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09-16-2006, 04:13 PM
I have a question, I don't think that it's here that i shoudl make it, but here it goes.

As you know I don't live in the UK but I would love to study over there and even work, but I'll be a teacher an english and another language teacher... If I can make the erasmus I'll study in England but I don't know if by law I can teach another languages there (coz english and the other languages aren't the one that I talk in my home country)...

So can u tell me if I can or not?

09-16-2006, 04:15 PM
It's legal (I think), but... I think you might need to study the language more. O_o

Why don't you teach your own language as a second language instead?

09-16-2006, 04:43 PM
You could probably be a substitute teacher in Elementary school or something, that's what you're aiming for right? Since you're 17 and you're planning on studying and working beside your studies. Since I don't live in the Uk, I wouldn't know, but you could be a substitute teacher in Norway.

09-16-2006, 05:35 PM
Ok, I actually know something about this. My sister tried to get a job in the UK a few years ago. The company wanted to hire her but couldn't get through the red tape.

Basically you need a work visa (obviously) but it's one of those catch 22's. You can only get one if there is someone willing to hire you but most places won't hire you unless you have one. That leads to the second problem and the red tape. For someone who is not a citizen of the UK to be hired the company hiring them has to be able to prove that there was not a qualified canidate that they could hire who is a citizen. Wait time is usally at least 8 months but can take 1 1/2 years. If you have the time then good for you. Get in touch with people in the business over the net and start networking. They can give you the details.

Best of luck with your erasmus (test?).

09-16-2006, 05:41 PM
Get in touch with people in the business over the net and start networking. They can give you the details.

Best of luck with your erasmus (test?).

Normally the curse that i want takes 4 years to finish and I may go to the UK after the 1st year... ^^" The curse that I'll probably make it's 'languages and english and german modern literatures' if I can neter on college... I can make translations, teach and other stuff... Erasmus is the program that allows you to study in another country!

09-16-2006, 05:48 PM
I'm pretty sure you'll have trouble finding a teaching job without going to school for teaching,

09-16-2006, 06:01 PM
It depends. You won't be able to get a job in the public school system without an education degree.

09-16-2006, 06:03 PM
an education degree.

What's that?

Well here people that go to this curses may teach! But it's not to teach kids, it's to teach since they're 15 and college! Who wants to teach it's the best one

09-16-2006, 06:37 PM
where do you live? I know in the US you generally have to have a bachelors degree in education in order to teach public school, but that often you can just take a certification test if you have a degree in another field of study and they are short on teachers.

09-16-2006, 06:43 PM
Portugal, here if u wanna be a teacher u also need to make a test...

09-16-2006, 08:32 PM
I'm not entirely sure how this would work in Europe, but I know that in the US you could study abroad as a graduate student and earn credit hours for teaching the language you're studying to undergrads on the university/college level. I think you should probably talk to the administration of erasmus (sp?) and find out what they suggest you do to earn money abroad.

09-17-2006, 12:22 AM
Back at my old school, there was a teacher from France who taught both French and Spanish, so no, it doesn't seem to be illegal to me.

Also, I don't think there would be any such problem with work visas and getting citizenship, because both the UK and Portugal are part of the European Union.

09-17-2006, 02:11 AM
Get in touch with people in the business over the net and start networking. They can give you the details.

Best of luck with your erasmus (test?).

Normally the curse that i want takes 4 years to finish and I may go to the UK after the 1st year... ^^" The curse that I'll probably make it's 'languages and english and german modern literatures' if I can neter on college... I can make translations, teach and other stuff... Erasmus is the program that allows you to study in another country!Ahhh... Sounds great! :D

fire_of_avalon has a point as well. You may be able to arrange it through your program. Work study or possibly even credit. As you said, this probably isn't the place to find out what you need to know. Network. :thumb:

09-17-2006, 12:48 PM
Plenty of foreign language teachers come from abroad to teach, so I don't think there's any lawful impediment, and you shouldn't have too much difficulty getting a job provided you're sufficiently qualified. Provided your command of English and the languages you wish to teach is up to a sufficient standard then there'll be a demand for your services. If you've studied in the UK then that should be a great help too. Doing some training in education or some part-time work as a substitute could also be useful to you, since experience counts when making a job application. Like Psy said, since you're from an EU country you shouldn't have any trouble getting a visa, so I wouldn't worry about the legal side of things and start thinking about how best to get into the teaching profession.

Best of luck with whatever you decide to do. :)