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View Full Version : A "real" band doing FF music? WTF?!

09-27-2006, 04:41 AM
To stop Del Murder from bitching about the lack of threads in this sub-froum, I have thought of an interesting thread idea.

If for some odd reason a "real band" had to compose a FF soundtrack, who do you think would be a good choise?


I don't want to hear some bland answers like, "OMG mY Chemicol Romancece should do ti cuz thye are so dark and emotionla driven! They would totalie do it rite!"


And I certianly don't want to hear any crap about how Linkin' Park, or whatever overplayed band would be a good choise because rabid fans are somehow throughly convinced that 1,000 videos to Final Fantasy PlayStation era game FMVs synched to "My December" is cool. Seriously put some thought into this.

At the risk of sounding insane myself, I would have to say Nine Inch Nails. For those of you who know me, I am not saying this just because they are my favorite band. And yes, I know a lot of Nine Inch Nails music could work in darker games like Silent Hill. However, as most NIN fans would tell you, Trent Reznor is one hell of a piano player (I am not sure how to spell the word that sounds like "penis" and I am too lazy to look it up--shut up). Once again, I know most of the piano NIN tracks sound moody, ambient, and generally deperessing, but I really think Trent would have the ability to shift gears and make one hell of an FF track. It wouldn't be the first time that he worked on a video game soundtrack, either (see: Quake).

Your turn.

09-27-2006, 05:17 AM
Pianist, I think.

Anyway, I agree on the NIN bit, and an FF song would sound good in the lines of The Day the World Went Away, and Everyday is Exactly the Same, they are lighter then some of the other songs, but still have a dark and sombre feel to them.

09-27-2006, 06:28 AM
The Gorillaz should be required by law to make everything related to music.

Cruise Control
09-27-2006, 11:18 AM
To stop Del Murder from bitching about the lack of threads in this sub-froum, I have thought of an interesting thread idea.Actually, I bitched.

Nightwish. I personally think that they have some amazing orchestral songs (Ghost Love Score). I think that they could do a Final Fantasy with a darker theme.

Prancing Mad
09-27-2006, 12:28 PM
Umm lessee...
Mars Volta doing Dancing Mad since it's a fairly progressive tune
Doves always have awesome instrumentals and are very eclectic making them a perfect group to do FF covers
Radiohead would be cool, but I think they'd bastardize it
SOAD would be hilarious, and hey they did the Zelda song
Flaming Lips would also be funny
HMM I think ENYA should do lessee FF4 ;)
OMG Yes should totally do it, they used orchestra often enough, once again progressive rock always makes things interesting, and the lead singer can do all the high-pitched girly opera parts jk

09-27-2006, 08:02 PM
Lisa Gerrard (Aeris' Theme, Hymn of the Fayth), Tori Amos (Blue Fields), Angelo Badalementi (Cait Sith's Theme, Turk's Theme, the song that Terra sings in the opera house in FFVI, various love themes [i.e., not the crappy jpop that makes me want to dig out my eyeballs with a rusty spork]), Dead Can Dance (Sad Theme from FFIV, Shadow's Theme from FFVI, opening theme for FFVII, Red the XIII's theme, Vivi's Theme from FFIX, FFX), Bjork (FFX-2)...

09-30-2006, 03:16 AM

OMG Yes should totally do it, they used orchestra often enough, once again progressive rock always makes things interesting, and the lead singer can do all the high-pitched girly opera parts jk

Progressive Rock and game soundtracks do have a lot in common. Yes, Camel, Triunvirat, Kansas, Genesis, Renaissance, Gentle Giant.... Too bad the Progressive rock folks were too much into synthesizers and rarely used orchestra or a decent piano.

Enya... Mary MacLaughlin, Lorena McKennit... Some of the Celtic music does sound like Liberi Fatali from FFVIII or Hymn of the Fayth from FFX.

What does impress me about Video Game music is the range of styles they manage to create. Very few bands can say the same, they find a good niche and stay in it. Bo-ring!

My vote goes for Tori Amos, more her early work (Boys for Pele) but even nowadays. She is a mean pianist and can go through an incredible range of themes. And I like her voice too.
EDIT: Oooh, another Tori fan here! :D

I like Yanni too, though he is soo repetitive! But he does seem to get some great Synth / orchestra pieces every once in a while.

And I do like Linkin Park. They can go from moody to rap to rock and back, with interesting results. I just love the videos with "In the End" set to FFX ending at You Tube ;)

09-30-2006, 03:20 AM
NIN is pretty good...I tought Rammestein would have been awesome for something like Otherworld :P