View Full Version : distruction shere

09-09-2006, 09:04 AM
heey oh can i get the distruction shere in the macalania tempel. i have try al the thing i know only it don't works. please help me.

09-09-2006, 10:27 AM
Is english your first language? XD

Ermm, well first you could try lookin it up on the net, I'm sure there are tons of Cloister of Trials FAQs.

In Macalania, you have to finish the trial (get the platform fully formed), then it will unlock a glyph near the starting point. Go back up to the start and tred on it and the pedestal will warp next to you, push it down the slope and it will grab the destruction sphere... Go down and tred on the flashing glyph and it will be right next to you again.

Okay, now you can work out the rest on your own.

09-09-2006, 01:01 PM
And in case No. 78's quite satisfactory explanation doesn't work for you...you could always try praying to the Fayth.

Sain Cai
09-09-2006, 02:26 PM
From Sepheroph101/CB!'s faq on gamefaqs:

Macalania - The Cloister of Trials

Uh oh, you killed a Maester. Now you're in deep, deep doggie-doo. As you try to
leave, the temple guys reset the Cloister of Trials before you can get out. Oh
well, this is one of the easiest ones. Go down the ramp thing to the lower
floor. Take the sphere from the very middle pillar. Put it into the pedestal.
Now, push the pedestal to the right until it hits a pile of ice and stops. Now
push it northwards until it falls into a hole. Follow the pedestal and take the
sphere out. Put it into the left-most slot on the wall down there. Go back up,
and take the newly accessible sphere. Go back down and put it into the
pedestal. Push the pedestal to the right, creating a brand new 1/3 completed
bridge. Now, go back up, and grab the sphere all the way on the far right side.
Take it down the ramp and place it in the pillar on the left. Go back up and
grab the sphere right next to the ramp going down. Then, place it in the pillar
where you took the first sphere from. Now, go back up to where the ice bridge
is completed, and step on the floor glyph. The pedestal is now at the top of
the long ramp. Take the sphere out from the pedestal and push the pedestal down
the ramp. Go down the long ramp, and onto the floor. Go down and step on the
floor glyph. Take the sphere your holding and insert it into the slot on the
far right of the room, making icicles appear. Take the sphere from the center
pillar of the room now. Put it into the slot by the ramp leading into the
basement floor. Go back to the pedestal and take the destruction sphere from
it. Go to the lowest level and place it in the slot right next to the doorway.
Go in and claim your prize. Go back up and push the pedestal to the right,
smashing into the icicles. Take the sphere from the far right slot in the room
and place it into the pedestal. Push the pedestal north causing it to fall into
the basement floor. Go down there and push the pedestal to the right,
completing part of the bridge. Go back up and take the sphere by the basement
ramp, and place it in the pillar in the center of the room and get out of here!