View Full Version : Rinoa's Angelo Limit

07-29-2006, 06:14 PM
I was wondering if there is any possible way to forget Angelo Cannon? If I got rid of that, then I could make her use Invincible Moon and Wishing Star very easily, since I didn't learn any of Angelo's tricks except for the last two. The only ones I need to get rid of are the default ones.

I know I've read guides saying that you can't forget tricks, but perhaps there is a Gameshark code for it? If there is I haven't been able to find one. I was hoping that you guys might have an idea?

07-29-2006, 06:19 PM
i played eight many times and i uaslly use rinoa but out of all the times iv tryed i aint been able to get reed of it:mad2:

Jimmy Dark Aeons Slayer
07-29-2006, 08:19 PM
If you learn those limit breaks there is no way to forget them, unless the good old restart game:( Thatīs way people just donīt allow Angelo to learn those limits...

Laugh at face of Danger
07-29-2006, 09:04 PM
Yeah, Angelo Rush and Angelo Cannon are a nightmare, especially Rush because if you're trying to find some item using search... *tears hair out* it's a massive pain.

07-29-2006, 09:16 PM
its weird whenever i use Rinoa.... sometimes when she gets attacked, Angelo randomly comes and just attacks.... i really dont know how the little annoying but sute dog just comes sometimes..... help plz

Laugh at face of Danger
07-29-2006, 09:21 PM

It's randomised that Angelo appears, normally he appears when all atb gauges are left alone and no one fights. Basically Angelo can appear at random to use either:
* Angelo Search
* Angelo Strike
* Angelo Rush, provided you've learnt these techniques

Don't worry about it. It's the same as with Gilgamesh/Odin, except he's a little more helpful. hope it was useful :)

07-29-2006, 10:23 PM
Will Rinoa ever use Search or Strike as her Limit? Because if Search and Strike occur randomly like Rush does and not waste a Limit turn, then I'll learn them. I only have a problem with Cannon because she uses it instead of Invincible Moon and Wishing Star sometimes.

07-31-2006, 12:11 PM
Correct me if i'm wrong but i'm pretty sure strike isn't random, it can only be activated using Rinoa's Combine Limit Break. Same goes for Cannon, Invinsible Moon and Wishing Star. The random ones are Rush, Search and Reverse...I think...like i said, correct me if I'm wrong.

07-31-2006, 12:44 PM
Angelo Reverse happens if you're KO
Angelo Recover happens if you're low HP
Angelo Rush happens when you get hit
Angelo Search just happens

Angelo Cannon (Hits all)
Angelo Strikes (Hits one)
Wishing Star (Multiple Hit)
Invinsible Moon (Holy War)

Meaning, you can learn every ability except Strike if you want more chances of getting better random skills.
If Rinoa would just have Wishing Star & Invinsible Moon, she'd be too Powerful.

BTW: if you are trying Angelo Search just to get items, it'll take years before you go anyway near godly. (You have more chances of dying of old age before that happens)
The only TRUE way is:
1- Chocobo RPG
2- CC Card Club. (Card Refining)
3- Devour

Good Luck!