View Full Version : the future??????

09-15-2006, 08:59 AM
no one knows what the futures holds for FF. but i decided to make a thread based on your ideas for new FFs or FFthings.
1)make 2 new fftactics games one online for ps3 and xbox360 and one like the others(psp or ds)
2)make the original ff7,ff8,and,ff9 be remade on psp
3)a new ffXI guide thats not like the others.
4)after this no more remakes...i want to see new games..spin offs are ok tho
plzzz share your thoughts and make new ones i want to hear what u think SE should do with FF to:)

09-15-2006, 10:39 AM
I just want them to continue with the chronological FF's and stop making freakin spinoffs every two minutes.

09-15-2006, 11:52 AM
What I hate more than anything, is having a game, say FFXII for the PS2 then having a spin off for the DS. SO you have a sony product for one game, and a Nintendo product for the next. I realize of the console, PS2 sold the most, and as a portable DS sold the most, so that's what they're thinking, but it's annoying because I don't have a PS2 and may never play FFXII, but I'll almost certainly get the spinoff on the DS. I'm hoping it's the Prequel so it doesn't ruin FFXII, when I eventually get to play it. I need to get a PS2 sometime after the PS3 has been out and it gets even cheaper!

Like KH, I never really played KH except for a little at a friend's, and I never played KHII, but I played Chain of Memories.

THE jackel

Kawaii Ryűkishi
09-15-2006, 12:23 PM
They'll eventually make more Tactics games in order to satisfy demand, but they'll all be at least as bad as Tactics Advance since Matsuno won't be around to lead their development.
the chronological FF'sDon't you mean "numerical"?

09-15-2006, 12:57 PM
I just want them to continue with the numerical FF's and stop making freakin spinoffs every two minutes. corrected :)

Amen to that. Tactics (the first one) was a nice departure for the series but every spin-off since then has been mediocre at best.

09-15-2006, 01:15 PM
Don't you mean "numerical"?
Whoops. Yeah, that's what I meant. No idea where 'chronological' came from :laughing:

09-15-2006, 03:36 PM
Just make sure a remake of Final Fantasy III for north america gets to my door, and then continue with the numerical order :)

09-15-2006, 06:27 PM
I think what's important is that Square continually moves the series forward but at the same time they cannot forget their roots. They certainly let the fans know that they remembered with IX, but that was almost too late because VIII is almost nothing like any of the other games.

it needs to stay Final Fantasy at the same time revolutionizing games.

09-15-2006, 07:26 PM
What I hate more than anything, is having a game, say FFXII for the PS2 then having a spin off for the DS. SO you have a sony product for one game, and a Nintendo product for the next.

God forbid we forgoe brand loyalty in order to increase our odds of having a good time.

09-15-2006, 07:36 PM
What I hate more than anything, is having a game, say FFXII for the PS2 then having a spin off for the DS. SO you have a sony product for one game, and a Nintendo product for the next.

God forbid we forgoe brand loyalty in order to increase our odds of having a good time.
no it's not brand loyalty, it's money available. One brother owns an Xbox, the other a PS2, and me a Gamecube. But my brother isn't a big RPG gamer so he doesn't have the FF games, and I'm not buying games for my brothers system, when he and I are both at college. It's just a matter of how much money I have, and I can't afford to buy multiple systems every generation, that's why I said I hope the PS2 will drop in price and I can buy it to play the games.


boys from the dwarf
09-15-2006, 07:57 PM
different legends and things based on legends like the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse or something. FF has ifrit and shive and odin so why not more.

FF7,8 and 9 dont really need to be remade but remaking older FFs so they are easier to buy instead of being super rare is a good idea. so maybe a FF7,8,9 remake would be a good idea for much later.

and also. one of the things i want more than anything else is a remake of FFT so we can play it in england. it sounds like such a great game and i really feel like im missing out on something great.