View Full Version : Silly Request for Chrono Cross

07-25-2006, 02:45 PM
Hi... I'm using characters from a story I created, and placing them into this game for fun. I'm just having a bit of trouble with which job class their story personalities will fit.

So I'm asking for suggestions on any of these characters (equipment and such) and which class they should be.
I know this is silly, but anyone's welcome to help me.
Uhhhmmm, thanks in advance??
O.o ^_^

Well, here's a list of my characters and small descriptions (I think):

Cailou -drummer for a band. He is quite fast and nimble

Illenia-vampire girl, who sleeps around; a mad scientist also.

Jewel-cupid and is obsessed with love. A bubbly girl who can heal some wounds.

Zync-the son of Dracula and next in line for being the head of the mob. Another vampire.

Nelly-a wise young magician. She knows all magic and is the keeper of books. She also loves to talk.

Detai-Death. And a monk of the temple. (male)

Luthe-merman who can control and manupulate water.

Jimmy-A multi-tasker. He has nearly every job availible, plus he's a painter (his paintings can come to life)

Riona-Church maiden.

Areah-giddy cheerleader type, who can throw pompom bombs

Kalliko-Pirate, Areah's twin sister, but the not as girly

Sparkles-Fairy who dies and becomes an angel (female)

Sole-street racer and gas station employee (male)

Laura-ghost who is a former rockster, kind of strong as well (female)

07-25-2006, 09:56 PM
Didn't you ask this in the Phantom Brave board on GameFAQs? Anyway, it's kinda boring to make your characters using Chrono Cross characters because most of your characters' jobs are already in the game. It'd be better (and funner) if you used a game with a lot of options for classes, weapons, etc, in it.

07-26-2006, 01:24 PM
Actually, I did ask this in the Phantom Brave board.

I was asking this for all games with classes or a bunch of characters.
But you're probably right though, because you can't really customize these characters, but only name them and give them certain elements...

I only know so little games where you can customize a character with a class and such.

Maybe you know some games like that??


07-26-2006, 09:10 PM
I really suggest Makai Kingdom for this, although Final Fantasy: T/TA are also good choices.

07-26-2006, 10:57 PM
I have FFT. ^_^ I had FFTA once... The only problem with that game was that you could not name people. I had fun it with it though.
I have heard of Makai Kingdom, but I cannot find it anywhere.