View Full Version : sad endings

10-02-2006, 08:00 AM
so i was just wondering..

who else is a fan of sad endings? i'm a big fan of sad endings. such as final fantasy X. i like the feeling of that uncomfiness after a sad ending. its just more emotional and leaves you wanting more. yet i hate sequals. sequels just ruin the story of the the original. look at X-2.

to me, there is no such thing as a happy ending. because whether the ending is "happily ever after" or painful....endings never make me happy.

boys from the dwarf
10-02-2006, 08:04 AM
endings always need to have some sort of sadness. FF8 has possibly my favourite ending. it is emotional and just a brilliant ending. endings where everything is sad and gloomy aren't usually good. if its a good combination of good and bad, i guess thats perfect. happy endings are usually as boring as hell.

10-02-2006, 02:40 PM
You know, the ending for X didn't really get to me until after I finished X-2. O_o'

Maybe it wasn't so much the fact that they wouldn't be together, so much as it was the fact that Yuna was about to die and be replaced by a pop star.

10-02-2006, 07:20 PM
I like how VIII's had alot of both in it. It was real happy with the dinner party at Garden and you see everyone there, even Matron, and they're all having a good time.

At the same time, before that is Laguna visiting Raine's grave and it says Raine Loire, that was possibly the saddest part of the FF series. VIII overall was a really emotionally-based game.

10-02-2006, 07:53 PM
I like how VIII's had alot of both in it. It was real happy with the dinner party at Garden and you see everyone there, even Matron, and they're all having a good time.

At the same time, before that is Laguna visiting Raine's grave and it says Raine Loire, that was possibly the saddest part of the FF series. VIII overall was a really emotionally-based game.
Well said, completely agree.

boys from the dwarf
10-02-2006, 08:26 PM
i just love scenes with tons of emotions. like aerisses death. the part where black waltz 3 murders all of those black mages, most of the ending sequences. they are just so great. FF has loads of amazing scenes. the only scene that has actually brought a tear to my eye was the FF8 ending sequence. im not the type to cry over scenes though and it was only a tear but there are some really emotional asnd touching scenes.

usually scenes with some sort of sadness have a big effect.

10-03-2006, 04:44 AM
FFVIII ending wasnt really sad to me. throughout the whole game..we knew that raine was dead. its not like at the end i was like "what?!?!...raines dead??...thats sooo sadd!"..it was just whatever. the main characters were all happy in the end and most importanly, squall and rinoa both had happy endings. FFX was like...irony. since halfway through the game we think yuna is the one that will die, but instead...it was tidus(not die..but disappear from the world). and in the end, neither one of them was completly happy. the sad part was at the end, yuna was whistling by the sea thinking tidus will come for her which takes you back to the promise they made in the beginning of the game.

10-03-2006, 06:53 AM
Hate SAD ENDING! Unsastified (Correct Spelling?).

Because..........................................................I always cry when sad ending was played......:kaocry2:

Therefore, Final Fantasy IX have the best ending....................................................................for me. It's perfect and everyone lived happily, eventhough, Vivi died.

Twilight Edge
10-03-2006, 10:50 AM
Preferably both. VIII has most of these elements in one whole pack. So is X btw......

First you thought Squall died, and then you see Rinoa's happy face and "YES! SQUALL DIDN'T DIE!!" then Laguna visits raine's grave and at the flashback, I cried. Laguna's proposal was the best part of the ending. Seifer's part was damn hilarious, which add some lukewarm feeling to it.

10-03-2006, 09:04 PM

It really depends on the game and how well the ending is made. Happy endings can work very well, like in FFVII AC and FFIX, but sad endings can be great too, like in KH and FFX.

10-05-2006, 06:22 PM
Final Fantasy Six. I was just so sad the game was over. I cried. Hard. Like a good hard cry where I was gripping my pillow and hugging life into it. I fell into a corner and carved SIX in my arm repeatedly mutter catinations like "it's not over", and "Kefka lives". It truley fucked me up :(

Moon Rabbits
10-06-2006, 09:37 PM
Preferably both. VIII has most of these elements in one whole pack. So is X btw......

First you thought Squall died, and then you see Rinoa's happy face and "YES! SQUALL DIDN'T DIE!!" then Laguna visits raine's grave and at the flashback, I cried. Laguna's proposal was the best part of the ending. Seifer's part was damn hilarious, which add some lukewarm feeling to it.

Then you realize Squall never actually died, but that's not the point.

10-07-2006, 06:10 AM
Give me a sad ending and it's probably going to make me like the game a bit more. I loved FFX's ending, because it left me with so many questions about why everyone did what they did, and why things had to happen that happened. It made me go deeper into the game, realize how Yuna really felt about Tidus, what Tidus really was meant for, and how they could somehow end up being together again...maybe.

A cool and happy ending is good at times too. FFIX ended on a high note as did FFVII in a way, so a good mix of endings is always a positive and keeps it from getting repetitive and boring.

Pete for President
10-08-2006, 09:52 PM
A sad ending makes a game so much more interesting and believable.

They're rare though. But yeah, I like sad endings.

10-08-2006, 10:15 PM
Maybe an ending with a PERMENANT death would be nice....like Vaan died of metrosexuality or something...

The Last Ancient
10-09-2006, 04:46 PM
I think a perfect ending has a sense of meloncholy. Things shouldn't all wrap up perfectly, it just makes it unsatisfying. I also enjoy ending that leave you wanting more without just fucking with you and throwing in something just to make you play the next game. Spoilers ahead.

Final Fantasy VIII - I agree is a great ending. I like when Seifer looks up at Balamb garden and has a feeling of regret, and the end where it looks like Squall dies, and then you see him and he smiles for the first time, very satisfying

Final Fantasy VII - We all know now but that ending was great because you really didn't know if any of the humans survived it, were they good for the planet or not? I also love the last line where I think Barret asks what the hell those green swirling things are and I love the way Cloud responds, "Lifestream," and then it shows everyone real quick and a last shot of Aeris from the opening.

Suikoden - It is perfectly bittersweet because you feel bad in a way for taking down the empire, and Mathiu dies in a great scene, and you don't know the fate of Viktor and Flik. I also love the scene where it says what happens to the stars of destiny. I think the first Suikoden did the best in making the most of those stars memorable characters, at least 70 of them you feel something for.

Suikoden 2 - Same as the first one, as you begin to realize the Jowston and Highland armies are fighting for the exact same thing, and either your character or Jowy would be equally great and fair ruler, it's just one has to be on top. Also the three endings with Jowy and Nanami are all bittersweet, particularly the one where after the credits is just shows a picture of Jowy waiting at the rock where you and your character promised to meet one day.

Final Fantasy Tactics - Great ending, where Ramza and Alma, have to disappear into secrecy, and are branded as heretics, and Delita stabs Ovelia (although I don't think kills, he stabbed her so he could fake her death and let her live in freedom), it's just a perfect example of what an ending should be, lot's of emotions good and bad you feel after it's over. Delita asking "Ramza what did you get, I...." makes you think.

Vagrant Story - Same as Tactics, so many emotions in it. With Ashley coming to terms with his past, and guildenstern dieing, and tieger fighting with grissom("tis a fine tomb we shall share") and Hardin, Josh, and Merlose escaping as well as Ashley carrying Sydney. The death scene with Hardin is as good as it gets, very simple in a perfect way. Then the scene where the duke and sydney die is great, and the best last line in any game,
"And so began the story of the wanderer........The Vagrant."