View Full Version : [A] Edgar fanart

07-26-2006, 11:09 PM
I finally finished my fanart on Edgar from FFVI. CC, please. :cat:

07-27-2006, 03:09 AM
I like all the colors you used for it. His head seems a little too big for his body, and his legs look kinda wierd the way their postitioned. Also, the blue cape looks kinda wierd too.

Otherwise, good job. :cool:

Nominus Experse
07-28-2006, 11:49 AM
Some of the perspective/angles seem a little off, and as mentioned before, his head seems... odd. Another thing to note is that you may want to give the lines a much bolder, finished feel, either by making them thicker and/or using black or darker paint/pencil/ink/coloured pencils.

If you were to improve the face and make the lines much bolder, and his stance a little more natural looking, it would be a well done picture. Just a bit more of the colours you have already used, some darker ones here and there, an adjustment to the face and right leg of his, and I do dare say, he would be a mighty fine Edgar.