View Full Version : The Black Cauldron

The Fat Bioware Nerd
09-12-2006, 02:37 AM
Hey what's The Black Cauldron like is it a good movie or a bad movie? When I was watching X-Play I heard Adam Sessler talk about The Black Cauldron he said "There are episodes of Digimon that are better than The Black Cauldron."

09-12-2006, 02:50 AM
It's good if you have never read the book.

09-12-2006, 04:17 AM
It's an old Disney cartoon movie that was a bit controversial for it's time. It was rated PG. It's about a knight fighting off demons and dragons and stuff. I've never had the chance to watch it, but I want to.

09-12-2006, 04:21 AM
That movie was pretty awesome, though this

It's good if you have never read the book.

is very much true.


"There are episodes of Digimon that are better than The Black Cauldron."


09-12-2006, 04:53 PM
I haven't watched the movie in 15+ years, but I remember being really into it when it came out.

It's not the standard Disney animated "musical." It's been ragged on because it failed at the box office due to the perception that it was too scary for Disney's traditional audience; with it's undead hoards and whatnot. I'm guessing it's probably not as bad as the rap it gets, but Disney apparently has kept it guarded ever since.

Incidentally, it was the first animated Disney movie to NOT get a G rating. ;)