View Full Version : Need help with a french translation

08-20-2006, 03:55 PM
Not sure if this goes here or not (sry if its in the wrong place). I recently bought this jacket that has the words "Toujours Jamais" on it. I'm fairly certain this is french, but haven't been able to successfully translate it. I tried a couple of different translation sites, but each time it comes up with "Always Never" which really doesn't make sense, at least not to me. If anyone on here knows french and could translate this for me, I would be greatly appreciative.

08-20-2006, 04:01 PM
I took French alittle bit (then I switched to Latin:D)
But I know that it translates to Always Never but that is necessarly what it means...
French doesn't translate word for word like that if you where going to translate The way they say where theres a will theres a way it would word for word come out... much different... I should know I failed a test translating word for word...

So let me get to the point it is probably some kind of saying...
Like the saying where there's a will there's a way...
I can't help you much more then that.

08-20-2006, 04:28 PM
It means "Always Never." You were right. Why it would have that on there, I don't know -_-

08-20-2006, 05:24 PM
k, thanks anyways guys. I just thought "Always Never" sounded a little weird.