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The Devil Man
09-27-2006, 04:33 PM
Last night I was watching the Season 2 Finale of 'Lost'.

Now, I am sure some of you lucky Americans got to see the end of Season 2 a long time ago... but we Brits just ain't as lucky to get shows straight away :( (Someone here please pay for me to live in USA so i can watch shows when they are released...)

Anyway, it was the end of Season 2 and, ohmigosh, I thought it was just soooo dramatic! I love Lost and am a huge fan and I thought the ending was amazing. Or rather... what was going on in the Hatch! When Locke let the counter run right down to 0:00 and the hierogyphics came out and the warning kept on being repeated, 'System Failure! System Failure! System Failure!' and the same message kept on being repeated on the computer screen, then the electro-magnets started whirring and clicking and, err, getting very electro-magnety (is that a word?) and then...

KABOOM! :eek:

The Discharge and wierd noise and the whole sky goes white!

I thought that was one of the most dramatic scenes I have ever watched in a TV show or movie. I really enjoyed it! And I had the words 'System Failure' echoing in my head for most of the night! (Amongst other things... :))

So the topic of this Thread is:

What is (or are) your most favourite scenes ever in a TV show or Movie that made you go 'Whoah! :eek:'

Which scenes left a mark on you? And why?

I'm hoping with this Thread we can end up giving good recommendations to each other for shows and movies to watch :)

(Oh, and you can talk about the greatness of Lost too)

Madame Adequate
09-27-2006, 09:28 PM
The two-part last episode of Battlestar Galactica season 2 is the most absolutely fucking insane/intense season ending I have ever seen. I mean, Lost does good season cliffhangers and whatnot, but it's not even in the same universe as BSG (Season 1 had intense enough stuff).

The entire last episode of Babylon 5, Sleeping In Light, moves me beyond words. It's one of a very small cadre of things which can bring me to tears. Delenn's love is... so powerful, so tangible. Zack's loyalty to the station, understand of what was done, and, just, hell, it's the best show I've ever watched (Only BSG has a chance of beating it), it's a fitting ending.

09-27-2006, 09:35 PM
The episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer where Buffy's mom died. That COMPLETELY destroyed me and I was bawling my eyes out. <3