View Full Version : Best Group For Final Battle

Vincent's Inferno
08-17-2006, 09:51 PM
What is the best group to have when fighting sephiroth?:mad:
I know cloud has to be in there but who else should i use?
I'd appreciate any opinions anyone might have.:)

08-17-2006, 10:16 PM
I always have Cloud (thats a given of coarse), Tifa and Vincent. But I think it all has to do with who you use the most, have good stratagies for, ect. Once I put Yuffie instead of Vincent, wich worked alright too. Havent evan tried Red Cid or Berret yet, and I never use Cat Sith. For anything. Ever.:)

08-17-2006, 11:20 PM
Cloud, Red XIII, Vincent.

08-17-2006, 11:42 PM
Cloud, Red XIII, Vincent.

Woohoo same here.

Vincent's Inferno
08-18-2006, 01:06 AM
I Am Vincent

08-18-2006, 03:16 AM
Whoever you leveled up the most during the game.

And if you, for some reason, leveled up everybody equally, then anybody would work. I personally like Barret/Cid and Red XIII, because of their limit breaks. (Not with his final limit break though, because it sucks.) Yuffie might work too. Cait Sith is a nono, I love Tifa as a character but I'm not that big of a fan of her limit break, and Vincent is okay but I don't like how I lose control of his limit break.

If you're not depending on limit breaks, then go with whoever has the highest stats. Duh.

08-18-2006, 06:52 AM
I used Barret and Cid. Their Limit Breaks are the best, except for Cloud's.

I would've had Tifa, but her Premium Heart sucks. So I can't have that. Plus her Limits are a little unreliable.

08-18-2006, 09:04 AM
I used Barret and Cid. Their Limit Breaks are the best, except for Cloud's.

I would've had Tifa, but her Premium Heart sucks. So I can't have that. Plus her Limits are a little unreliable.

You'd probally like yuffies level 3 limit break blood lust. Anyways when fighting sehp you have to invite all your characters in three groups. But you don't have to use any of them except the first group you pick. If you don't have yuffie or vincent then you only have to pick two groups. Since I olny use my first group I pick Yuffie, cid, and Cloud. Barrets regular attack isn't that powerful sometimes.

boys from the dwarf
08-18-2006, 10:06 AM
it hardly make any difference apart from limit breaks and stats. its all about materia really. just use the three that you like using the most.

08-18-2006, 02:37 PM
it hardly make any difference apart from limit breaks and stats. its all about materia really. just use the three that you like using the most.

Exactly. Just slap on a KotR and a couple of mimes and he's toast.

08-18-2006, 04:21 PM
Cloud, Barret and Cid.

I find that Vincent's limit break is too risky to use against Sepiroth. All your moves have to be premeditated, precise and you may need to defend/heal and ect. at times.

08-18-2006, 04:38 PM
I tend to pick and choose from my highest levelled characters

Oh and how come sometimes I can choose just 1 group of 3 to fight Sephroith yet other times I can choose 2, is it random or what? (Oh and I have both Yuffie and Vincent in my party)

f f freak
08-18-2006, 04:51 PM
I use Tifa and Vincent because Tifa's limit break rocks. She can inflict at least 5000 with each hit if you level her properly. Also I like using vincent because of his limit breaks. If I could I wouldn't use cloud. I would put RedXIII in their instead.

08-19-2006, 02:21 AM
Also I like using vincent because of his limit breaks.
Wow, that's a first.

f I could I wouldn't use cloud. I would put RedXIII in their instead.
I'm guessing that you haven't seen Omnislash then.

08-19-2006, 07:47 AM
Cloud (I like swords), Yuffie (summoner/supporter), and Kitten Sith (deadly supercharged mage kitty).

08-19-2006, 02:50 PM
I use Cloud, Tifa and either Yuffie or Cid. Because of Materia, it doesn't matter that much since the only differences between your characters will be the limit breaks. Cloud has Omnislash, Tifa has her limit attacks and Cid has the Highwind limit break. Highwind hits the enemies several times, although it only does little damage with each hit, at least when I played. Yuffie can use either Doom of the Living or All Creation, whichever does more damage. Barret can also be a good choice because of his Angermax and Catastrophe limit breaks.

08-19-2006, 03:17 PM
i like cloud red an baratte.

Madame Adequate
08-19-2006, 05:01 PM
Cloud, Barret, and Cid. But really, anyone except Vincent works (Don't like losing whatever materia I've given him when he limit breaks.)

f f freak
08-19-2006, 05:08 PM
I'm guessing that you haven't seen Omnislash then.
I have seen it I just don't find it impressive.

08-19-2006, 06:07 PM
I'm guessing that you haven't seen Omnislash then.
I have seen it I just don't find it impressive.

15 hits that easily do 9,999 each not impressive?
Thats crazy Red XIII has nothing over Cloud and this is coming from someone who loves Red XIII.

f f freak
08-19-2006, 06:10 PM
Omnislash makes the game far too easy. That is why I don't find it impressive. I prefer the other peoples limit breaks much more.

08-19-2006, 07:26 PM
That's funny.

crayzee gamr
08-20-2006, 05:38 PM
I used Cloud(duh main character!), Barret and Cid and easily won (it really matters on how you train your characters).

08-20-2006, 05:54 PM
Omnislash makes the game far too easy. That is why I don't find it impressive. I prefer the other peoples limit breaks much more.
I think you should reword that... there is a big difference in think something isn't impressive and thinking something makes the game too easy.
When I saw you rather have Red-XIII I assumed you meant that you wanted him cause his are stonger which they are most definately not.

08-21-2006, 02:23 AM
Red XIII, Cid, and Cloud.

08-21-2006, 02:56 AM
I think I had Cloud, Barret, and Tifa.

08-21-2006, 04:01 AM
I always have Tifa with me, the 3rd one is random :) I've beat the game like 10 times so I 've reached every character to max level, except Aerith tho which is pretty tough.. :)

What I like best is: Cloud, Tifa and Cid

The Knights of the Round
08-28-2006, 08:17 AM
i think i had cloud, barret, and red, all above lvl 80!! with all materia summons. i owned him compleately

o and i had awesome materia combos for each person all at highest lvls, except i never got knights of the round to be the highest but o well, didnt make a diff.

Acid Raine
08-28-2006, 08:54 AM
Wow.....I havent actually beaten this game in years. I mean, I play it habitually, but I always seem to forget about it before the crater.

The last time I fought him, I used Yuffie and Cid as my 2. Cid because he was just beefy, and Yuffie because I had the biggest crush on Yuffie when I was 8, so I never took her out of my party once I got her. So she became my second highest leveled char. fast

08-28-2006, 10:15 AM
I always end up with Cloud, Red XIII, and Cid.

08-28-2006, 04:29 PM
I remember using Cloud, Tifa, and Cid for the final battle

08-29-2006, 03:12 PM
First Time: Cloud, Nanaki, Kitten Sith. I liked animals. :love: What's wrong with Kitty? Zeromus_X and Leeza ain't letting you go.

Second Time: Cloud, Barret, Cid. Their limit breaks hits a lot of time.

Jimmy Dark Aeons Slayer
08-29-2006, 03:19 PM
My favorite party is: Vincent;Cloud and Barret

I also have tryed the party of: Cloud; Tifa and Cid

I donīt remember ever using Caith Sith and Yuffie for the final showdown.

Omega weapon123
08-29-2006, 10:23 PM
I used cloud,barret, and cid

08-31-2006, 11:21 PM
Cloud becuz he is well rounded and omnislash limit rocks. Vincint`s chaos limit is very good. And tifa for a healer.

08-31-2006, 11:47 PM
i like cloud, red and cid

09-01-2006, 02:38 AM
it hardly make any difference apart from limit breaks and stats. its all about materia really. just use the three that you like using the most.

[sarcasm]Well, sure, if you wanna give up Omnislash for Slots and Tifa's 4th.[\sarcasm] Seriously, it's a bit o' column A, bit o' column B. Technically, all you need is KotR, Omnislash and Mime. First, use Cloud's Omnislash to beat him down a bit, then KotR to start things off. (If you call that 'starting off'.) Then use Mime for the rest of the battle, and forget about equipping Counter Attack/Magic and using Items/attacks/other magic or you'll **** it up.


09-01-2006, 07:45 AM
I don't know about the best group, but I always liked using Cloud, Tifa, and Barrett. Just seemed like they were the three most important in the game, sans Aeris. I did it just for storyline reasons, plus they were my highest level characters.