View Full Version : Nintendo Wii Online to use 1 friends code per console!

Tidus Andronicus
09-30-2006, 08:50 PM

Just as the title says, gamers will only need to worry about one friends code for online play! No more managing tons of friends codes, one for every game... The Nintendo Wii will have Just 1 friends code per console/account!

No individual friend codes for games on the Wii!

A page on Nintendo of Europe’s Wii site has confirmed that the Wii will indeed not have a friend code per game as previously thought, but a friend code per system/account!

This is great news as we can now send messages to other users while they’re playing another game, or invite them to play with you. This is a massive leap forward for Nintendo online gamers and we can only hope that they’ll include communication software with the Wii as standard.

More as it breaks!

Source: Nintendo Europe (http://www.nintendo-europe.com/)

Captain Maxx Power
09-30-2006, 09:36 PM
Once more console players take a small step forward to the level of communication/utility available to PC gamers for the better part of a decade.