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09-29-2006, 08:10 PM
So I was planning earlier to go around singing so when I get back in choir I don't suck. I doubt I'll become tone deaf because I sing everyday to keep my range I just want to get in the best choir when ever I go back to school (MY MOMMY'S GETTING MY HIGH SCHOOL TRANSCRIPT FOR ME TODAY~) and yeah.. So for some reason I thought it was a grand idea to eat speghetti, then realize OH NO, Now my throats all coated and what not. I wasn't really thinking I just wanted some speghetti!

Does anyone else have a bad habbit of planning to do something and then end up doing something totally different which results in you not doing the first thing or doing it but later on? :( My poor attention span.

09-29-2006, 08:14 PM
I tend to plan ahead quite well, and I never deviate from a plan unless absolutely necessary (eg - due to illness, etc).


09-29-2006, 08:17 PM
It happens all the time.

In fact I don't plan whatsoever

so tommorow I'm going to a birthday party

leaving home at 9:30pm because I have to pick up a co-worker when he quits (at 9:30)

we'll probably get there by 10:30

just in time to eat and play poker


09-29-2006, 10:11 PM
I'm both insanely organized and somewhat spontaneous. I go cross-eyed from time to time.