View Full Version : Site Help?

08-14-2006, 02:07 AM
I'm currently making a website and I made an image to use as the template. The only problem is that the little image menu (to save, print, etc) on the top left pops up. Anyone know any codes that can fix this?

Also how can I make it so that no one can highlight any texts or pictures or right click?

08-14-2006, 02:49 AM
point one) People can save your images anyways whether you use javascript to hender them or not. Doing so just makes them laugh at you.

Also, what little image menu? what do you mean 'use as the template'? Are you doing this a text editor or a program like Dreamweaver?

08-14-2006, 03:15 AM
Maybe use a .htm file for a webpage, rather than an image file.

08-14-2006, 04:18 AM
Well I know they can still take my images and whatnot but that's not my worry. The template just looks stupid if they highlight it.

And secondly, by the little menu I mean the menu that pops up on the top left if you point your cursor to the image for a few seconds. It's a little rectangle with 4 icons.

And by "using as template", I mean the entire image is the layout. one huge picture for the entire layout of the page.

And finally I'm using Notepad to code it myself. I made the layout image on Photoshop and I'm using DIV layers to put the content wherever I want on the page.

08-14-2006, 05:00 AM
Why the heck would the rollover menu pop up unless the link is straight to an image file? Does using div layers cause that? Make your image the background image; that should fix that rather easily.

08-14-2006, 05:20 AM
Um. If you dont' want the little popup menu, don't use internet explorer? Or turn off the option to make that popup? (it seems to be 'Show image placeholders' or something. just uncheck it. And turn off resize images too :P)

Anyways, with image maps, it's a good idea to split the image up into chunks so that any poor souls on dialup won't have to wait as long. And how huge is huge? If you're designing it to your resolution then if you're using some crazy normal setting like 1200x900 something, bear in mind that more people use 1024x768.

People should know better than to highlight your site. There's not really any way you can get around it other than to force people to use operating systems without the option turned on.

08-14-2006, 12:08 PM
Okay well the image menu popped up because I linked it straight to the image instead of making the background for the div layer, but I fixed that. ;p

And now that it's a background it can't be highlighted, so I don't need that code anymore, so all my troubles have been fixed. Thanks for the help.

Btw, no the image isnt that big, it's something like 900x750 and it works for every resolution.

08-14-2006, 01:31 PM
Don't listen to them, they have no idea what you're trying to do. What you want is to put a meta tag in your header to disable the annoyance of the image toolbar popping up in IE

META HT<i></i>TP-EQU<i></i>IV="imagetoolbar" CONTENT="no"

Or, if you don't want to entirely disable the image toolbar and just want it for each of your layout images, you can cancel it out for each one specifically by putting a little variable in their IMG tag, like so

img src="test.gif" GALLERYIMG="no"

As for the right-click thing a simple google search brings up quite a list, though some would argue <a href="http://www.sitepoint.com/article/dont-disable-right-click">that you shouldn't do it</a> but if you insist <a href="http://www.hypergurl.com/norightclick.html">this young lady</a> has the answers to a few of your inquiries

08-14-2006, 02:52 PM
Umm also, I would call 900x750 big x_X So you might wanna consider that it might take a long time to load for some people...if it has any areas of solid colour you should break it up.

Also I think they had good solutions, cos the image should be a background image.... if that whole image is not a background image it means you're using one massive image as a website which is rarely a good idea...espeically if you have text as an image which is baaad.

Although I'm gonna stop cos I haven't actually seen it, and you didn't ask for layout help. :D

08-14-2006, 03:01 PM
Yeah. Its really better to chop it up and use divs. Though I kinda assumed that was the plan since div layers were mentioned for putting the content wherever. But yeah

Flying Mullet
08-14-2006, 03:31 PM
Also, if you can upload what you're working on to your website and link it to us we can help you better by seeing what you're doing.

08-14-2006, 04:36 PM
That galleryimg=no doesn't seem to be a part of the w3c specificiations. But most people aren't as obsessive about having their stuff be valid as I am.

900x768 is going to have a vertical scroll all the time for people who use 1024x768, unless you make them f11.

also, geeze vyk, I'm sorry we can't be psychic :p I haven't used IE in so long I had no clue he was talking about. I wouldn't say that was grounds for telling the guy not to listen to us at all, though.

08-14-2006, 05:08 PM
I fixed it already. Since I converted the image to the div layer's background, it can't be highlighted anyway, so it doesn't look stupid, and since it's a background the menu doesn't pop up. So it's all good.

08-14-2006, 11:58 PM
Nah I was kinda kidding. Its not W3 okayed because IE doesn't give a crap about W3. Its IE-only. And the only reason I know is because it annoyed the crap out of me so I had to find a work-around too. You already know I found out the hard way IE doesn't care about the rest of the internet. I learned all my CSS IE style and then got FireFox and all my sites looked like junk. Had to re-learn everything the right way >_> ... Speaking of which. I would highly suggest testing the site in FF and Opera