09-24-2006, 01:02 PM
Best FF: VII
Best male: Cloud
Best female: Rikku
Best system Materia
Best combat system: FFX
Best story: FFVII
Best music: FFVII
Best villian: Sephiroth
Best world map: FFIX
Best Airship: Invincible
Best NPC: Beatrix
Best mini-game: Choco hot and cold

Worst FF:VI
Worst male: Brother
Worst female: Freya
Worst system: FFVIII
Worst combat system: ...
Worst story: FFVI
Worst music: None
Worst villian: kuja(i mean what is he???)
Worst world map: FFVI
Worst Airship: garden
Worst mini-game: cards FFVIII

why not have a go??

09-24-2006, 01:40 PM
This isn't an Emo thread. :confused:

Rocket Edge
09-24-2006, 01:50 PM
Best male: Squall
Best female: Rinoa
Best system: Junction
Best combat system: FFX
Best story: FFVIII
Best music: FFX
Best villian: Sephiroth
Best world map: FFIX
Best Airship: VIII Ragnarok
Best NPC: ?
Best mini-game: Triple Traid card game.

Worst FF: Well, my least favourite was X-2
Worst male: Seymour
Worst female: Freya
Worst system: VII
Worst combat system: ...
Worst story: X-2
Worst music: None
Worst villian: Yu-Yevon
Worst world map: ...
Worst Airship: ...
Worst mini-game: ...

Jimmy Dark Aeons Slayer
09-24-2006, 01:53 PM
Shouldn´t this belong to the general chat:confused:

Not my problem anyway...

Azure Chrysanthemum
09-24-2006, 05:15 PM
This thread really had no business in Eyes on Each Other.

09-24-2006, 06:02 PM
Best FF: IV
Best male: Kain
Best female: Yuna
Best system: Junction
Best combat system: FFX
Best story: FFX
Best music: FFVII
Best villian: Sephiroth
Best world map: FFVI
Best Airship: FFX
Best NPC: Beatrix
Best mini-game: Triple Traid

Worst FF: FFV
Worst male: Seymour
Worst female: Scarlet
Worst system: FFIX
Worst combat system: ...
Worst story: FFX-2
Worst music: FFV
Worst villian: Yu-Yevon
Worst world map: FFII
Worst Airship: FFI(nes)
Worst mini-game: Blitzball

09-24-2006, 08:04 PM
Worst villian: kuja(i mean what is he???)

What is he? Like you said: It's a Man and by far the most developped and best villain personality-wise, power-wise and awesome-music-wise ("The Dark Messenger" rocks).

09-24-2006, 08:13 PM
Best FF: III, IV, VI, and VII are the most enjoyable to me, but I like them all.
Best male: Cloud.
Best female: Tina.
Best system: Just a good old Job System. I also like the Sphere Grid and Materia systems too.
Best combat system: Well...uh...all the ones I've played have either turn-based or ATB. 0_o. I'll have to wait until I play FFXI/XII to judge them all.
Best story: FFVI, FFX, FFT, they all have good stories.
Best music: FFIII. FFVI, FFVIII, and FFT get props too.
Best villian: Eh...they all get kinda boring...but I like Cefka, Sephiroth, and Seymour alot. Oh! And Wiegraf.
Best world map: FFVI
Best Airship: FFX
Best NPC: Gotta be the pickle guy in Lindblum.
Best mini-game: Triple Traid

Worst FF: FFMQ. Hah! My excuse answer.
Worst male: Heidegger. Bring it on, Zen! :cat:
Worst female: Scarlet. Likewise.
Worst system: FFII. It was a wonderful idea, but it was executed very poorly.
Worst combat system: FFMQ.
Worst story: FFMQ.
Worst music: FF...uh...even FFMQ had an awesome soundtrack.
Worst villian: Probably Algus. But then again, he made me hate him, so he's doing at least something right.
Worst world map: FFII
Worst Airship: FFI
Worst mini-game: Blitzball

09-24-2006, 08:51 PM
Best male: Toss-up between Zidane and Kuja
Best female: *points to avatar* Oh, wait...Kuja er, I mean Freya. :D
Best system(Materia, Junction etc): Toss-up between FFIX and FFII
Best combat system: FFII
Best story: FFIX
Best music: All of them were good. Um... FFIX
Best villian: *points to avatar* Also, Kuja
Best world map: FFII
Best Airship: Invincible (Airship O' Doom)
Best NPC: Paul, FFII
Best mini-game: Chocobo Hot and Cold

Worst male: Leon (FFII)
Worst female: Rinoa
Worst system: FFVIII
Worst combat system:
Worst story: FFI (Not its fault) and VIII (So much wasted potential)
Worst music: N/A
Worst villian: Bhrane. "Oh, she had a pure heart". Bull.
Worst world map: FFVIII
Worst Airship: Balamb Garden
Worst mini-game: Triple Triad

09-24-2006, 10:19 PM
Best male: Locke
Best female: Quina
Best system(Materia, Junction etc): Job system
Best combat system: FFVII
Best story: FFVIII
Best music: FFIX
Best villian: Kefka
Best world map: FFIX
Best Airship: Ragnarok, FFVIII
Best NPC: Not going to bother thinking about this one.
Best mini-game: Chocobo Hot and Cold + Treasure hunting

Worst FF: FF1 through 3.
Worst male: Tidus
Worst female: Yuna
Worst system: FFIX
Worst combat system: FFIV
Worst story: They could've done so much more with FFV
Worst music: Hard to say.
Worst villian: Kuja
Worst world map: FFX
Worst Airship: Balamb Garden
Worst mini-game: Card game in FFIX.

09-24-2006, 10:29 PM
Best FF: X
Best male: Vivi :jess:
Best female: Yuna
Best system: Sphere Grid
Best combat system: X
Best story: VIII
Best music: VII
Best villian: Sephiroth
Best world map: VIII
Best Airship: Ragnarok
Best NPC: So many to choose, so little space
Best mini-game: VIII's card game

Worst FF: I
Worst male: I don't really have one :O_O:
Worst female: None for this either
Worst system: II
Worst combat system: I
Worst story: I
Worst music: Eh
Worst villian: Ultimecia
Worst world map: Meh
Worst Airship: X's
Worst mini-game: IX's card catastrophe

Jimmy Dark Aeons Slayer
09-24-2006, 10:33 PM
Best FF: VII
Best male: Zell
Best female: Tifa
Best system: Materia
Best combat system: they are all pretty much the same until now...
Best story: FFVII
Best music: FFVIII
Best villian: Kefka
Best world map: FFVI
Best Airship: Ragnarok
Best NPC: Sephiroth
Best mini-game: Final Fantasy VIII triple triad

Worst FF: X-2 (it should not even count as a final fantasy)
Worst male: Squall
Worst female: Rinoa
Worst system: FFX-2
Worst combat system: don´t really see big differences...
Worst story: FFX-2
Worst music: FFX-2
Worst villian: Queen Brahne
Worst world map: none
Worst Airship: The one Yuna and the rest of the girly squad fly in X-2
Worst mini-game: None...although blitzball got a bit boring

09-24-2006, 11:04 PM
Best FF: IX
Best male: Vincent
Best female: Freya
Best system: Materia
Best combat system: FFX-2
Best story: FFIX
Best music: FFIX
Best villian: Kuja
Best world map: FFVIII
Best Airship: Invincible
Best NPC: Beatrix
Best mini-game: Triple Triad

Worst FF: XI
Worst male: Nooj
Worst female: Leblanc
Worst system: Sphere Grid
Worst combat system: FFX
Worst story: None
Worst music: FFVIII
Worst villian: Sin
Worst world map: FFX/X-2
Worst Airship: Celsius
Worst mini-game: Chocobo Catcher

09-25-2006, 12:17 AM
Best FF: IX
Best male: VIVI
Best female: Yuna
Best system ff IX
Best combat system: FFX
Best story: FFX
Best music: FFIX
Best villian: Seymore(he comes back like what?4 times?)
Best world map: FFIX
Best Airship: Invincible
Best NPC: Beatrix
Best mini-game: Choco hot and cold

Worst FF:X-2
Worst male: Kain
Worst female: Eiko
Worst system: FFVIII
Worst combat system: ...
Worst story: FFVI
Worst music: FF I
Worst villian:..
Worst world map: FFVI
Worst Airship: Garden
Worst mini-game: cards FFVIII

09-25-2006, 01:01 AM
This is a... Questionare?

09-25-2006, 01:22 AM
Best FF: X
Best male: Kimahri
Best female: Rikku
Best system: ???
Best combat system: X-2
Best story: X
Best music: X
Best villian: Kuja
Best world map: FFX
Best Airship: Farenheit
Best NPC: Belgemine of Course!!!!
Best mini-game: Monster Arena???

This'll probably ALL change once I get my hands on FFXII...

Worst FF:VII
Worst male: Squall
Worst female: Rinoa
Worst system: VIII
Worst combat system: ...
Worst story: X-2
Worst music: None
Worst villian: Sephiroth
Worst world map: VI
Worst Airship: Celsius
Worst mini-game: Tetra Master

09-25-2006, 02:34 AM
Best FF: FFX
Best male: Auron
Best female: Rikku
Best system: Sphere Grid
Best combat system: FFX
Best story: FFX
Best music: FFX
Best villian: Chaos
Best world map: FFVIII
Best Airship: Balamb Garden
Best NPC: Shera
Best mini-game: Motercycle Chase

Worst FF:II
Worst male: Cloud
Worst female: Aeris
Worst system: FFII
Worst combat system: FFI (I don't like attacking air)
Worst story: VII
Worst music: IX (I am so dead...)
Worst villian: Sephiroth and Kuja tie (*ducks*)
Worst world map: FFX
Worst Airship: FFI's
Worst mini-game: BLITZBALL!!!

09-25-2006, 03:20 AM
Worst villian: Sephiroth and Kuja tie (*ducks*)

*shoots for kneecaps* :shoot: :D

09-25-2006, 03:34 AM
Best FF: x
Best male: tidus
Best female:yuna
Best system ...
Best combat system: FFX
Best story: FF x
Best music: FF x
Best villian: Sephiroth
Best world map: FFx
Best Airship: celsius
Best NPC: the guy to the left in besaid
Best mini-game: none

Worst FF:VII
Worst male: Brother
Worst female: edea
Worst system: VII
Worst combat system: ...
Worst story: VII
Worst music: VII
Worst villian: kuja
Worst world map: FFVI
Worst Airship: garden
Worst mini-game: blitzball

The Crystal
09-25-2006, 04:42 AM
Best FF: IX
Best male: Zidane
Best female: Garnet
Best system: Materia
Best combat system: ...
Best story: IX
Best music: VII
Best villian: Kuja
Best world map: IX
Best Airship: Invincible(IX)
Best NPC: Sephiroth
Best mini-game: ...

Worst FF: VIII
Worst male: Cloud
Worst female: Yuffie
Worst system: Junction
Worst combat system: ...
Worst story: VIII
Worst music: VIII
Worst villian: Brahne
Worst world map: VIII
Worst Airship: Garden
Worst mini-game: ...

09-25-2006, 09:59 AM
Best male: Squall
Best female: Quistis
Best system: Job System (FFV)
Best combat system: FFVIII
Best story: FFVIII
Best music: FFIX
Best villian: Kuja
Best world map: FFVIII
Best Airship: Ragnarok (FFVIII)
Best NPC: Lani (FFIX)
Best mini-game: Triple Traid (FFVIII)

Worst FF: Least favorite was X-2
Worst male: Edge (FFIV)
Worst female: Yuna (FFX-2 only)
Worst system: Probably FFIV...I dunno.
Worst combat system: Most of them are the same so....
Worst story: FFX-2
Worst music: FFX-2
Worst villian: None
Worst world map: None
Worst Airship: None
Worst mini-game: Chocobo Racing (FFVII) Sorry, can't like it.

09-25-2006, 04:12 PM
Best FF: IX
Best male: Zidane
Best female: Tifa
Best system: FF5
Best combat system: IX
Best story: IX
Best music: VII
Best villian: Kuja
Best world map: FFIX
Best Airship: Highwind
Best NPC: Moogle in ice cavern
Best mini-game: Tetra Master

Worst FF: FF2
Worst male: Squall
Worst female: Rinoa
Worst system: FFVIII
Worst combat system: FF2
Worst story: FFVIII
Worst music: FF2
Worst villian: Ultimecia
Worst world map: FF2
Worst Airship: N/A
Worst mini-game: FFVIII Card Game

09-25-2006, 04:46 PM
Best FF: Final Fantasy IX
Best male: Vivi
Best female: Rydia
Best system: Final Fantasy XII
Best combat system: Final Fantasy XII
Best story: Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy VI and Final Fantasy XII tied.
Best music: Final Fantasy IX and Final Fantasy X
Best villian: Kefka
Best world map: Final Fantasy VI World of Ruin
Best Airship: Hilda Garde #3
Best NPC: The kid who sells relic in WoR Nikeah (I'm not sure whether it's Nikeah or not, find it yourself) (He say odd things)
Best mini-game: Eiko's cooking.

Worst male: Tidus
Worst female: Rikku
Worst system: FFX
Worst combat system: FFX
Worst story: FFX
Worst music: Final Fantasy X-2 (Not all but some of them are stupid)
Worst villian: Shuyin and Jecht
Worst world map: FFX and FFX-2
Worst Airship: FFX and FFX-2
Worst mini-game: Blitzball especially FFX-2.

Natural hate of FFX/X-2. Seriously, IMO FFX is not even an FF and is stupid, Jowy was right, FFX is boring, But Final Fantasy XII cures it.

Azure Chrysanthemum
09-25-2006, 04:56 PM
Best FF: Tactics
Best male: Ramza
Best female: Celes
Best system: FFT Job System
Best combat system: Tactics
Best story: Tactics
Best music: FFVI
Best villian: Dycedarg or Wiegraf
Best world map: Tactics
Best Airship: Blackjack
Best NPC: Beatrix
Best mini-game: Don't play enough of them to have a preference

Worst FF: II
Worst male: Quina(?)
Worst female: Quina(?)
Worst system: II
Worst combat system: II
Worst story: X-2
Worst music: X-2
Worst villian: Necron
Worst world map: Can't think of any offhand
Worst Airship: No real worst
Worst mini-game: Don't play enough of them to have a preference.

09-25-2006, 05:41 PM
Best FF: FFX
Best male: RedXIII
Best female: Garnet
Best system: FFV Job System
Best combat system: FFX's Turn-based
Best story: FFX
Best music: FFX
Best villian: Kuja
Best world map: FFVII
Best Airship: Invincable
Best NPC: Blank
Best mini-game: Monster Arena if you want to consider it a mini-game or side-quest instead

Worst FF: VIII
Worst male: Squall and Irvine
Worst female: Selphie
Worst system: FFVI
Worst combat system: FFIX
Worst story: VIII
Worst music: X-2
Worst villian: Ultimacia
Worst world map: FFX and FFX-2
Worst Airship: Not sure
Worst mini-game: Jump roping in FFIX

09-26-2006, 03:10 AM
Best male: locke
Best female: tifa
Best system: materia
Best combat system: X even though it made the game easier made none of the characters left out
Best story: IX despite the fact that 6 is my favorite
Best music: VI
Best villian: Sephiroth
Best world map: IV
Best Airship: invincible
Best NPC: Delita
Best mini-game: blitz ball

Worst FF: tactics advance
Worst male: nooj
Worst female: rikku ff10-2
Worst system: draw
Worst combat system: umm i like RPG's
Worst story: FF10-2
Worst music: FFVIII
Worst villian: Ultimecia
Worst world map: FFX
Worst Airship: X's
Worst mini-game: lightning bolt dodgeing

09-26-2006, 03:20 AM
Best male: Cecil
Best female: Rosa
Best system: Levelling Up
Best combat system: FFIII-FFV
Best story: FFVI or FFIV
Best music: FFIII-FFIV
Best villian: Palmer
Best world map: FFI (I like how all the fiend's temples surrounded the Chaos Temple)
Best Airship: Whale (FFIV)
Best NPC: "What's Mythril? Is it yummy?" Kid
Best mini-game: Chocobo Racing (FFVII)

Worst FF: FFXI
Worst male: Skunny
Worst female: Rydia
Worst system: FFII
Worst combat system: FFII
Worst story: FFI
Worst music: FFV
Worst villian: Kefka
Worst world map: FFV (it kept changing)
Worst Airship: FFIII's first one
Worst mini-game: CPR (FFVII)

Twilight Edge
09-26-2006, 04:03 PM
Best FF: IX
Best male: Cloud
Best female: Yuna(FFX)
Best system: Materia
Best combat system: IX
Best story: FFIX
Best music: FFVIII
Best villian: Kuja
Best world map: FFIX
Best Airship: Ragnarok
Best NPC: Beatrix
Best mini-game: Choco hot and cold

Worst male: Brother
Worst female: LeBlanc
Worst system: FFVIII
Worst combat system: FFVIII
Worst story: FFVIII
Worst music: None
Worst villian: Ultimecia
Worst world map: None
Worst Airship: Highwind verion 1
Worst mini-game: Chocobo breeding

09-26-2006, 11:42 PM
Worst villian: kuja(i mean what is he???)

What is he? Like you said: It's a Man and by far the most developped and best villain personality-wise, power-wise and awesome-music-wise ("The Dark Messenger" rocks).

I agree with you except for the whole "by far" part. Because it's very open to debate which one is.

Best male: Cloud
Best female: Lulu
Best system: V job system
Best combat system: VII
Best story: X/VII
Best music: VIII
Best villian: Garland
Best world map: I
Best Airship: Invincible
Best NPC: Beatrix
Best mini-game: Motorcycle

Worst FF: I, out of ones I've played
Worst male: Irvine
Worst female: Eiko (what is her purpose!?!?!?)
Worst system: I
Worst combat system: I
Worst story: I
Worst music: I
Worst villian: Kefka
Worst world map: X. Because there is none
Worst Airship: I's
Worst mini-game: i don't know...i guess jumprope

10-18-2006, 08:38 PM
Best FF:IX
Best male:Zidane
Best female: Freya
Best system: dont know
Best combat system: dont know
Best story: FFVII
Best music: Advent Children
Best villian: Sephiroth
Best world map: dont know
Best Airship: dont know
Best NPC: Reno
Best mini-game:dont know

Worst FF: There is none
Worst male: Seymour
Worst female: Lenne
Worst system: dont know
Worst combat system: ...
Worst story: dont know
Worst music: dont know
Worst villian: Hojo
Worst world map: dont know
Worst Airship: dont know
Worst mini-game:dont know

10-18-2006, 08:38 PM
Ok theres a lot of i dont knows in there but i havent played on many off them!!!!!!!

10-18-2006, 08:52 PM
Best FF: VI
Best male: Zidane
Best female: Celes
Best system????
Best combat system: FFX-2
Best story: FFVI
Best music: FFVII
Best villian: Kefka
Best world map: FFVII
Best Airship: Highwind
Best NPC: Beatrix (to an extent cause she's a semi PC)
Best mini-game: Super Dunk (Gold Saucer)

Worst FF: Tactics (Not a bad game, but I can't get myself to like it)
Worst male: Squall (sorry squall lovers, but he was a jerk)
Worst female: Yuna (sorry yuna lovers, but she annoyed the crap out of me. She was way too passive.)
Worst system???
Worst combat system: IX (Trance, Phoenix Downs, and teh start up time)
Worst story: X (overly complicated)
Worst music: X (Horrible!!)
Worst villian: X-2s final boss, forgot his name (Too easy for a boss)
Worst world map: X (There wasn't one!)
Worst Airship: Celsius (a motorcycle on air?)
Worst mini-game: cards FVIII

10-18-2006, 11:52 PM
Best male: Auron
Best female: Rinoa
Best system: Junctioning
Best combat system: FFX-2
Best story: FFX
Best music: FF1
Best villian: Kefka, but vegnagun was pretty scary in prospect. If only it had been harder to beat :(
Best world map: V
Best Airship: Ragnarok
Best NPC: Nooj
Best mini-game: Triple Triad

Worst FF: IV
Worst male: Zell
Worst female: Eiko
Worst system: Learning abilities from weapons.
Worst combat system: FF9 was classic and all, but there was no need to bring back the old memories of playing ff1 and having the controls be slow and clunky. It would've been ff1 because of the lack of auto-target reselect, but the fact that ff9 could be so. . new and still disgusting overwrote that small programming error.
Worst story: IV, lol let's go to the moon guyz! why? I have no freaking idea!
Worst music: Most of ff7's music left me uninspired
Worst villian: You really don't see much of Necron until the final moment. At least you know ultimecia's name and the Emperor does some mean stuff befor eyou fight them!
Worst world map: ff2's took forever to move around on that weird globe mechanism that looked cool, but TOOK FOREVER.
Worst Airship: What was that one in ff9 that ran on the thing that was destroying the continent? Yeah hello environmental deterioration.
Worst mini-game: Hello Golden Saucer's room of disgustingment.

A note to the original poster. Garden is no more an airship than the Canoe, a Shoopuf, or that thing you float around on in ff7 is.

Firo Volondé
10-21-2006, 08:32 AM
Best FF: X
Best Male: Tidus
Best Female: Aerith
Best system: Sphere Grid
Best Combat system: X
Best story: VII
Best music: Victory Theme
Best villain: Kefka
Best world map: I
Best airship: The whale of FF4
Best NPC: Sephiroth
Best mini-game: Blitzball

Worst FF: XI
Worst Male: Squall
Worst Female: Kuja:D
Worst System: II
Worst Combat System: Tactics/Tactics Advance
Worst Story: IX
Worst Music: Chocobo Theme
Worst Villain: Jecht
Worst world map: VI
Worst airship: Celsius
Worst mini-game: Blitzball in X-2

10-21-2006, 09:15 AM
Worst Female: Kuja:D

I hope you realize that that fails horribly. It's not even funny anymore.

10-21-2006, 09:54 AM
I've changed my mind about some of these things

Best FF: VI
Best male: Cloud
Best female: Tifa
Best system: FFVII
Best combat system: FFVII
Best story: VII
Best music: VI
Best villian: Kuja
Best world map: FFIX
Best Airship: Highwind
Best NPC: Siegfried
Best mini-game: Chocobo Hot & Cold

Worst FF: FF2
Worst male: Amarant
Worst female: Krile
Worst system: FF4
Worst combat system: FF2
Worst story: FF2
Worst music: FF2
Worst villian: Ultimecia
Worst world map: FF2
Worst Airship: N/A
Worst mini-game: FFVIII Card Game