View Full Version : best boss fight

09-04-2006, 01:53 PM
which boss fight do you think was the best? it can be based off of how long it took to win, the number of times you lost, or whatever - i think the best boss fight was ozma in final fantasy 9, because he was optional (That just makes him cooler), and really really hard.

09-04-2006, 02:56 PM
which boss fight do you think was the best? it can be based off of how long it took to win, the number of times you lost, or whatever - i think the best boss fight was ozma in final fantasy 9, because he was optional (That just makes him cooler), and really really hard.

I like Ozma too. He was my favourite optional boss. Other than Ozma, I like:

Doom Gaze in FFVI
8 Dragons in FFVI
Intangir in FFVI (For some reason, he's funny)
Lost Number in FFVII
Reno, Rude, Elena in FFVII
Safer Sephiroth in FFVII (I just like the theme, Sephiroth sucks)
4 Chaos Guardians in FFIX
Tantarian in FFIX
Beatrix in FFIX (I just like the theme)
Trance Kuja in FFIX (Again, the theme)
Necron in FFIX
Shinryu in FFX (The boss I enjoy hurting the most, seriously, he was way too easy!)
Braska Final Aeon in FFX (The theme only)
Yunalesca in FFX (Again, the theme)
Trema in FFX-2
Bahamut in FFX-2
Mattheus in FFXII (He's just too hard!!!!!)

09-04-2006, 03:55 PM
Your party against all the Four Fiends in FFIV was a great battle. Another great one was the Golgorand Execution Site battle in FFT.

09-04-2006, 04:44 PM
Adel. It took me a really long time to beat her... (if I told you how long I'd be so embarrassed) I finally killed her using The End. I was looking for Wall. lol I got so lucky. *worships Selphie* :D

09-04-2006, 05:20 PM
thanx for reminding me vivi_ulitma! i really really like the theme to trance kuja too! *runs off to play ffIX*

09-04-2006, 05:49 PM
Ozma, especially when you fight him at like level 50

boys from the dwarf
09-04-2006, 06:35 PM
how can you choose a single favourite? FF has so many great battles. i enjoy most of the final battles and other bosses that are important to the storyline because their usually harder and have more of a "wow" feeling to them when you fight them.

09-05-2006, 01:46 AM
The fight where you pilot the Proud Clod to smash Cloud's face in. Sooooooo goooooood.

09-05-2006, 04:28 AM
The fight where you pilot the Proud Clod to smash Cloud's face in. Sooooooo goooooood.

09-05-2006, 09:36 PM
Yeah... all the weapons in FFVII.
I liked doing the entire castle for the final battle in FFVIII because I thought the progression of puzzles to fight the bosses were cool. Come to think of it though, they were all ridiculously easy, but unlocking Weapon from the organ was creepy + exciting + fun. =)
I would have liked FFX's final battle but it was too easy. I loved the premise though.

09-05-2006, 10:04 PM
Seymour Omnis was fun, I liked the area and the music more than anything. Interesting boss... Although obviously easy, it was still really fun.

Why is it so pretty inside a beast a of destruction? :p

The Crystal
09-06-2006, 02:20 AM
Of the FFs that i played until now, the best fight was against Super Trance Kuja. That battle is so epic!
The scenario is beautifull, Kuja is badass, the music is cool. And in mater of story-wise, you are fighting in the place where all the universe was created, trying to stop the destruction of all existence.

vivi the master
09-06-2006, 12:57 PM
The fight where you pilot the Proud Clod to smash Cloud's face in. Sooooooo goooooood.


black orb
09-11-2006, 09:11 AM
>>> The fight against Yunalesca, it was beautiful but too easy.

09-12-2006, 02:21 AM
I love in VIII when you fight Edea on her float, how the music just comes in is Uematsa at his finest.

Neo X-Death is probably my favorite final boss fight because he was just this huge mass of....beings with massive HP each.

09-12-2006, 02:27 AM
The fight where you pilot the Proud Clod to smash Cloud's face in. Sooooooo goooooood.


He's talking about when you smash Proud Clod into Cloud's face... DUH!

vivi the master
09-12-2006, 11:34 AM
oh yeah just didn't remember

09-12-2006, 11:16 PM
Despite my own disillusionment with the game, I have to admit that FF Tactics boss fights in the Golgorond Execution Site and the last battle with Wiegraf were two of the coolest (and, in Wiegraf's case, hardest) boss battles in the series.

09-12-2006, 11:49 PM
oh yeah just didn't remember

[sarcastically] Sure [sarcastiacally]

09-13-2006, 01:32 AM
Like Sephiroth1999AD, I enjoyed the final fight with the Four Elemental Lords in the Giant of Babel. I also liked fighting CalcoBrena in FFIV (if only for the music :D).

And Kefka's final battle is pretty much a given.

09-13-2006, 02:33 AM
Palmer, FFVII. I could watch him smack that ass all day. In fact, I have.

09-13-2006, 03:05 AM
I'm going to be made fun for this, but Sephiroth's One Winged Angel battling goodness :jess:

09-13-2006, 04:12 AM
The final battle of Final Fantasy VI. It definitely left an impression on little old me, even if I didn't understand the allusions when I was a kid...


FFI- Chaos
FFII- Emperor battle
FFIII- Zande battle
FFIV- Four Fiends battle, Zeromus battle
FFV- Gilgamesh battle (s), all X-Death/Exodus battles.
FFVI- Final battle, battle with Ultros during the opera.
FFVII-All Jenova battles. Final battle.
FFVIII- Wacky Time Compression Sorceresses.
FFIX- 'You're Not Alone' battle in Pandaemonium.
FFX- Battle during the Bevelle wedding, battle with Sin, final set of battles
FFT- Final set of battles, anything with Delita-witten.
FFTA- Remedi. Enough said. :cat: