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08-13-2006, 01:36 AM
I met the ultimate balloon man! I am too lazy to type up a whole thread, so copy and pasted duh from my LJ with bits cropped out:


Wow! I was just taking a walk, and then I went to the Italian Ice place to get a big yummy Cotton Candy Italian Ice. And when I went there, I found this entertainment guy who makes balloon art and such for kids. He was British and he was very funny. As we walked in, he tried to get my brother to ask for something, but my brother is at that age where he thinks he's too cool for balloon. Me, though, I'm the eternal larvae. I was like "Oh, oh, oh! I want one! I want one, please!"

Then he told me he'd make me a butterfly. He was much different from most entertainers though. Most are crabby and not funny, but this guy was a riot. It's probably because he's a British performer. I wonder what brought a British performer to my tiny little town? "Where does a butterfly come from?" he asked me. I honestly though he asked if I knew what COUNTRY butterflies came from (I was thinking Mexico, because some butterflies go there) and when he saw my blank face, he was like "Ah, summer! It makes you kids go blank in the mind!" to my Mom. xD And then some kid shouts out "CACCOONS" Mean kids! Stealing MY question. Awwww maaaan. ;__________; Then, he asked me what was inside a caccoon. I yelled out "A LARVAE! A LAAAAAARVAAAAAAE!" and he said I was wrong, then another kid was like "A CATERPILLAR?" Bwah ;_________________; Stop beating me, you kiddies! I am not dumb! Waaah. ;__; Caterpillars ARE larvae.

Anyways, he was real neat, he made a whole story out of it, which I was captivated by, while the other kids were like whatev. Pfft, you kids! He brought out a green balloon and tied the end into little balls, then he pushed them in so it looked like a little butterfly in a green caccoon! And then he asked me to be his assitance and cut the caterpillar free, which I did WITH HIS GIANT PAIR OF SCISSORS! [/Lev] Plastic, of course. And then he told me how caterpillars go into caccoons because birds were eating them (he made his balloon into a bird and flew it into my face, caw caw!) and then he said fish were also wanted to eat them (he made the balloon in a fish and swam it around, aww :jess:) and then he finally made the balloon into wings and tied the little caterpillar into it and made me a BUTTERFLY!!! :jess: So cute!

He also made this cool little spiral thing for my brother. He asked what the difference between a cold and bubbles were, and he said a cold was easy to catch, and bubbles were hard! He said that he had two vials (green and green!) and one was filled with cold germs and the other with bubbles. He blew bubbles to my brother and told him to catch them. He couldn't, so he was like "Pssh, you need a bubble catcher~" and he blew a balloon out and blew more bubbles and when he "caught" a bubble, he tied a ball at the end of the balloon, pushed it in, and said he caught a balloon. When he had one in there, he said it was a lonely bubble. ;___; Aw, lonely bubble! So he did this again, and he put another bubble in, and they were right next to each other, awww!

So then, he asked "What are these bubbles doing" and I was thinking something very dirty, which he picked on, because he looked at me and shouted "NO! >:o!" xDDDDD Even a random British performer knows I'm dirty? ;___; Anyway, he said that they were married and always fighting and nagging, so he did this cool trick where it became a spiral so the bubbles could be together or be apart! So awesome!

Then he looked at me and said "I have face painting!" which made my eyes light up, as my Mom said, but she said we had to go. ;______; Jess wanted her face painted. I would have painted tiger stripes on my face, or... or... a sunflower! But anyways, that was so fun and adorable. I wish I could have brought my camera. :( But here is my butterfly!



Okay, so topic: Tell stories of entertainers, balloon guys, face painters, clowns (except clowns are evil and horrible ;__; ), etc! :)

Spiffing Cheese
08-13-2006, 01:44 AM
I just read HALF of that without realising I'd already read it once on your LJ. ;____; I am officially stupid.

And in London there was this guy on a unicycle juggling!

I Took the Red Pill
08-13-2006, 01:56 AM
When I was very young (5 or 6) there was this creepy face painter at a carnival. Me being the heighth of cool, I wanted a Ninja Turtle (Raphael to be specific) painted on my face. The thing is, this was the creepiest guy I had ever met. The whole time he was painting my face he was telling me how nice and soft my skin was. He also made some other suspicious remarks. Who the hell says that to a 5 year old, besides a pedophile? That memory is one of the stronger ones from my childhood. I guess I didn't think of it then, I mean I was 5, but as I think back to it now, God. Quite scary. The Ninja Turtle made it worth it though. :)

08-13-2006, 01:58 AM
I love your arm, Rye. :love:

08-13-2006, 02:00 AM
Thats an edited version? :eep:

08-13-2006, 03:00 AM
(except clowns are evil and horrible ;__; )
Tell me about it...

Anywayz, cute balloon and bracelet.

08-13-2006, 03:38 AM
Thanks, guys. My arm appreciates the comments. ;D

08-13-2006, 04:45 AM

He always lurk around in the Mcdonald outlets and I always have my meals at Mcdonald just to watch him shooting people alive.:bigsmile:

08-14-2006, 09:03 AM
Theres nothing more fun than wondering how much of that red face paint is actually blood from the cow slaughter. It puts a smile on the kids faces, what can you do.

08-14-2006, 01:23 PM
My parents once got a clown for one of my birthday partys. I cant remember his name, it was like ZoZo or something xD I dont rememeber though, Theres only bits of it I can recall ;___;

Ive been made a sword and a dog in balloons ^_^

Moon Rabbits
08-14-2006, 04:09 PM

He always lurk around in the Mcdonald outlets and I always have my meals at Mcdonald just to watch him shooting people alive.:bigsmile:

Well there's no point in shooting someone if they're already dead. :(

08-14-2006, 11:53 PM
What a great story!:)

whats funny is that when the guy asked you what the two bubbles were doing i was thinking something dirty in my head too before i read on.

Hmmm.. i don't know if i ever met a baloon guy before but ther is this one guy on my street who always walks his dog and says hi to me. I definatley think he's a rapist!:eep:

Clowns are EVIL!