View Full Version : What did you make Ramza?

08-31-2006, 05:35 PM
I don't know what to make my ramza in my game, so let me know what you made him!

08-31-2006, 05:52 PM
I made mine a white mage. He was useless yet sexy.

08-31-2006, 07:04 PM
Knight with Squire Abilities

08-31-2006, 07:25 PM
Whatever job he is, he always has auto potion, two swords, and move +3, and guts.

08-31-2006, 09:59 PM
Squire with Math Skills.

08-31-2006, 10:21 PM
A Samurai
with Jump ability

Elemental Alchemist
09-03-2006, 05:44 AM
Squire with Summoner skills

09-03-2006, 05:52 AM
I had him train as all the melee classes. At the end, he was a dual-wielding knight with either Move HP Up or Move +2 (though I was sure there's a Move+3 ability), Counter, and Guts as a secondary ability. Why fight when you can Scream until you win the battle*? :cat:

*Well, Scream and then tear the enemy into pieces.

09-03-2006, 03:05 PM
I had him train as all the melee classes. At the end, he was a dual-wielding knight with either Move HP Up or Move +2 (though I was sure there's a Move+3 ability), Counter, and Guts as a secondary ability. Why fight when you can Scream until you win the battle*? :cat:

*Well, Scream and then tear the enemy into pieces.

Move +3 is a 1000 JP Bard skill, so it's guys only.

09-03-2006, 05:09 PM
What do dancers have, Jump +3?

09-03-2006, 08:40 PM

09-04-2006, 02:45 AM
All through the first chapter I have Ramza as the Knight class and then when the second chapter and through the rest of the game, I leave him as a Squire.

09-05-2006, 01:52 AM
Well, I usually have him master everything I can, but when I'm fighting and I want to be indestructible, I make him a Monk with Squire abilities, Attack Up on Support, and Counter/Hamedo on Reaction. Usually Move +3 on Movement, but sometimes I'll give him Teleport or Fly, depending on the place we're fighting.

It's great this way because everything that a monk will do relies on physical power, not magic. Even his healing abilities, Chakra and Revive, are based on physical attack power. When you give him squire abilities, you give him Scream and Yell, both very useful for making a fight rather one sided.

I don't often set my party up like that, though. It's too easy. When you bring Ramza into a fight and he's dealing 800 damage right off the bat, you're not going to struggle at all. Especially if you have Orlandu anywhere in the line up.

I'll usually make Ramza something a little more tricky to use like a Samurai or something, just to make the game more interesting. My friend Andrew insists that Samurais are more powerful than Monks, but I don't think so. His lvl 99 Ramza Samurai with Two Hands couldn't do nearly the damage of my lvl 99 Ramza Monk with Attack up and a Bracer. He's just otaku, so you know, Samurai, I guess.

What do dancers have, Jump +3?
And that is what makes Dancers the best class in the game. Jump +3 and its infinite value. Because without it, you could never reach the Materia Blade -- Oh wait, you need to have Move-Find Item on to get the Materia Blade. So Jump +3 can't possibly serve any purpose because there are other abilities like Ignore Height that completely do better.

Now, Move +3, that's another story. Fantastic ability. It's almost worth suffering through playing a bard for a few fights to get it. If only it would've been a Monk ability!

Squire with Math Skills.

Really? Math Skills? On a squire? Doesn't that make his magic really weak?

I never cared for Math Skills. First of all, Calculators themselves are way too slow. You have to Yell at them at least 4 times at the beginning of the battle or they'll only get one turn as everyone else has had 3. And the Math Skills are so unreliable. You just have to hope that someone's CT, Level, Height or Exp is the number you want it to be. I know that you can always play around with different parameters until you find the most accomodating for what you're trying to do, but I just prefer having my Wizard cast Flare on the creep, with Short Charge on, of course. I'm not waiting 15 turns for my flare. I've played a lot of FFT, and Calculators are right up there with Oracles in the "Job Classes I will never use again" catergory.

Azure Chrysanthemum
09-05-2006, 07:15 AM
Squire with Math Skills.

09-05-2006, 01:46 PM
Draw Out (most powerful secondary ability in game imo)
Blade Grasp
Attack Up
Move +3

Ultimate Ramza, what he almost always ends up as in my games

09-05-2006, 02:44 PM
Really? Math Skills? On a squire? Doesn't that make his magic really weak?

I never cared for Math Skills. First of all, Calculators themselves are way too slow. You have to Yell at them at least 4 times at the beginning of the battle or they'll only get one turn as everyone else has had 3. And the Math Skills are so unreliable. You just have to hope that someone's CT, Level, Height or Exp is the number you want it to be. I know that you can always play around with different parameters until you find the most accomodating for what you're trying to do, but I just prefer having my Wizard cast Flare on the creep, with Short Charge on, of course. I'm not waiting 15 turns for my flare. I've played a lot of FFT, and Calculators are right up there with Oracles in the "Job Classes I will never use again" catergory.

Ramza's not an ordinary Squire. Math skills work fine with him. I agree that the Calculator class is a royal pain, but getting the Math Skills set is worth it. It has unlimited range and you can cast powerful spells instantaneously.

Obviously it's not for everyone.

09-05-2006, 04:47 PM
I think the best out come I had was squire with thief skills... I know it is basic, but it worked...

09-06-2006, 01:44 AM
Ramza's not an ordinary Squire. Math skills work fine with him. I agree that the Calculator class is a royal pain, but getting the Math Skills set is worth it. It has unlimited range and you can cast powerful spells instantaneously.

Obviously it's not for everyone.

Everytime I've tried working with Math Skill (and that's a pretty hefty number), I'll get into a fight, and select two parameters, then select a spell to see who I'm getting, and it's always a few of my guys and a few of theirs. I've never once had it work out "perfectly" where I can use a black magic spell on only enemies or a white magic spell on only allies. I'm sure that in other fights I've been in there were situations where all of the enemies were standing on 4H and all of my guys were on 3. But that doesn't count for much because rather than having a guy Bolt 3 all of them, I just had Ramza punch them (as a monk) and do about 800 damage, just like that. As soon as he was done punching them, my knight with two Chaos Blades attacks another one for two swings of over 300 damage each.

See what I mean? Sure, I suppose I might find myself in a situation where Math Skill would be super handy, but those situations are pretty rare, so I don't keep someone set up with it because the chances of getting only enemies to qualify for the parameters (or allies, if it's a helpful spell) are way too low for it to be very effective. It's fun to mess around with, but if I'm looking for a serious battle, Math Skill is just not reliable enough.

09-06-2006, 01:55 AM
I usually play around with Height, and it worked wonders against elevated enemies. Of course, I never bother with the other parameters.

09-06-2006, 12:16 PM
Also if you have a level 99 party you can use experience and multiples other than of three to hit just enemy units.

09-06-2006, 07:45 PM
Feion, try giving math skill to a wizard, and put him on auto-battle, save fading life. or auto battle, fight for life i think its called, and target an enemy. Your unit will automatically pick out the best combination and spell, saving you the trouble of checking through all the combinations yourself. The only problem with auto-battle is they usually move into stupid locations, but other than that it's the only time I would ever use auto-battle. Every time that unit gets an AT, you will then see how great math skill is.

09-06-2006, 09:53 PM
I had Ramza master everything including sumoner. But mostly I left him as Squire with 2 swords move 3 conter and monk secondary.

09-07-2006, 04:51 AM
Also if you have a level 99 party you can use experience and multiples other than of three to hit just enemy units.

Well, sure, but you're likely to get only one or two enemies with 4, 5 or prime number.

Azure Chrysanthemum
09-07-2006, 06:50 AM
Math Skills allows for some ungodly cheese, such as the Chameleon Robes or Excalibur, CT 5 Holy. But generally I see it as a great utility and failsafe. If endangered, Calculated White Magic can save your life, even at the cost of healing up an enemy or two. Calculated Black Magic can win a battle, even at the cost of knocking out a unit or two.

09-07-2006, 05:16 PM
It has been a while since I beat the game but...in the end i had him change to squire..like this

-Sunken State
-Two Hands
-Move HP UP

Equipping a Blood Sword (the one i stole from Gafgarion :D)

09-08-2006, 04:32 AM
Ramza's Squire is better than knight I think and knight skill isn't so great for him so I use him as Squire with teleport (no worry about height or obstacles and little worry about distance) and usually use Draw out skill because of the diverse skills quite incredible, but almost anything you use Ramza as is godlike.

09-13-2006, 05:04 AM
i made him a squire

-math skill
-blade grasp
-two swords

math skill is overpowered turn ramza into a black mage set math skill as secondary, wear charmeleon robe go battle use CT 5 Holy it hits all enemies including your teamates but you need to have a speed of 5,10, 15 etc.. do that and tell me how overpowered math skill would be

09-14-2006, 07:13 PM
I made him into a Monk with Guts. A very versatile unit.

09-18-2006, 11:56 PM
I think I eventually made Ramza a Geomancer with Ninja's Two Swords ability, and I think he also had Monk techniques.

09-19-2006, 12:23 PM
My Ramza is a lancer with Knight abilitys with two sword and move2

09-20-2006, 08:27 AM
Squire with Math Skills.me too.probably the best thing in the game if not for holy swordsman (orlandu) with math skill.of course i put them together.every battle is won in a turn or two.999 damage on all enemies,999hp heal on every party member.that's what my team is all about.as BtV would put it...

...some ungodly cheese...

10-19-2006, 01:27 AM
Samurai with Concentrate, GUTS, move +1.

11-17-2006, 04:00 PM
i usually switch Ramaza around for different battles.. but my best was:

punch art
two handed

my ramaza ownz so much it scares me sometimes

11-19-2006, 07:57 AM
I'l have Ramza master everything starting with thief and that would take like until about lvl 77 and change him into a samurai and have Elmdor's equiptment and have the best katana and bracers just the best of everything so then I just need him and T.G Cid to battle the few last battle

The Captain
11-19-2006, 12:42 PM
I kept trying to make Ramza a dancer, but it wouldn't let me... darn sexism.

I usually go for a high powered monk or else a ninja with armor before switching back to a squire with two-swords. For some reason, I rarely make him into a mage of any kind.

Take care all.

11-20-2006, 05:18 AM
For some reason, I rarely make him into a mage of any kind.

Good. Cause mage Ramza=dangerous especially when u let Ramza master all mage skill;
White Mage, Black Mage, Time Mage & Calculator

Since he is a the main character and a special character, he somehow always heals or does damages more than everyone else. So if u do let himmaster all mage skill and in the end put him to a calculator job with no casting time what-so-ever.

That's why i never make him that even if i let him master everything. It will take the fun out of the game cause he is always doing a 1-3 hit kill, even to the bosses.

11-22-2006, 03:34 AM
Since Dragoons are my favorite class in all of Final Fantasy, Ramza usualy ends up with some variation of a build based around the jump command. Typicaly:
Blade Grasp
Attack Up
Move +3

Works out well because on my 'good' game all the Special Knights use swords, and I wouldn't want the Javelin II to go to waste.

11-23-2006, 06:27 AM
My Ramza build

Maths Skill
Blade Grasp
Two Swords
Move +3

11-28-2006, 03:56 PM
My Ramza build follows the same basic idea as some of the othes, but not quite the same. I consider it the ultimate build, as there is no weakness and he can exploit just about any situation with it.

Squire --------- Equip

Guts ---------- Rune Sword
Black Magic -- Aegis Shield
Blade Grasp -- Crystal Helm (or Grand Helm from DD)
Magic Atk Up -- Light Robe (or Robe of Lords from DD)
Move +3 ------ Bracer (*note* not the Genji gauntlet as the sword and shield already add a good amount of MA, I needed more PA, so I opted for the Bracer instead)

This build, gives me +3 MA, +3 PA (+4 MA, +5 PA if Robe of Lords is used), increased magic power to further fuel his chaotic disreguard for life, and of course, he can move forever with Move +3. He's more of a hybrid offensive support than a heavy armored machine. But, if played correctly he can beat anyone, and will almost never be hit with any attack of less than a guaranteed hit. This is my Battle Mage.

11-29-2006, 07:34 AM
My Ramza build follows the same basic idea as some of the othes, but not quite the same. I consider it the ultimate build, as there is no weakness and he can exploit just about any situation with it.

Squire --------- Equip

Guts ---------- Rune Sword
Black Magic -- Aegis Shield
Blade Grasp -- Crystal Helm (or Grand Helm from DD)
Magic Atk Up -- Light Robe (or Robe of Lords from DD)
Move +3 ------ Bracer (*note* not the Genji gauntlet as the sword and shield already add a good amount of MA, I needed more PA, so I opted for the Bracer instead)

This build, gives me +3 MA, +3 PA (+4 MA, +5 PA if Robe of Lords is used), increased magic power to further fuel his chaotic disreguard for life, and of course, he can move forever with Move +3. He's more of a hybrid offensive support than a heavy armored machine. But, if played correctly he can beat anyone, and will almost never be hit with any attack of less than a guaranteed hit. This is my Battle Mage.
imo,this is not the ultimate build.

1.no auto-haste,therefore low speed.
2.more importantly,no math skill,therefore slower kill rate.

i would agree that this is one hell of a powerful build,but i am led to believe that this is not the ultimate.

11-29-2006, 03:23 PM
imo,this is not the ultimate build.

1.no auto-haste,therefore low speed.
2.more importantly,no math skill,therefore slower kill rate.

i would agree that this is one hell of a powerful build,but i am led to believe that this is not the ultimate.

Auto-Haste is definetly a plus, but if i equipped the Excalibur in place of the Rune Sword my magic attacks will take a beating, while my sword attacks will only go up a bit. I don't know why they don't go up more than than they do, but IMO, having the stronger magic over the stronger attack w/o haste is better...as i generally already have at least 2 auto-hasted units in battle. Not to mention, Scream will get my speed up in no time.
Math skill, although a highly effective skill, does not belong in the hands of a Squire or any job class other than that of a Wizard/Priest/Time Mage/Oracle/Summoner. Even though I have MA+ items, it isn't enough to render Math Skill effective. Besides, my Summoner has Math Skill set to her secondary...and that makes for a truely wonderful machine of slaughter and mayhem.
(i suppose it'd be more accurate to say it's the ultimate build, for me...it has what i want to be sure)

p.s. I once made Ramza a Mime (first Mime ever at the time), and while it took a bit of time to get used to using a Mime, he was devistating once I figured him out and learned to use him quite effectively.

11-29-2006, 11:52 PM
The game certainly allows for a variety of successful strategies; and I won't argue with success. Whatever works for you.

That being said, I chose Auto-Haste over attack and magic power. It's the reason that I choose Setiemson over Chantage for my female units. And that coupled with Math Skills allows my party to wipe out enemies before most of them even get a chance to move. And the survivors rarely make it to melee range.

11-30-2006, 07:08 PM
2ndary skill:Monk
Counter:Dragon spirit
if I missed somthing inform me plz

although that may not be best for some pp lhttp://forums.eyesonff.com/images/icons/icon7.gif

11-30-2006, 07:09 PM
by pp lhttp://forums.eyesonff.com/images/icons/icon7.gif I meant ppl

12-01-2006, 02:21 AM
You can just edit your first post to correct mistakes. It's bad form to post twice in a row.

12-09-2006, 11:27 PM
My build tends toward this by the end.


Punch Art
2 Swords
Counter Flood
Move +2

Yeah, I'm kinda' lazy about getting Move +3...

Gear is usually Excalibur, God Save the Queen, Reflect Mail, Crystal Helm, and Battle Boots. Since the name of the game is Tactics, this build is surprisingly flexible-one of my other characters is usually a dedicated Black Mage, so I have Ramza enter into a kind of 'tanking' where he takes on several enemies and my Black Mage zots everyone in that zone with Bolt 3 (or Fire/Ice depending). I'm certain that most of you see Reflect Mail and think about the problems that makes with healing. That's actually why I use Punch Art.

I find the biggest advantage to the build is Counter Flood, and I am known for shifting Punch Art out for Elemental depending on the encounter. Counter Flood has won me more battles that I would believe, though. Something about idiot archers standing on castle walls shooting Ramza and being turned to stone...

12-11-2006, 05:40 PM
This was my build:

Math Skills
Two Swords
Auto Potion
Move +3

and I have Excalibur, Chaos Blade, Genji Helmet, Maximilan, and Bracers Equiped.

He's decent.