam stupidly powerful limit breaks (e.g Lion Heart, Attack Reels, Omnislash etc). I for one think it is good that you can't time them to work at the same time thus destroying anything that bars your path - If the game was remotely hard you might have even needed to apply strategy (That's right you heard me).

Edit: I almost left out that Trance allows you see the lovely Princess Garnet in a skimpy swimming suit, still hate Trance? Didn't think so.

08-15-2006, 02:20 AM
Quina's were cool, I think I used Cook to get Lv3 Def-Less from some whatshisface outside Burmecia. Can't remember. Vivi's is cool, Zidane's is cool, and Steiner's is pretty awesome.

08-15-2006, 03:15 PM
I always thought that being able to save limits and overdrives and stuff kinda ruined them. You're character's pissed now, he should pissed right there and then.

I agree there. It's also a bit like the extra strength you get when you're under a lot of pressure. For example, exams in school, athletics competitions, you name it. Think about it, the extra focus or adrenaline you get for that performance lasts only for a while there, you can't "save it" for some other moment. :p The thing is, you need to make sure you're in that condition during those performances. It's the same way in FFIX, you can build up the trance bar for boss fights and then have your characters trance during them.

Also the trance in IX just plain looks cool. In X it's just some flashy move, but in IX when you trance...you get all glowy and kickass.

Yeah, I also like that glowing and sparkling and whatnot. FFVII also has some of that during limit breaks, but nowhere near the extent of what FFIX has.

08-15-2006, 05:39 PM
I fail to see why people hate Trance, I think it is because they are pissed off they can't spam stupidly powerful limit breaks (e.g Lion Heart, Attack Reels, Omnislash etc). I for one think it is good that you can't time them to work at the same time thus destroying anything that bars your path - If the game was remotely hard you might have even needed to apply strategy (That's right you heard me).

Edit: I almost left out that Trance allows you see the lovely Princess Garnet in a skimpy swimming suit, still hate Trance? Didn't think so.

That would be a valid argument if people could keep her in trance long enough to be able to use it to see it.

Trance was a wonderful idea in theory, and it's great that they made up an idea behind it, but it was inacted in a terrible manner, much like most of the rest of ff9's battle system.

And about spamming trances, instead we just spam Thievery :p