View Full Version : Second Generation

09-18-2006, 01:29 AM
I decided to see how people react to what order the second Generation games would be according to Gamestop

1. Final Fantasy VII 9.5
1. Final Fantasy VIII 9.5
3. Final Fantasy X 9.3
4. Final Fantasy IX 8.5
5. Final Fantasy XI (PC) 8.2
6. Final Fantasy X-2 8.1
7. Final Fantasy XI (PS2) 8.0
8. Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII 6.0
8. Final Fantasy XI (X360) 6.0

This is pretty different from my list, and I don't really get why FFXI got all different scores, how could the one on the PC be that much better then the one on the Xbox 360?

09-18-2006, 01:37 AM
Playing an MMORPG on the computer is very different than playing it on a console. It really is. Plus, the Xbox 360 when it was first released liked to mess with you and the kinks hadn't been fixed, so it's all good.

09-18-2006, 01:40 AM
Playing an MMORPG on the computer is very different than playing it on a console. It really is. Plus, the Xbox 360 when it was first released liked to mess with you and the kinks hadn't been fixed, so it's all good.

I know that but 2 whole points!
*reads rest of post*
Oh, I'll shut up now :p

09-18-2006, 01:42 AM
maybe because it came out on pc first, and everyone was excited about it so they bought it...than realized its boring as hell. so the majority of the ff fans just didnt want to buy it for xbox

09-18-2006, 01:49 AM
Playing an MMORPG on the computer is very different than playing it on a console. It really is. Plus, the Xbox 360 when it was first released liked to mess with you and the kinks hadn't been fixed, so it's all good.

I know that but 2 whole points!
*reads rest of post*
Oh, I'll shut up now :p

Have you ever tried it? If not, then you really can't say anything. I've played XI on both the PC and the Xbox 360, and the 360 version couldn't have caused me more pain.

09-18-2006, 02:35 AM
I decided to see how people react to what order the second Generation games would be according to Gamestop

1. Final Fantasy VII 9.5
1. Final Fantasy VIII 9.5
3. Final Fantasy X 9.3
4. Final Fantasy IX 8.5
5. Final Fantasy XI (PC) 8.2
6. Final Fantasy X-2 8.1
7. Final Fantasy XI (PS2) 8.0
8. Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII 6.0
8. Final Fantasy XI (X360) 6.0

This is pretty different from my list, and I don't really get why FFXI got all different scores, how could the one on the PC be that much better then the one on the Xbox 360?

I haven't played XI, X-2 or DoC, so I can't speak for those games.

I think VIII is too high. same with IX. VIII isn't better than IX and it sure isn't better than X.

I think these 4 - 7-10 are all very good games around the same level, I guess 7 and 10 should be at the top of the list.

09-20-2006, 05:58 PM
FFIX, FFVI and FFT deserves more.

09-20-2006, 06:21 PM
Yeah, I always notice how IX gets a way lower score than VIII, while it's just as good as VII and VIII, in it's own right. So it also deserves a 9/10. At the very least.

09-20-2006, 06:33 PM

Is that what you were looking for? I think most fans wouldn't rate VIII the same as VII. Other then that I can see why the rated the games as they did, based off fabase.

09-20-2006, 08:43 PM

Is that what you were looking for? I think most fans wouldn't rate VIII the same as VII. Other then that I can see why the rated the games as they did, based off fabase.

Chill, Jules, this ish happens.