View Full Version : What are your favourite and leased favourite characters out of the hole series so far

07-25-2006, 07:23 PM
I would like to know what everyboadys favourite and leased favourite characters are 3 of each! mine are

favourites in order
1st Squall because he is anti social to begin with then he becomes a leader who everyone relies on he falls in love and comes out of his shell.

2nd Sephiroth he is a great bad guy a little misunderstood and sometimes you can understand his point of view and when you see what he was like before he went crazy he was a man lots of people admired an anti hero.

3rd Sir Auron hes the best character in X and probably one of the coolest characters his attack moves are great too.

It was hard to leave cloud out but i decided not to pick them all from the same game.

Now for my leased favourite characters the ones that get on your nerves.

Anoying characters in order

1st Tidus i know hes the main character in X but theirs sumin about me that thinks he a total uno what hes got an anoying voice and he is not the strongest character all though hes the main one.

2nd Cait Sith i dont get this cat thing hes a spy he rats on cloud and the others then they forgive him but hes still a spy i didnt get it.

3rd Now i cant remember the name of the charcter but she or he is in ff9 he or she eats everything he or she is from the swamp.

07-26-2006, 05:07 AM
There is a liksey thread somewhere, but anyway.

Favorite Characters: (Yup, all from FFVIII)
1. Rinoa (Too many reasons to put in here... Besides, i can smell the flames bursting my back from all the Rinoa haters :D)
2. Squall (He ends up as a nice person. Besides, he remembers me a little, except the fact that im WAY less anti-social them him and I don't act like a jerk around someone I love (See: Him and Rinoa right after they arrive Ragnarok).)
3. Selphie (She breaks up the whole serious thing in the plot. She's cute and humored.)

Most Hated Characters:
1. Tidus (Good god, what an annoying character we got here)
2. Master NORG (He comes all from sudden giving orders around in the garden, I mean, cmon, he never shows up anyway)
3. Ultimecia (So she comes in possessing Squall's beloved ones for no reason at all? Die!)

07-26-2006, 05:57 AM

07-26-2006, 06:17 AM

(Psst, I think this belongs in the General FF forum)

07-26-2006, 06:30 AM
(Psst, I think this belongs in the General FF forum)

Agreed. oh well, not my job. Somebody'll get it.

1. Red Xiii/Nanaki
He's an awesome character and I love how much of the story line he corresponds to, even though it doesn't seem as if he would. And he's an overall badass.

2. Vivi
He's just Vivi, what're you gonna do about it?

3. Tonberry
Tonberries are smurfing awesome. :tonberry: They'll stab your bitchass.

07-26-2006, 06:41 AM
3. Tonberry
Tonberries are smurfing awesome. :tonberry: They'll stab your bitchass.
Why hasn't he gotten Viator yet?


07-26-2006, 06:59 AM

locke - he's just an all around cool character and quite useful. also a thief (treasure hunter) is an awesome role for a character of such high importance in the game.

zidane - hes a layed back help everyone kinda person. also when things seem there worst he manages to come in and fix them. he basically gives you the idea that you can rely on zidane.

kain - kian is my hero. playing the harder version of ff4 i ran into a problem when you had to fight the 4 element guys right in a row. kain was left the only one alive and he went on to take out the tornado girl and rubicant by himself.

most hated

selphie - i swear if i was anyone in that game or even just someone passing by i would have pushed in front of a train or something.

gau - someone needs to smack him in the head.

edward - crybaby someone smack him too.

07-26-2006, 08:39 AM
*Waits for this to be moved*

That's hard.

Least favorite...
(In no order) Quistis, Selphie, and uh...not sure.

07-26-2006, 09:07 AM
Didn't you post the EXACT same thread in the FFVII section?

07-26-2006, 09:24 AM
FFI: Favorite: Garland: Time Loop ftw.

Least Favorite:Matoya, for making me do all the horrible first quarter of the game fetch quest. Ugh.

FFII: Favorite: Layla. Just looks cool.
Least Favorite: Eh, Gordon? "A proud tradition they refuse to let die..."

FFIII: Favorite: Doga. ftw.
Least favorite: That Goldor guy was a wacko. And those stupid four old men!

FFIV: Favorite: Rydia-witten! :cat: :love:
Least Favorite: Kain, I guess. Flip-flopping...

FFV: Favorite: Faris!
Least Favorite: Eh, the tree from Ferngully?

FFVI: Favorite: Relm! :love:
Least Favorite: Banon, I guess...

Least Favorite: Heidegger. :mad:

FFVIII: Favorite: Laguna-witten!
Least Favorite: Damn Card Queen. And Chocoboy! Urgh.

FFIX: Favorite: Eiko!
Least Favorite: Eh, Salamander? He wasn't very interesting.

FFX: Favorite: Auron or Lulu. I can't decide.
Least Favorite: Wakka, but he grew on me.

FFX-2: Favorite: Paine! And Nooj!
Least Favorite: Rikku. They removed her brain.

FFXI/XII: I dunno yet.

FF Mystic Quest: Favorite: Eh, Phoebe?
Least Favorite: That damn ninja guy for taking that cool hook-thingie. You don't get it back until like, halfway through the game!

Eh, that's all.

Darkwing Bahamut
07-26-2006, 10:03 AM
Favourite characters: Squall, Tidus, Rikku (FFX), Cecil, Vivi, Kuja, Beatrix, Ashe

Least favourite characters: Rinoa, Dona, Barthello, Wakka, Edge, Regent Cid

f f freak
07-26-2006, 02:59 PM
Beatrix-She Rocks
Selphie-She Rocks
Lulu-She Rocks

Least Favourite:

07-28-2006, 04:44 AM
Wow, that's a really tough question to answer. I'd have to say:

1. Aeris Gainsborough- She DIES! I mean, c'mon, wasn't anyone else sad? No one broke down sobbing when this sexy and innocent woman was cut down?
2. Princess Garnet- I know she's not biologically a princess, but she is deserving of the title. And she's sexy to boot.
3. Yuffie Kisaragi- Everyone probably hates Yuffie, but it's characters like her and Selphie that really make me like a game. A fanfic I read probably helped me like her, too.

Least Favorite
1. Kuja- He totally made Queen Brahne go berserk and almost kill everyone, let alone what he did to Terra (the planet).
2. Amarant- Yeah, he's a good guy, but he's totally weird, and I'm proud to say that I never used him.
3. Tidus- Yuna totally deserves someone better. Someone with a brain.

07-28-2006, 05:26 PM
Squall without a doubt is my favourite character. Seifer in close second. I also like Lulu and Vivi. Beatrix is also great.

Least favourite is Tidus. His voice annoys the hell out of me and just the entire way he acts through the game. Also I dislike Quina, no particular reason just don't like the character.

07-28-2006, 09:46 PM
My fav:

Quistis - Cuz she rocks and she is way better than Rinoa...

Seifer - Cuz he's kool.

Squall - He's also kool.

Yuna - She's nice...

Tifa - Cuz she is better than Aeris and she is my 2nd fac femae character...

Leasr liked:

Rinoa - Cuz she's an idiot and MUST die like Aeris...

Aeris - Cuz se's an idiot and acts selfish when it comes to Cloud...

08-22-2006, 10:26 PM
well if i was in the final fantasy world i think i would take out either Rinoa or Tifa.

*~Angel Wing~*
08-23-2006, 12:57 AM
Squall without a doubt is my favourite character.
ME TOO!!! :kaohappy2 :thumb:


:heart: :monkey: :choc2: :moomba: :kaolove: :kaohappy2 :kaolove2: :thumb: :jess: :heart: :jess: :thumb: :kaolove2: :kaohappy2 :kaolove: :moomba: :choc2: :monkey: :heart:


:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

:heart: :heart: :heart:

:monkey: :thumb: :kaohappy2 :kaolove2: :heart: My 2nd favorite is Zell!!! :heart: :kaolove2: :kaohappy2 :thumb: :monkey:


*~Angel Wing~*
08-23-2006, 01:03 AM
lol I was so concerned with Squall and Zell, that I forgot to put up everyone else. :riiight:

In order from LOVE to like: :love:

Rinoa :heart: :up: :monkey:

Laguna :heart: :up: :monkey:

Irvine :heart: :up: :monkey:

Rikku :heart: :up:

Yuna [FFX] :heart: :up:

Selphie :jess: :up:

Tifa :jess: :up:

Vincent :jess: :up:

Reno :jess: :up:

Auron :D :up:

Cloud :D :up:

Tidus :D :up:

My least favorites are in order from dislike to HATE: :hot:

Quistis - As much as I ADORE Final Fantasy VIII, Quistis bothered me sometimes when she always felt sorry for herself, and having a depressed mood. :eep:

Yuffie - I was really irritated when she stole our Materia, and I found her to be really annoying. :mad: :down:

Sorceress Adel - He/she was weird. :Oo: :screwy:

Barret - I just don't like him. :down: And no, I'm not racist. :eep: :nonono:

Yu Yevon - It made all of those poor summoners died for nothing, and it made Tidus go away. :cry: :down:

Rosso - [from Dirge Of Cerberus] She kills anyone in sight, she does this scary laugh WAY too much, and she also tried to kill Vincent. :nonono: :hot: :down: :down:

Aeris - Cuz she's just sooo annoying and pointless in the game. :mad: :eep: :barf: :down: :down:

Scarlet - She's just a bitch. :eep: :down: :down: :down:

But I have to say the character I MOST HATE out of the WHOLE Final Fantasy series is Hojo. :frust: :hot: :mad2: :barf: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:

He did those AWFUL experiments to torture poor Vincent!!! :kaocry: :( :cry: :kaocry2:

Moon Rabbits
08-23-2006, 01:22 AM
I leased Squall for 50$ a month.

08-23-2006, 10:47 AM
Favorites: Squall, cus he's so much like me. Rikku, cus she's just so upbeat and cheerful and awesome!!! Yeah... totally opposite people being my 2 favorites? weird. My least favorites are Rinoa and Tifa. All the guys are all okay... so I don't have a least favorite guy.

boys from the dwarf
08-23-2006, 01:24 PM
squall is great. he's a walking pile of emotions and personality. hes an interesting character and the way they devoloped him is perfect. especially his slow realization that hell eventually have to rely on others. i have tons more reasons.

kuja is an amazing villain. his power and manipulation is what makes him a good character.

i cant decide a fvourite out of all of these charcter and it would take ages for me to think of my favourite and least favourite. FF rocks!