View Full Version : Training

I Don't Need A Name
08-16-2006, 11:55 AM
where shall i train up? im on Disc 3, Cloud-61, Tifa and Cid - 63 and need decent materia training as well becuase i just got KOTR and Mime

08-16-2006, 12:58 PM
Magic Pots are always a good idea ;)

Flying Mullet
08-16-2006, 01:34 PM
Yeah, Magic pots and thos little red dots.

Hey, that rhymed. :)

08-16-2006, 02:55 PM
Yeah, Magic pots and thos little red dots.

Hey, that rhymed. :)

hahahahah....i like your style....huhuhuhuhuhuh....

anywho..magic pots are good cuz they give you 8000exp each and 100ap each....they usually come in twos....you will need w-item materia in order to duplicate elixirs as you need to feed elixirs to the pots in order to attack them....the red dots give even more exp and ap but they are very rare to encounter....

I Don't Need A Name
08-16-2006, 03:01 PM
i have w-item (from midgar mission) where abouts in the crater (assuming they are in there) would i find them?

d£v!l'$ ph0£n!x
08-16-2006, 03:29 PM
in the swampy/marshy area. i THINK u hav to go up and to the left from the 2nd point where ur party splits up, but someone else may have to confirm this

also mideel but thats not as gud and u can survive northern cave with those levels

08-16-2006, 03:56 PM
You could easily beat the game at your level anyway...unless your after the weapons..

Flying Mullet
08-16-2006, 03:58 PM
FYI: if you're level 97-99, Sephiroth is a lot more powerful when you face him at the end of the game. He's not that hard but he packs more of a punch (yay copying megalixers).

I Don't Need A Name
08-16-2006, 04:08 PM
yeah im on my second playthrough, so im after the weapons (i beat it at level 40 last time =P) haha ok Bantam, thanks. so can someone confirm the spot where you fight the pots etc, seeing as d£v!l'$ ph0£n!x isnt sure

boys from the dwarf
08-16-2006, 04:53 PM
doesnt sephiroth have 1,000,000 health or something like that when you fight him at level 99? i remember my cousin beating sephiroth with everyone at level 99 and having to use KoTR for over 10 minutes before sephiroth died. im quite sure that the movers (red dots that give you more EXP than the pots. WTH. that rhymed too.) only appear in one part of the northern cave. just go down until you encounter some movers and then train in that spot for a while until you have the stats you want. im on level eighty-something and i have everyone on 9999HP (with help from HP plus materia.) so you wont need to level up loads to get high HP. just make sure when you use HP plus materia that you use mstered ones or else the less useful 10% + HP materia will take up a lot of space and make you vulnerable to the aire tam storm attack from emerald weapon.

Dragon Mage
08-16-2006, 11:46 PM
I always went to the Gelinka to train at a high level. You get 1500-3000 exp and 150-300 ap, depending on which monster you fight. And since there is a save point nearby, all you need are a couple of tents and you're good to go. I recommend getting some Rune armlets (double growth) if you go here. And you can steal Aurora, Fire, and Bolt armlets. And the best thing is, you don't have to use up and duplicate elixers to fight them! (But watch out for Emerald Weapon. Sometime's it sits in front of the Gelinka, waiting...the cheeky git.)

Flying Mullet
08-16-2006, 11:54 PM
If you're training in the Gelinka, make sure to Morph the enemies. Most of them can be Morphed into an attribute source item.

08-17-2006, 04:09 PM
right...i see people have failed to inform you on were you need to go to get into battles with magic pots and movers....movers give 0 EXP and 2400AP for a group of three.,..magic pots give you 1000AP each....i left out a zero in my last post but the magic pots also give you 8000 EXP each so i like them more....anywho...you go to the place where your party asks which direction to take....you send them all to the left...you go to the right...jus follow the path here and you will reach a giant spiraling ribcage....keep going and you will reach the place where all your friends are gathered...talk to them to receive items...go back to the screen jus before you got to all your friends and use your save crystal and save your game(MAKE SURE YOU SAVE ON A FRESH SLOT AS SOMETIMES THE GAME GLITCHES AND YOU WONT BE ABLE TO GO BACK TO THE HIGHWIND...if the glitch does happen which it shouldnt as long as you use the save crystal where i told you...you will be able to load the game and try again...)....go to back to the crossroads where you told all your friends to go left....this time you should also go left...in this room there is a kind agreen glow and a big stone or something and also a doorway....go through the doorway and you will see it is in fact the place you were searching for...there are three different parts of this cavern and if you go out the door on the last screen you will end up back at the place were your friends give you items...save your game then try to go back to the highwind...if you cant it is just a glitch...just load the file and try again...you shouldnt have any problems as long as you use your save crystal in the screen before you talk to your friends and they give you items...
there you go hope this helps....

I Don't Need A Name
08-18-2006, 12:11 PM
ok then thanks guys