View Full Version : WHAT WE ARE...

Pharoh Amon Khan III
09-29-2006, 05:31 PM
Just click on it... You'll see what I mean.


Bananas are in the breakroom.

And to further add...


If you ever saw Star Wars Episodes 1, especially 2 & 3, then you'll understand that our government has been hijacked. With each Neo-Conic Law passed that is nothing more than closeted bigotry we loose not only our liberties, but so does the rest of world as the American Empire rises to power. Or as Senator Amidala said... "So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause."

???? So far 13 Views, but NO Responses? WTH?

09-30-2006, 12:34 AM
I thought the first one was funny but the second one, well it's too long and i have to go make cake!

The Infinite Telomerase
09-30-2006, 02:55 AM
Uh huh, evolution happened and religion suXX0rz: we get it. A slide show that was only slightly entertaining due to its various references to popular culture was not required.

Pharoh Amon Khan III
09-30-2006, 03:20 AM
Uh huh, evolution happened and religion suXX0rz: we get it. A slide show that was only slightly entertaining due to its various references to popular culture was not required.

No, I see it as more so that people have used religion to justify going to war or genocide in the name of "God".

We're all here on the same planet.

What the one thing that we share with the plants, the animals, the sky, the wind, the rocks and the trees?

Answer: We exist.

The Infinite Telomerase
09-30-2006, 03:32 AM
No, I see it as more so that people have used religion to justify going to war or genocide in the name of "God".

That was implied by 'suXX0rz'.

Pharoh Amon Khan III
09-30-2006, 06:32 AM
No, I see it as more so that people have used religion to justify going to war or genocide in the name of "God".

That was implied by 'suXX0rz'.

I don't speak/understand "L33T". Translation requried. Honestly, I don't understand what you're saying.

The Infinite Telomerase
09-30-2006, 06:36 AM
It just means 'it sucks more than the power of a thousand vacuums'.

Pharoh Amon Khan III
09-30-2006, 07:02 AM
It just means 'it sucks more than the power of a thousand vacuums'.

And that's a 'bad thing' right Egon? But the question remains, that in which case? Are you saying you disagree/agree with the statement(s)? In other words... What/Which one "sucks"? What is this "IT" you're referring to?

The Infinite Telomerase
09-30-2006, 07:09 AM
I'm saying I agree with what has been said, but these particular points have been reiterated so many times that no one really need to see another 'lolz science = good, religion = bad' presentation by someone who is almost undoubtedly another overly left-wing American college.

EDIT: And by college student I meant someone who was born in 1972 yet has a deceptively young sounding voice.

Pharoh Amon Khan III
09-30-2006, 07:33 AM
I'm saying I agree with what has been said, but these particular points have been reiterated so many times that no one really need to see another 'lolz science = good, religion = bad' presentation by someone who is almost undoubtedly another overly left-wing American college student.

"LOLZ"? What does that mean? As I said before I don't speak/understand "L33T". I'm not griping at you, I just need/want to understand your communication.

On other notes, I understand where you're coming from on there being too many, but just like during the Nixon era, no one paid attention to the 'Left-Wing College Students" and America was enthralled in a war that plagued us and the veterans of that war for generations... Do you really want us to be silent again as they did then see your brothers and sisters, friends and family come back and suddenly realize that just as it was then, that is is now that they shall not receive health benefits despite their sacrifice for their country? I would hope not...

History repeats itself. The Republican Right-Wing Neo-Cons, believe that they are "Saving America from itself and the WRAITH OF GOD" but all they are doing is perpeturating a internal struggle of Civil War... Survival of the fittiest against the TRUE majority. The slaves... Those that work back breaking hours just to survive for little slips of green paper that's suppose to mean something... But it really doesn't.

Tell me, how can we be in a TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICIET but donate TRILLIONS MORE to some idealistic cause for the Neo-Cons?

Because it's not Real Money... It's Play Dough... It's just a series of numbers input on a computer. It doesn't actually exist. Just like there are no so-called "Terrorists".

Think of it in reverse... Can you imagine what's like in Iran or North Korea... Hearing America rally all these countries around the world rally and bad-mouth all these countries against you? And you can't say anything because America is the country with the "Doomsday Device" and actually USED the Doomsday Device... TWICE!!!!

And now that the AMERICAN EMPIRE is stationing themselves on the EASTERN HEMISPHERE... What's next? Almost like "AL QUEDA" setting camp in North Carolina, huh?

Before you just jump sides on auto-pilot... Think about it... Like Cecil from FFIV... Yeah, I'm using a game for reference, but think about where you are right now on the net, and the fact that even this liberty may be lost to you. Cecil was loyal at first... But when he discovered the truth...

Uh-huh.... That's-right.

The Infinite Telomerase
09-30-2006, 07:42 AM
"lolz" is just a augmentation of the word 'lol' (ie laugh out loud) that has no real additional purpose besides sounding cooler.

Also, I am not American. Just throwing that one out there.

Pharoh Amon Khan III
09-30-2006, 07:53 AM
"lolz" is just a augmentation of the word 'lol' (ie laugh out loud) that has no real additional purpose besides sounding cooler.

Also, I am not American. Just throwing that one out there.

Okay, every one of your statements have been just utterly "VAGUE" to say the least... Can you say anything literally clear?

I'm not trying to be a 'hard-ass' but I need clarity.... What are you really trying to say?

Also, I don't understand your college of 1972 statement... I was born in 1975. So... Uh... that one flew over the park...

The Infinite Telomerase
09-30-2006, 08:02 AM
To summarize:

1. I agree with what the guy was saying but it is brought up so often now days that I don't care.

2. I agree that America is probably going down a path that will eventually result in it screwing itself over but being non-American my ability to care is limited to say the least.

3. I did not watch the second video beyond the words "conspiracy truth".

Pharoh Amon Khan III
09-30-2006, 08:17 AM
To summarize:

1. I agree with what the guy was saying but it is brought up so often now days that I don't care.

2. I agree that America is probably going down a path that will eventually result in it screwing itself over but being non-American my ability to care is limited to say the least.

3. I did not watch the second video beyond the words "conspiracy truth".

1. Thanks for clearing that up. I apologize for not being... 'hip'.

2. I'm glad we share the same Point Of View. Don't let being from another country stop you, because the American Empire is bound to affect you too...

3. You should-... No... I Suggest, you watch the second video... But that's you choice. Like you, I have seen multiple varitions of repeats of the same theories and conspiracies, but that doesn't stop me from acknowledging that there are those that question and quest for the truth. I rather like, and included the second video because it doesn't so much as speak about conspiracy, but state facts of how the oil deficeiency will affect us all on more than just 'go-juice' for out automobiles...

09-30-2006, 05:31 PM
We are humans which means we are all sinful bastards, whatever i admit it.

And monkeys are cute, nuff said.

Pharoh Amon Khan III
09-30-2006, 09:19 PM
Hey Hey, We're The Monkees... And people say we monkey around...

But we're too busy singing. To put anybody down...

We're just trying to be friendly

So people come to watch sing play...

'Cuz we're the young generation, and we got something say...

(I forget the rest)

Captain Maxx Power
09-30-2006, 11:34 PM
Added bonus for Pastafarianism reference.