View Full Version : A New Way to Play!

09-26-2006, 02:07 AM
Hey all!

I'm not sure how much this will intrigue you, but I've finally finished a huge project I've been working on for a long time now: a FFVII card set for Magic: the Gathering. (FFVII:AC in the works, as well as VIII and X)

It's an enormous set: 378 cards in all. I'm still working out a few wording details, etc. but for the most part, it's finished.

The cool part? You can actually play against each other over a LAN or using TCP/IP, using a program called OCTGN, available at http://www.eyesonff.com.

We're currently working on options for server(s). If we get enough interest, we'll keep a room open.

Come check us out at http://www.forums.eyesonff.com if you want to have a look and/or download it, chat it up in our forums, be weird, whatever.

Thanks for reading!
--Lynn (aka MakoServitor)

09-26-2006, 02:34 AM
Advertism is only allowed in signatures. :)