View Full Version : This has been on my mind for a long time...

Pharoh Amon Khan III
08-22-2006, 01:29 AM
A fan film... I've seen tons of fan films dedicated to Star Wars, Metal Gear series, and so on and so on... Some good, some okay, most... Well, let's just say, who am I to judge because I haven't made one. LOL:p

Anyway, I originally wanted to make this years ago with a friend of mine who surprised me with his addictive interest in the Original Final Fantasy Tactics that surpassed my own.

Unfortunately, he died in a car wreck. :eep: (that's all I have to say about that...):cry: :eep:

He would have been "The Legendary Monk SAGGITARIUS, Mentor of Dennis The Destroyer". LOL

I would more than likely would have been "Pharoh Khan, The Black Mage of Time!" or something like that.

I had pretty much figured out how to depict almost all the characters visually so it would look like the game in 'real-time' as much as possible.

The characters I had envisioned were:

Black Mage, Monk, Geomancer, and... I think it was Ninja, but I'm too sure...

Anyway, I was just feeling to share this with you all and wonder what character and/or how would you depict your favorite character(s) on screen?

I hope to produce this film sometime soon and start a new fan-film phenomenon. LOL. :D

That 'other' character was the calculator...

A calm cool calculating mathematician armed with an abacus as a physical weapon... Able to dodge and counter virtually any attack with calculated precision!

Ergo: A Calculator armed with Hamedo, Twin Swords, and Monk Skills. I guess teleport would make him cool too.

I would like some input on the Monk Skills...

Let's say "Earth Slash"... I'm having trouble deciding how this would be put on film...

"Earth's Anger... Running Through Me Arms.... EARTH... SLASH!!!

One idea is I see the monk swinging a mean upper-cut from far away and the earth rolling like a wave toward's the enemy.

The other is pretty much to the same effect except he punches the ground to send the wave.

But since this is a 'slash' should it be like a splitting of the earth?

What do you think?

kawakami Gensai
08-27-2006, 09:15 PM
Most definately a splitting effect.

08-28-2006, 07:54 PM
Pharoh Amon Khan III: Do no double/triple post. Especially if it is to bump up a thread.

Pharoh Amon Khan III
08-29-2006, 04:44 AM
Pharoh Amon Khan III: Do no double/triple post. Especially if it is to bump up a thread.

Sorry love. Wasn't my intention to do that.

The next one is "Repeated Fist"... I've always wanted to use to hands, but I believe it to be with only one fist.

Visual: Monk throws one punch... there is a pause, then the enemy shakes about as ghostly images of numerous punching fist appear and disappear...