View Full Version : [Graphic Design] Beginner Sig Tutorial

07-27-2006, 02:59 AM
Here is a sig tutorial using some of the techniques and styles I use, though maybe to a lesser degree than in some of my more detailed sigs. Great for beginners. Please try it and post your results and let me know what you think of it! And please, this is a sig and tutorial I made myself, so don't rip it :)

If you need an image that's already rendered (the background is cut out) you can find gaming and non-gaming renders on www.gamerenders.com/forums as well as a c4d like the one I used ^.^ I know a couple of things might seem a bit out of order, but I think it makes sense lol.

and sense Shun commented about it (very good point) here's some links that can help true beginners that don't really know much about Photoshop. I do not claim any of these, I'm just offering the links so any can learn from them and maybe use my tutorial more effectively.
Photoshop Tools & ShortCuts (http://www.gamerenders.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=247856&hl=photoshop)
This tutorial is phenominal! If you want to learn about Photoshop, use this one Ulitmate Photoshop Tutorial (http://www.gamerenders.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=233627&hl=photoshop)


So, let me know what you think of the tutorial (was it detailed enough? should I have added screenshots of the various tools and icons I used/mentioned to make them easier to find?) Basically, anything that you as the reader thinks would have made the tutorial easier to read and apply! :D Also, if you try it, let me see what you come up with ^.^

P.S. This is my first tutorial ever. And you can find more and even better ones at GSA in the tutorial section!

07-27-2006, 04:15 AM
Nice tutorial, though I get the feeling that it is for those who have played with sigs, but have yet to become overly skiled(rather than for pure beginers). Basically a tutorial for novices.

Most people who qualify as beginners that I know in person would have gotten lost. My computer book says it best, "You must assume they know nothing and to walk them through every step holding thier hand; as well as using visual aids at every corner when possible"(paraphrased since the actually book isn't with me at the moment). Part of what you miss is the visual aid of the tools as you yourself was asking about. Other bits inlude edited photos. don't be afraid to put red(or any color that stands off) circles or marks at the places you want thier attention to be. This will help your explaination of what the effect did.

Basically what happens is that a full tutorial for someone new to the scene(which is what I see a beginner as[there are of course lvls of beginners, the green ones and the vetrens, and there is a big gap of knowledge difference there]) requires a lot of effort and time to be put in.

Anyways, I know I get anal about amount of detail in a tutorial(and I hate myself cause I cut corners when I shouldn't); however, you did ask for some critique on it so there you go.

Now, for someone who knows a bit about playing with images and has enough knowledge to understand everything without having thier hands held(whether it is a veteran beginner, a novice, or a very ambitious and innovative beginner) this is a real cool tutorial.

07-27-2006, 04:39 AM
Thanks, I actually found that critique very helpful. I'll admit I did cut some corners on this one mostly because I was just waiting for my xbox back so I could play and did this during those 2 hours.

And yeah, it'd be smarter to say it's for novices than beginners, but generally I class them in the same category, just cause that's me :) Hehe, I didn't even think of adding the red to the actual tutorial, though when I've explained over AIM or MSN I have done that before to point specific things out ^.^ Maybe I should try making a tutorial that describes all the stuff I didn't go into with icons and tools.... though actually, I have seen a very thorough one before, I'ma see if I can find the link for it :D **Edit: I found those tuts and added them to the top of my first post. They are NOT mine! So don't give me credit, I'm just linking so others can learn from them

So really, thank you very much ^.^

07-27-2006, 05:38 AM
I think it's kind of advanced, really.

07-27-2006, 09:35 PM
I guess I've just been doing this style so long that I haven't realized it's not really beginner/novice level. But I attempted to do the way I used to long ago and I just couldn't because it looked so bad! lol :D