View Full Version : Anime

08-25-2006, 09:44 AM
What are some good anime series? I'm not really looking for anything in particular just a little bit of info and why it's good.

Oh yeah I found some DVD's called Final Fantasy Unlimited. its an anime. Is it any good? Is it actually made by SE?

Lilliputian Hitcher
08-25-2006, 09:49 AM
Kare Kano (His and Her Circumstances)
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Full Metal Panic
Elfen Lied
Love Hina
Serial Experiments Lain
Steel Angel Kurumi
Excel Saga
Azumanga Daioh
Puni Puni Poemi
Card Captor Sakura
Zoids (first and second season only)
Cowboy Bebop

While we're at it, here is some anime that people will tell you is decent but is actually terrible/boring:


Haibane Renmei

Saikano/She: The Ultimate Weapon



Those are just off the top of my head. I could probably think of more but I'm lazy.

Also, FFU is beyond <img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif">. Don't watch it.

Nominus Experse
08-25-2006, 10:22 AM
For series, I would suggest the following:
Cowboy Bebop
Neon Genesis
Samurai Champloo

Outlaw Star is alright
As is Full Metal Alchemist (the first half of the season, that is. After 20 or so episodes, it goes to hell due to a failed script and plot)

As for that of movies:
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Ninja Scroll (GRAPHIC - VERY OBSCENE IN SOME PARTS, both violently and sexually. Just be wary)
Ghost in the Shell
Princess Mononoke, Howl's moving Castle, Spirited Away (The latter two are nice, the former gets bloody at parts.) All done by Miyazaki.

Please note that the spinoff series of Ninja Scroll and Ghost in the Shell are terrible. They utterly make me cringe.

*I mention this one largely because I personally loved it. I have heard and found it to be that with Berserk, you either love it, or hate it - there seems to be no inbetween. It's an earlier anime, so some may be put off because of that, but I would suggest giving it a try.

And here are some ones that I found to waste my time:

Blue Gender
Dragonball GT, Z, whatever - it's cool when you're 5-14 years of age, but really, not after that...
skryried or whatever it is
Anything relating to Pokemon or Diginmon is not anime - it's some kind of rendered <img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"> they toted to America

08-25-2006, 11:02 AM
Series(number of asterisks before the name serves to things... makes the titles easier to find, and it gives you my rating on a 5 pt scale :P).

***Karin- I am really enjoying this vampire romantic/comedy thing[haven't seen all of it yet]. However, while entertaining it doesn't have the depth(at least yet) that I like.
***Those who hunt Elves- Like comedy? Very entertaining, but I didn't get much else out of it.
***Magic Knight Rayearth- A good watch, though it isn't anything super exceptional.
***Fushigi Yugi- I loved this at the start... and then it just kinda lost my interest. Intesting ideas something just failed to catch me.
****Card Captor Sakura- Just a classic and a good one too.
****Tsubasa Chronicles- I just adore this series.
*****Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien- A drama that I actually liked(actually I LOVE this series)... that should tell you something(I absolutely loath drama's for the most part). It reminded me of a good book.
*****Utawarerumono- EXCELLENT series. Probably my favorite series thus far. Actually reminds me of a good book.

I'll leave it at that for series.

*****Howl's Moving Castle- Great enjoyable film. Definately worth the time to sit and watch it.
*****Princess Monokoke-- One of Miyazaki's best works in my opinion.

Actually lets save space and say- If you can watch a Miyazaki film you should. None of them that I have seen are outright bad, and most of them are very good(though the two I listed I think are his best).

Hmm.. I guess I don't watch many movies.

08-25-2006, 11:53 AM

Azumanga Daioh -- Amuzing and very entertaining
Robotech/Macross Saga -- Has a bit of a more serious side with lots of action
Gundam -- Most series are good... just stay away from some of the middle side series and you should be fine
Nadesico -- A good balance of comedy, action, and romance.

Macross Plus -- Sorta old school-ish but good none the less
Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away -- Most things by Miazaki are good.

I'm drawing a lot of blanks... but those are my current suggestions. As for FFU... unless you're a series hardcore fan of the game don't worry about it too much. Just stick with Advent Children

08-25-2006, 12:21 PM
Series - RahXephon, Trigun, Outlaw Star, Hunter X Hunter, Elfen Lied, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Samurai Champloo.

OAV's - Black Jack OAV, Tokyo Babylon, Macross Plus, New Fist of The North Star, Bubblegum Crisis, Hunter X Hunter OAV, Video Girl Ai.

Movies - Akira, Porco Rosso, Grave of the Fireflies, Arion, Perfect Blue, Ghost in the Shell ( 1 and 2 ), Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust, Tokyo Godfathers.

Just a few I'd recommend :)

08-25-2006, 12:34 PM
Glad I'm not the only one who hated FFU. Which is sad 'cause I was really amused by the FFV anime. Legend of the Crystal or whatever it was called

Some anime series I've recently enjoyed include:

Last Exile - Mature steampunk airship adventure. Quite well done in my opinion
Black Cat - This one kinda reminded me of Cowboy Bebop. 'Cept it's set in an alternate past and has a little occcult thrown into the mix

Solty Rei - One of the few "super girl" animes I've gotten into. Solty will own your face. Usually lighthearted, but has a darker atmosphere than the norm, and gets really mature later into the show. I loved it

Blood+ - Lots of vampire animes out there. I think this is one of the highest caliber ones you can watch. Though it's still airing in Japan and its a little on the long side. The drama is well done and believable and the action is top notch. Very few vampire animes I'd highly suggest. This is one of them

Ergo Proxy - Cyberpunk utopia gone wrong. Very visually stimulating and slightly thought provoking. Its a beautiful and interesting adventure. Also still airing I believe

AIR - This is a short OVA series. And it's girly. And it will make you cry. It gets pretty dramatic. Also very well done. Loved it. Probably never watch it again because of that though. But I'd deffinitely suggest a look-see

I don't watch many anime movies. But anything done by Miyazaki is a must.


OAV's - Black Jack OAV

I hope you mean the original Black Jack. Those ruled. But I can't stand what they've done to him in the newer series x_x; The look is horrible, and they totally toned down the maturity.. It lost its edge and appeal to me.

08-25-2006, 12:58 PM
Holy crap, RahXephon fans! I love that show.

If you want Comedy, one of the best shows to get is Azumanga Daioh.

If you want Mature Drama, there are tons to choose from. RahXephon was mentioned and is probably my favourite anime. Lots of people wrote it off as an Evangelion clone, but I feel is much more enjoyable. RahXephon made me cry.
Something more recent is Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo. It's a unique take on an already established piece of classic literature, and it's probably one of the most beautiful anime you'll see for a while.
Twelve Kingdoms is probably my 2nd favourite show, (tied with Eureka 7) but it's about 50 episodes long and ends kind of abruptly. Apparently when it was showing on TV, the project had to be cut short.

Action shows are plentiful, and one of the stand-out Action series is the Read Or Die (R.O.D.) series. It started with an OVA then went on to an excellent TV series about women who can manipulate paper. Some very creative things happen, and it's very well animated. The music is nice and jazzy as well, just how I like it.

Big Mech Action shows are a genre in and of themselves. My friend Saku can go into painstaking detail about any mech show worth watching. Gundam is the flagship of the Big Mech genre, and most of the different series are pretty good.

For Romance, one of the most well known and accessible shows is Ah! My Goddess. It's one of those classics, and was recently re-made into a new show with a different storyline. The DVDs of the new show just finished, and the 2nd season of the new show is still showing in Japan and has already been licensed. I say this show is accessible, because you can get a girl to watch it and enjoy it, and you won't be bored to tears by the romance stuff.

There are, of course, tons more. The ones I've mentioned would be good to start on and are currently available in their completed forms (Except Gankutsuou, which has one more DVD to be released next month).

Some notable up-and-comers that are starting on DVD are Eureka 7 and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

This forum needs an anime section.

08-25-2006, 02:10 PM
Cowboy Bebop
Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 Movie Trilogy
Princess Mononoke

You should watch all that stuff, but if you only watched one show on the list, watch RahXephon. And FFU is pretty bad.

08-25-2006, 03:31 PM
ive seen:

fullmetal alchemist (probably one of the best animes ever in my opinion)
elfen lied (omg this is so amazing omg)
fate/stay night (better than secks :3)
eureka seven is amazing but the whole series hasnt been subbed yet :P they're on 42/50 at the moment.. shame really :P
chobits (lol a light hearted but nice anime)
love hina (<_< was okay but kinda boring)#
bakuretsu tenshi, also know as: burst angel (oooh i love this its so cool.. just look it up)
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (currently watching this.. and its amazing lol)
Trigun (i know its good only seen 4 episodes though)
evangelion (only seen 4 again :P but i know this is good)
flcl (fooly cooly or furi kuri.. has lots of names ;P but is a short 6 episode anime that's nice to watch if a little random)
bleach (meant to be the best anime ever.. shame i havent got around to getting it yet)

yeah.. they're the ones ive seen that are worth mentioning oh and ergo proxy.. that's good but its only half subbed so ive only watched half of the current subbed ones.

anime ish fun :D lol

08-25-2006, 03:47 PM
Eureka 7 has been subbed to completion, you'll find it if you look hard enough. Also, RahXephon, Full Metal Alchemist and Eureka 7 are all made by the same company. That should give a hint to the quality of these shows.

If we were in fact talking about shows that have not yet been released in English, I have TONS more. I didn't mention Ergo Proxy or Ouran High School Host Club or Welcome to the NHK, because they're not yet released. DVDs will probably easier for this guy to find.

Bleach is a 'Shonen Jump!' anime, from the same family of shows as DBZ, Naruto, Black Cat and others. Great, shallow action. Doesn't require much thinking to enjoy.

08-25-2006, 03:50 PM
T_T the place i've got all my eureka sevens from: http://www.nanashi-fansubs.com/ only done up to 42.. help on that? :P okay.. found some by seraph.. thanks for telling me that.. i wanna see the end T_T

i usually find pretty much any anime is good to watch..

vampire hunter d was a great anime movie.. despite being old.. and the read or die ova was quite good

08-25-2006, 06:30 PM
My favorite is Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Bebop. I love those.

08-27-2006, 05:28 AM
@ Lilliputian Hitcher

omg.. hellsing is amazing i live near london so its really cool seeing all the scenery.. and alucard is insane :3

Lilliputian Hitcher
08-27-2006, 07:12 AM
The art was forgettable, the action was sub-par and the plot was...well, the plot is never any good in vampire shows.

Not great in any sense of the word.

08-27-2006, 07:16 AM
Nobody's mentioned Fruits Basket! Its such a cute show......oh and Sailor Moon!!!! Fighting evil by moonlight!!!!! Viva la subs!!!!!!!!!!

.......................(dodges rotten fruit)


08-27-2006, 07:27 AM
Dont make me make a list, I dont have time for that. And since I forget most of what's on my other external, I'll jsut list form this external.

Fate/Stay Night
Hunter x Hunter (including the OVAs [which are really jsut the end of the seires])
Jigoku Shoujo
Konjiki no Gash Bell (still airing and getting subed really lsowly)
Matantei Loki Ragnarok
Ninja Scroll
Paranoia Agent
Psychic Academy
Tenchi Muyo! (And all of the sequesl)
Yuu Yuu Hakusho

Elfen Lied
Black Cat
Serial Experiments Lain
Chrno Crusade
Gunslinger Girl
Hikaru no Go
Green Green
Mezzo DSA
Tsubasa Cnronicle
Saint Seiya
Star Ocean EX

08-27-2006, 07:28 AM
My favorites:


Azumanga Daioh*
Fruits Basket
Yu Yu Hakusho
Fullmetal Alchemist**


My Neighbor Totoro (insert any Miyazaki movie here)

I'd post more, but I can't remember any right now.

08-27-2006, 09:06 AM
Cardcaptor Sakura
Golden Boy
Tsubasa Chronicle
Love Hina

...are definitely my favourites and classics to me.

Cardcaptor Sakura was absolutely amazing. Because first of all it had magic. It talked about love, death, friendships and growing up and there's so much adventure going on at the side. So it's not just your typical magical girl show.

FLCL was eccentric, funny and definitely something to watch. I loved it, it's only six episodes but awesome.

Golden Boy is something you should watch if you're of age. It's about this young man who travels all of Japan, studying everything and learning about everything while attracting girls on the way. It's HILARIOUS.

Tsubasa Chronicle - Another CLAMP classic I would say. A show incorporating their most popular characters, including those from CCS, Chobits, X/1999 etc. It's very good, funny, has adventure and has a smurfing awesome OST and you should definitely check it out.

Love Hina - Hilarious. Lovely. Entertaining. All you need to know.

Nominus Experse
08-27-2006, 09:16 AM
Those who are posting FullMetal Alchemist as being one of the greatest animes, I have to question why? I made mention that it was alright, and actually quite good for the first half of the show, but the second half is littered with plot holes, sub-plots that don't go anywhere, character development that ought to be called sub-par, and unnesesary twists and stalling with certain subjects and events. The drawing and animation are supurb, that mcuh I can agree on, and is a constant throughout the entire series, but honestly, how can you pass Full Metal Alchemist as being one of the best animes out there? Unless you enjoy turning a blind eye to obvious plot holes, sub-plots that are going nowhere and are a terrible hindrance to the story, and sad, stupid, meaningless character additions and removals... if you can ignore all of that for another 26 episodes( give or take a few), than feel free to watch and enjoy it.

Simply realize that for those that have yet to see it, they are goibng to be lead into something that starts off as truly amazing, but than peters out.

And I have to wonder if anyone actually enjoyed wasting their time on the series of Ninja Scroll and Ghost in the Shell - they're abominations of two wonderful movies. Terrible, terrible spinoffs. Soil to their name, in essence.

Watch the movies, but give a wide berth for the abhorable things the series are.

08-27-2006, 10:03 AM
Considering that the GITS movie is an absolute abomination of the manga, I find the series, which does NOT piss all over the original material, far better than the movie.

Can't say as I watched the Ninja Scroll series.

Nominus Experse
08-27-2006, 09:04 PM
Considering that the GITS movie is an absolute abomination of the manga, I find the series, which does NOT piss all over the original material, far better than the movie.
I stand corrected then, in the sense that Stand Alone Complex is much more adherant to the original material. It is perhaps more of a personal opinion than anything else now. So, in that idea, whoever has not seen Ghost in the Shell, watch and decide for yourself rather than have someone like myself decide for you.

Can't say as I watched the Ninja Scroll series.
Don't. It's redundant, the characters are not interesting in any sense of the word, the plot and music are, for lack of a more fitting term, stupid, and it's completely... just don't.

08-27-2006, 09:52 PM
Haibane Renmei's pretty much just character development. All about the main character trying to find out the purpose of the Haibane existing and why stuff is as it is. The art's pretty too ;)

.Hack//SIGN also focuses on character development, but it's also very interesting. Definitely something that you want to watch if you enjoy that kind of thing. It also has a lot of talking, but I personally enjoyed the conversations.

.hack//ROOTS Features more action than SIGN from what I've seen, but also has character development. Some of the episodes tend to drag on a bit, with nothing really happening (This especially can be seen after the major tangle between the guilds TaN and Twilight Brigade) and some awkward moments, but I still like it.

Fruits Basket is great if you like romances with love triangles.

Bleach's beginning isn't exactly screaming out of the mold, but it gets better as it goes on. Like said before, it has many good fight scenes.

Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicles is fairly good, with major crossover with characters of CLAMP's other works.

Azumanga Daioh is a great anime featuring a group of highschool girls as they go through highschool together. Each have their quirks, making it fun to watch as they interact.

Genshiken is basically about a college anime club in Japan. Also very funny ;)

Tactics is pretty good from what I've seen. The art is clean, and the story isn't half bad.

RahXephon is weird... but still good :) It's a mecha anime.

CardCaptor Sakura is cute and fun to watch.

The Slayers is full of comedy, but can also make the switch to serious when the time calls for it. It's a bit old, but it's still really good.

The Vision of Escaflowne is also really good, featuring fantasy sword fights, mecha, and romance all in one.

That's all I can think of at the moment. I got lazier in descriptions towards the end, sorry ^^;

EDIT: Matantei Loki RAGNAROK (Mythical Detective Loki RAGNAROK) is funny and interesting :)

08-27-2006, 10:36 PM
Sorcerous stabber Orphen, Trigun and Hellsing are pretty good.

08-27-2006, 11:57 PM
It should also be noted that the FMA anime is very different from the manga. And I know that they do that sometimes, but in this case, it's a bit....extreme*.

*Yay! Surreality!! :cat:

I'm confused...:(

09-04-2006, 07:15 AM
I prefer manga to anime, although watching anime is sometimes enjoyable.

Go to Barnes and Noble and buy a manga.

09-04-2006, 08:56 AM
I'm currently watching Zero no Tsukaima, which is very funny. Its about a guy from our world who gets sucked into another magical world to be a familiar for a really inept witch.