View Full Version : the ultimate synthesis

09-25-2006, 05:44 AM
so in the ff9 booklet, theres these tips on the bottom of every page..theres this one tip where it says something like "rumor has it that theres an ultimate synthesis artist in the world"...the key word there being "world"...as in...not memoria. but memoria is not part of the world, so i dont know whether the booklet is referring to hades. but theres another synthesist in daguerro. he's called the expert synthesis. and daguerro is kind of an optional place you can go to and it'll be easy to miss if you play the game without a walkthrough. and the tip section only gives tips on the "newbish" things. like what detect does...or what vivi's focus does. i dont think they would refer to hades in such a beginning stage.

boys from the dwarf
09-25-2006, 07:27 AM
remind me what the memoria was actually created by. perhaps hades could have existed before and outside of the memoria.