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View Full Version : Who is The Most Bad Ass Fighter

Vincent's Inferno
08-18-2006, 03:57 AM
Out of Kadaj's gang in AC who do you guys think is the best fighter. I would say short spiked haired one. He is pretty good at hand to hand combat and his ability to go into like super-speed mode and appear infront of his enemies instantly is pretty badass.:radred: Plus his thing on his arm is sweet. Kadaj is cool too but he is way too diplomatic and he really doesn't fight all that much. I regret not knowing the names of the two others but i don't remember hearing them in the movie anyways. Plus I only rented it for a couple of days. Definitely Wanna Buy!!!:cool:

Dragon Mage
08-18-2006, 04:26 AM
The one you're talking about is Loz. The other is Yazoo. (where do they get these name?) I belive that Loz had either Sprint Shoes on or a Time(haste)+Added Effect materia on. That's why he was so fast. I've lost all respect for Loz because of his stupidity (I mean, what kind of man calls someone else a "meanie"? He's just so stupid it makes you wonder how the makers could put a char like that in the movie.)
But I think the best fighter would have to be Kadaj. Loz just runs up and hits people and Yazoo shoots people. But Kadaj has technique and uses an archaic weapon. (though that seems pretty common for an advanced civilization...) Anyways that's my opinion.

Darkwing Bahamut
08-18-2006, 06:02 AM
Kadaj of course. I like his fighting style. He's extremely fast and agile, and attacks swiftly but with power. Plus he's got a cool sword.

08-18-2006, 06:05 AM
Gotta go with the guy with the katana.

Darkwing Bahamut
08-18-2006, 06:08 AM
I thought it's a Souba.

Twilight Edge
08-18-2006, 01:45 PM
Souba's the name of the katana.

f f freak
08-18-2006, 04:52 PM
Kadaj. He is cooler than the other two.

I Am Stoner
08-18-2006, 04:59 PM
Yazoo mate, he reminds me of dante with his double pistols. Legend.

08-18-2006, 06:12 PM
he's quick.

08-18-2006, 11:11 PM
Kadaj. The dudes great. I mean the guy stops Cloud's swing, flips over Clouds sword and throw's it away with his arm/body in like 2 seconds, or the where Cloud jumps in the air and brings his sword down and Kadaj simply side-steps it, and counter attacks?? Awsomness:cool:

Darkwing Bahamut
08-19-2006, 02:32 AM
Souba's the name of the katana.

Isn't Souba another type of Katana?

08-19-2006, 11:19 AM
tsouba is a katana.....i think yazoo is more badass cuz hes like....able to use his sword to fight he is able to jump around all crazy and whatever and he makes it look like whatever he is doing is easy...and hes always like...hmph....which is badass.... hhahahahahahahahahaa.......loz doesnt say "you meanie...." in the japenese version...he does say stuff like a lets play which kinda sounds stupid but i found him only mildly annoying....kadaj has definitely got the best technique sith his sword and technique is always good...hahahaha...i dunno i think sephiroth is the most badass fighter...and seein as these guys are all part of sephiroth they are all badassssssssssssss.....

08-19-2006, 02:32 PM
I'll say Kadaj. His battle sequence with Cloud looked quite impressive, reminding me a bit of Obi-Wan vs. Anakin from Star Wars Episode III. Loz is a brute, but he also seems quite dumb, and while Yazoo is quite handy with his gunblades, he still isn't as good a fighter as Kadaj.

boys from the dwarf
08-20-2006, 11:22 AM
not loz. if it wasnt for that weapon of his he would pretty much suck. hed only be a good hand to hand fighter.

yazoo is good. i remember in the forest fight yazoo runs up clouds sword and jumps over his head which is pretty fancy but kadaj has more cool moves that have been stated above so id say kadaj is "the most badass fighter."

08-20-2006, 12:15 PM
Sorry, I didn't pay attention to their ass when they fight, I will try to do it the next time. :(

Moon Rabbits
08-20-2006, 07:38 PM
Yazoo doesn't need to fight because he is so sexy

05-15-2022, 09:40 AM
I think Loz's ass is the worst. Think it was constantly soiled. :(