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View Full Version : wallmart skateboard

07-31-2006, 09:14 PM
i just got a skateboard at wallmart and i cant do any thing with it was i ripped of or do i suck :cry: ? (i spend $10.00 on it.)

Bart's Friend Milhouse
07-31-2006, 09:36 PM
You didn't get ripped off. Just cos you suck at sk8boarding doesn't mean the blasted thing is broken. Seriously $10 roughly is £5-6 I wouldn't mind having it for that amount

Dark Angel From Heaven
07-31-2006, 09:38 PM
i used to know how to skatebored cant no more :cry: been so long forgot how.

07-31-2006, 09:39 PM
Paying $10 for a skateboard means you didn't get one of particularly high quality, but even if you bought a completely custom $200 board, it still doesn't mean you can immediately go out and do the best tricks in the world. A $10 board is good for you to explore and learn tricks and see if skateboarding is something you really want to do seriously or just a passing thing without worrying too much about spending a lot of money.

So yeah. Practice makes perfect, basically.

07-31-2006, 09:43 PM
Well its 50/50 i think good quality skateboards are supposed to be light and that helps you do the tricks >.<
But if you suck o well just practice more :p
;you will get it soon enough .

07-31-2006, 09:45 PM
one of the wheels got stuck for no apparent reason ive had it for two days and my old skateboard i could actually kickflip on :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:

07-31-2006, 09:47 PM
You bought it from wal*mart. You Mariked there. It will directly turn the best border into the worst - no matter what. My 2 year old daughter could out skate Tony Hawk if he bought a scateboard from Wal-mart and she was given a stick of chewing gum... I have never had luck with anything that is cheap. There is a reason it is so cheap.

Also, if you were only good on one board, changing from your old board to one that is 5million times better (quality wise) will still affect your skate. You minimise this by constantly switching up boards and using different board styles.

Best of luck

07-31-2006, 10:14 PM
Don't get a skate board from WalMart. They suck eggs. Get one from ccs (http://www.ccs.com/).

I Took the Red Pill
07-31-2006, 11:21 PM
If you're tight on money buy a Mini-Logo deck, they're cheaper than most other decks and they're really really good boards. A complete skateboard (with a Mini-Logo deck) would run you a little over $100, but you're not going to learn much on a WalMart board. I suggest investing now. Plus, wheels and trucks don't need to be replaced nearly as often as decks do, so they'll last you a while.

07-31-2006, 11:42 PM
If you bought anything from Wal*Mart, you can pretty much rest assured you've been ripped off.

Threads like this don't belong in the Lounge, please read the forum description before making a new thread.

07-31-2006, 11:45 PM
Congratulations. You bought a $10 skateboard and you received a $10 skateboard.

08-01-2006, 01:46 AM
If you bought anything from Wal*Mart, you can pretty much rest assured you've been ripped off.

Threads like this don't belong in the Lounge, please read the forum description before making a new thread.
they sell pretty high quality splenda, for shya.

08-01-2006, 05:35 AM
If you bought anything from Wal*Mart, you can pretty much rest assured you've been ripped off.

Threads like this don't belong in the Lounge, please read the forum description before making a new thread.
they sell pretty high quality splenda, for shya.

You mean spledna as in overpriced fake sugar?

08-01-2006, 08:24 AM
You said you could kickflip on your old board well why not just buy another one of them

Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World
08-01-2006, 08:27 AM
$200 for a new complete? Where do you guys shop? I can get one for $95 easy. And it would be just as good as any other complete. Of course, I only skate blanks, so...

Yeah, you got ripped. Go buy yourself a real board if you want to skate. You won't be able to do anything with one of those. The decks are too heavy, the bearings are crap, the wheels are crap. The trucks are crap-ish. Luckily, trucks aren't to important to skate, so long as you have them. But yeah, go get a real skateboard.