View Full Version : who is aris or whatever HELP!!!!!!

08-06-2006, 08:46 PM
who is aris i have not played the game yet i have olny seen the movie someone help plzzzzzzz i want to know:confused: what does she have to do with cloud and tifa any info is useful plz help me

08-06-2006, 08:48 PM
Wasn't there a thread like this that got closed? Or am I going crazy?

Anyway, play the game. I don't have any idea why you'd watch a sequel to the game without playing the game first.

08-06-2006, 09:15 PM
Aeris is a character from Final Fantasy VII Cloud met in an old church. She was a flower girl who grew flowers inside the church. In Advent Children there is a battle between Loz and Tifa in the the same church. Aeris was also playable in VII as a white mage (which means she healed other characters) before her death. She was killed by the main villian, Sephiroth. Who is featured for a short time in Advent Children. Aeris was also of ancient descent, but you'd have to play the game to understand what I mean when I say ancient. At the end of Advent Children you saw Aeris and Zack ( a non playabale character who was friends with Cloud before he died). Aeris loved Zack, that's why you seem them together. I really suggest playing the game though if you are interested enough in knowing the characters and storyline. It's all very interesting, and much more in depth then how I worded it.

boys from the dwarf
08-06-2006, 10:00 PM
get the game. its among the best FFs (thats just my opinion. who know. it may even be your favourite.) and i dont see how you can call yourself cloud-freak without playing FF7. theres so much youve missed by not playing the game and so much that will make more sense. watching FF7: advent children before playing FF7 isnt too good and the game will help.

08-06-2006, 10:21 PM
If you don't feel like buying the game, watch the FFVII Reminisce that's on the DVD.

08-06-2006, 10:37 PM
i cant find the game anywhere can yall help me

08-07-2006, 09:59 AM
I am the same i have not played FF7 but via various sources i no what happens in FF7, and i can only find the game in Gamestation and its 25 Pounds!(thats like 33 dollars isent it) Which for a ps1 game is ludacris!

And oh it was pre-owned with like the box broken

08-10-2006, 09:28 AM
I was able to find FFVII new for a little under $20 by going to Amazon. Maybe the price has raised by now, but that's what I found it at. If that fails, just go to Google and type in FFVII. I guarantee you that somebody well be selling a new copy of the game for around $20.

08-10-2006, 02:17 PM
Anything above that is just ripping you off. Search around in used game stores, some prices online can go to $50 or more, for some reason.

Shadow Masamune
08-10-2006, 02:19 PM
I was able to find FFVII new for a little under $20 by going to Amazon. Maybe the price has raised by now, but that's what I found it at. If that fails, just go to Google and type in FFVII. I guarantee you that somebody well be selling a new copy of the game for around $20.

I got mine for computer for 10 dollars about in '02

Tifa's best friend
08-12-2006, 08:15 AM
hehe, Cloud is inlove wit aeris at least i know that.:D they met on the streets of Midgar when she was selling flowers. then she died, lol.

08-12-2006, 08:20 AM
i cant find the game anywhere can yall help me
Well if you live in the States then I suggest going online to gamestop.com and typing in Final Fantasy VII in the search engine. Then go to that page and scroll down where it says enter zip code. Enter it and another page (pop-up) will come up saying where FFVII is located in areas close by to you. I'm sure you'll find somewhere near that has it.

08-12-2006, 01:49 PM
Yes, watching a direct sequel to anything without first having played or seen the prequel, is very silly.

Pure Aerisbeauty7
08-13-2006, 04:58 AM
Aeris is a flower girl that Cloud met at a church. She is one of the Cetra of the Ancients. Later on, Sephiroth, also a Cetra wanted to use the Black Materia to summon Meteor to stop Aeris from helping to save the world. Sephiroth killed Aeris to stop her from summoning Holy. Within Final Fantasy 7, Aeris is a white mage and she can cast healing and protecting magic. In Advent Children, Aeris came to help Cloud with his thoughts and help him feel better.

08-13-2006, 07:29 AM
Aeris is a flower girl that Cloud met at a church. She is one of the Cetra of the Ancients. Later on, Sephiroth, also a Cetra

No. Bad monkey. Sephiroth has nothing Cetra about him. Jenova was not his mother, nor was Jenova an ancient.

08-13-2006, 08:01 AM
Aeris? Gee, I've beaten the game plenty of times, but that name doesn't ring a bell. Aeris... Aerith?...

Oh, you must be thinking of that cat on that dog's head. Cait Sith. Yeah, it sounds like Aerith, but it's not. Aerith, wtf.


Pure Aerisbeauty7
08-20-2006, 07:46 PM
Aeris is a flower girl that Cloud met at a church. She is one of the Cetra of the Ancients. Later on, Sephiroth, also a Cetra

No. Bad monkey. Sephiroth has nothing Cetra about him. Jenova was not his mother, nor was Jenova an ancient.

I'm sorry. Don't worry I'll change it, but please stop being mean to me.

Aeris is a flower girl that Cloud met at a church. She is one of the Cetra of the Ancients. Later on, Sephiroth wanted to use the Black Materia to summon Meteor to stop Aeris from helping to save the world. Sephiroth killed Aeris to stop her from summoning Holy. Within Final Fantasy 7, Aeris is a white mage and she can cast healing and protecting magic. In Advent Children, Aeris came to help Cloud with his thoughts and help him feel better.

08-20-2006, 07:48 PM
I'm not being mean. I'm correcting you. If I was being mean, there would be loads more vitriol.

08-20-2006, 09:58 PM
Aeris is a flower girl that Cloud met at a church. She is one of the Cetra of the Ancients. Later on, Sephiroth, also a Cetra

No. Bad monkey. Sephiroth has nothing Cetra about him. Jenova was not his mother, nor was Jenova an ancient.

I'm sorry. Don't worry I'll change it, but please stop being mean to me.

Aeris is a flower girl that Cloud met at a church. She is one of the Cetra of the Ancients. Later on, Sephiroth wanted to use the Black Materia to summon Meteor to stop Aeris from helping to save the world. Sephiroth killed Aeris to stop her from summoning Holy. Within Final Fantasy 7, Aeris is a white mage and she can cast healing and protecting magic. In Advent Children, Aeris came to help Cloud with his thoughts and help him feel better.

Not quite.

Sephiroth didn't want to use the Black Materia to "stop Aeris from helping to save the world." He wanted to damage the planet greatly, so he could become one with it, THEN Aeris decided she wanted to save the world by summoning Holy. Holy was only put on hold because Sephiroth killed Aeris, and he was blocking Holy with his own creepy magical powers. Otherwise, it sounds good to me.

04-14-2007, 03:14 PM
Did Cloud EVER love Aeris? Dont forget, he took over Zacks live. Became Zack, if you will. I think this is why he wanted to be forgiven.

Vincent Valentine 007
04-14-2007, 05:12 PM
who is aris i have not played the game yet i have olny seen the movie someone help plzzzzzzz i want to know:confused: what does she have to do with cloud and tifa any info is useful plz help me

just play the game, if you can get your hands on it!

04-14-2007, 06:34 PM
Who on earth would watch a direct sequel of anything without first watching the first part?

You don't start at page 100 of a book either, do you?

Did Cloud EVER love Aeris? Dont forget, he took over Zacks live. Became Zack, if you will. I think this is why he wanted to be forgiven.
Nah, more like he wanted to be forgiven because he couldn't save Aeris.

04-14-2007, 06:34 PM
Aeris? Gee, I've beaten the game plenty of times, but that name doesn't ring a bell. Aeris... Aerith?...

Oh, you must be thinking of that cat on that dog's head. Cait Sith. Yeah, it sounds like Aerith, but it's not. Aerith, wtf.

*dies*aeris or aerith is the girl in the pink dress who was a white mage and if you played the game and beaten it many times you would have known that or if that was plain stupididety than forget what i said

and to the topic aeris is the greatest ff character alive... even though some people would disagree with me...anyway you dont really need too use this thread too tell you who she is in the game she is the first person you see and the last, you will learn about her and meet her right in the begining and the love triangle with tifa, cloud, aeris, this thread is just driving spoilers too the game you havent even played and dont expect too see advent children graphics in there or else you will be greatley disapointed

04-14-2007, 07:27 PM
This thread is over four months old. Please do not revive threads that are this old. :)