View Full Version : Lost Season 3 (Spoilers!)

10-05-2006, 02:36 AM

I'll add my thoughts later. ;) But I'll just say right now, the first 5 minutes were hella WHOA!

10-05-2006, 03:04 AM
Let's see... let me try to recap what was revealed:

1) The Others ARE a former part of Dharma, and they lived in a quasi-normal community on the island until the plane crashed.
2) One of the reasons Jack is so screwed up is that his paranoia led his father to jump off the wagon and eventually die.
3) The Others are very, very aware of every minute detail of the Losties' lives off of the island.

I'll add more later, but I have a meeting to go to now.

10-05-2006, 03:15 AM
That first scene was lyke woa. Sawyer is still awesome. :P I hope Locke and Ecko and Charlie are ok. :(

10-05-2006, 06:07 AM
Awesome episode.

I loved how Jack thought his father was having an affair with his wife when she really wasn't. He drove his father to drink again.

Sawyer's cage exploits were also amusing.

"it onlt took the bears two hours"

"how many of them were there?"

Del Murder
10-05-2006, 06:13 AM
This show started off with a kicker but it kind of slugged on after that. Like I give a crap about Jack's wife.

I wish it showed more people. The cage stuff was funny.

10-05-2006, 06:17 AM
I was disappointed in the season premiere. It didn't seem like a premiere so much as it seemed like a regular episode out of the season. After a whole summer without Lost, you'd think they would have started off the season with a big bang. There were a few surprises here and there, but... I dunno.

I do not believe that it is possible for the Others to know whether someone outside the Island is happy or not. Date of birth, death of father, these things *maybe* they found out through whatever government connections the Dharma Initiative had, but whether someone's ex-wife is happy? C'mon now. My suspension of disbelief doesn't stretch that far.

I love Sawyer. I liked how he gave his cracker to Kate. Kate still bothers me. Juliet bothers me. Carl is probably a plant, put there to work with Sawyer, just like Juliet was there to work with Jack. I don't trust *any* of the Others. Jack is getting hecka annoying.

Did anyone else catch Juliet holding a Stephen King book? Special significance? Methinks, yes!

I honestly hope that this season will be better than the last.

Del Murder
10-05-2006, 06:21 AM
I'm pretty sure she just told Jack that to calm him down.

10-05-2006, 06:28 AM
I do not believe that it is possible for the Others to know whether someone outside the Island is happy or not.

She just said that to ease his troubled mind.

Del Murder
10-05-2006, 06:32 AM
Or maybe they have superpowers.

10-05-2006, 07:02 AM
Or maybe Sara doesn't exist and they made her up and put the memories of her into Jacks head?!

10-05-2006, 11:31 AM
Jack IS so annoying. I had this theory that if Jack showed up in an episode for more than 5 minutes continually, he would cry. This episode proves it. I mean, what happened with his wife really sucks, but god. Besides, I don't CARE about Jack and his wife. More Desmond, Others or Jin and Sun flashbacks, plz. ;__;

10-05-2006, 11:48 AM
My willpower is so low. :(

10-05-2006, 12:04 PM
They should kill off Jack and give Charlie more flashback episodes. :bigsmile:

10-05-2006, 03:51 PM
According to what I have read and seen (http://gallery.lost-media.com/thumbnails.php?album=1168) EKo and Locke are alive but Eko is deaf and Locke has lost his voice. Charlie appears to be slightly deafened.

And the Swan is gone.

Biggie spoiler
met one of the others in the real world but he does not know it.

Also Ethan has been rumored to return sometime in the season, probably in a flashback.

This is all small words from the TPTB. (producers, etc) They could all just be foilers.

Flying Mullet
10-05-2006, 04:15 PM
My wife and I just finished watching season 2 on dvd last weekend, and just as Miriel said, I felt like I was watching the next episode in the current season rather than starting a new season. But on that point, the producers have said that this is actually season 2.5 and will only be 6 episodes long, and that season 3 will be 17 episodes long and will start somtime after 2.5 (presumably after the new year) and each week will be a new episode (i.e. no reruns).

10-05-2006, 05:35 PM
Also Ethan has been rumored to return sometime in the season, probably in a flashback.

He was in the show last night. :P

10-05-2006, 07:39 PM
My wife and I just finished watching season 2 on dvd last weekend, and just as Miriel said, I felt like I was watching the next episode in the current season rather than starting a new season. But on that point, the producers have said that this is actually season 2.5 and will only be 6 episodes long, and that season 3 will be 17 episodes long and will start somtime after 2.5 (presumably after the new year) and each week will be a new episode (i.e. no reruns).

Okay, thanks! That definitely explains it. I was watching Lost with my boyfriend, who never watched it before, and he said it didn't feel like a season premiere either, which is true. But since it's 2.5, makes sense. :)

10-05-2006, 07:44 PM
My wife and I just finished watching season 2 on dvd last weekend, and just as Miriel said, I felt like I was watching the next episode in the current season rather than starting a new season. But on that point, the producers have said that this is actually season 2.5 and will only be 6 episodes long, and that season 3 will be 17 episodes long and will start somtime after 2.5 (presumably after the new year) and each week will be a new episode (i.e. no reruns).
6 week episode arch with a cliffhanger ending, and then a 12-week hiatus. The "real" season 3 begins February 7th, 9/8 central, only on ABC.

Quindiana Jones
10-05-2006, 08:33 PM
Damnit. I'm in UK so it's nee gannee be oot for a while, but I was forced (by myself) to read this thread. NOW I CAN'T WAIT!

10-05-2006, 08:57 PM
Did anyone else catch Juliet holding a Stephen King book? Special significance? Methinks, yes!

ABC and Stephen King are in kahoots, they're always making miniseries from his books and airing his movies. :love:

10-05-2006, 09:06 PM
Did anyone else catch Juliet holding a Stephen King book? Special significance? Methinks, yes!

ABC and Stephen King are in kahoots, they're always making miniseries from his books and airing his movies. :love:
Yes. As far as I know, it has no real significance to the show, but is only a random thing put in for fun by ABC.

Madame Adequate
10-06-2006, 05:00 PM
I do not believe that it is possible for the Others to know whether someone outside the Island is happy or not. Date of birth, death of father, these things *maybe* they found out through whatever government connections the Dharma Initiative had, but whether someone's ex-wife is happy? C'mon now. My suspension of disbelief doesn't stretch that far.

I don't trust *any* of the Others.

Uhhhh... doesn't that kind of answer your comments about suspension of disbelief? :p

I thought it developed Jack interestingly, which was nice. I've never had the same dislike for him that many seem to anyway though.

And... you oughtn't to hold your ideas of 'season premieres' and whatnot. The show as a whole being viewed consecutively is what matters, not where there happened to be breaks during production for various reasons. That's the only reason such occurs - to maintain interest in the months a show is off the air. I'm more interested in how it will all fit together in a couple of years when I have the whole thing on DVD and can watch it consecutively than how it happens to be because of various contrivances.

10-06-2006, 05:28 PM
No it really doesn't. Why would it. :confused:

Suspension of disbelief deals with what I am willing to believe or not believe within the context and realities of the TV show. Am I willing to believe that these people crashed from a plane and survived? Sure. Am I willing to believe that the Others manage to know crazy details about people? No.

Whether I trust the motives and whatnot of the Others doesn't have a lot to do with my suspension of disbelief.

10-06-2006, 05:58 PM
This show has gone in too many tangles, for every answer they give, 5 more questions come up.

The episode was pretty lack-luster, Im only intrested by the fact that Ben ( I take it thats his name ) said to Kate that the next two weeks would be very uncomftable, I wonder what they plan to do. Hopefully it would shed light on why they wanted Walt so much, and what they did with him.

Hopefully the next few episodes will tell us what is happening to the others back on the beach, and what happened to Michael.

10-06-2006, 06:39 PM
This show has gone in too many tangles, for every answer they give, 5 more questions come up.

The episode was pretty lack-luster, Im only intrested by the fact that Ben ( I take it thats his name ) said to Kate that the next two weeks would be very uncomftable, I wonder what they plan to do. Hopefully it would shed light on why they wanted Walt so much, and what they did with him.

Hopefully the next few episodes will tell us what is happening to the others back on the beach, and what happened to Michael.
From what I understand, Michael is gone forever and will not be coming back. I don't his story will ever be explained.

10-06-2006, 06:41 PM
This show has gone in too many tangles, for every answer they give, 5 more questions come up.

The episode was pretty lack-luster, Im only intrested by the fact that Ben ( I take it thats his name ) said to Kate that the next two weeks would be very uncomftable, I wonder what they plan to do. Hopefully it would shed light on why they wanted Walt so much, and what they did with him.

Hopefully the next few episodes will tell us what is happening to the others back on the beach, and what happened to Michael.
From what I understand, Michael is gone forever and will not be coming back. I don't his story will ever be explained.

Where the hell do you get all this info :confused:

Thats sucks, anyway. Especially because it means Walts story will most likely not be explained.

10-06-2006, 08:11 PM
This show has gone in too many tangles, for every answer they give, 5 more questions come up.

The episode was pretty lack-luster, Im only intrested by the fact that Ben ( I take it thats his name ) said to Kate that the next two weeks would be very uncomftable, I wonder what they plan to do. Hopefully it would shed light on why they wanted Walt so much, and what they did with him.

Hopefully the next few episodes will tell us what is happening to the others back on the beach, and what happened to Michael.
From what I understand, Michael is gone forever and will not be coming back. I don't his story will ever be explained.

Where the hell do you get all this info :confused:

Thats sucks, anyway. Especially because it means Walts story will most likely not be explained.
Well, Harold Perrineau is not under contract for this season and told some talk show that while he wouldn't rule out returning for seasons 4 and 5, he hasn't been approached about it and doesn't anticipate that he will. I guarantee that Walt's story will be told, though.

Madame Adequate
10-06-2006, 09:27 PM
No it really doesn't. Why would it. :confused:

Suspension of disbelief deals with what I am willing to believe or not believe within the context and realities of the TV show. Am I willing to believe that these people crashed from a plane and survived? Sure. Am I willing to believe that the Others manage to know crazy details about people? No.

Whether I trust the motives and whatnot of the Others doesn't have a lot to do with my suspension of disbelief.

Well, we've established that The Others are a pack of dirty liars and you don't trust them as far as you can throw them. I certainly don't. Ergo, the fact that one of The Others says something you have trouble believing doesn't impact on your suspension of disbelief, because Juliet may well not know anything more than Jack does about Sarah right now, but she's a dirty liar and so her statements can be pretty much discarded if they're insane or you think them to be false.

(And you'll believe that there are polar bears and large clouds of violent black smoke, but not that The Others can contact the outside world and do a little investigation? :confused: Because I know which threatens MY suspension of disbelief more.)

Moon Rabbits
10-06-2006, 09:29 PM
This show started off with a kicker but it kind of slugged on after that. Like I give a crap about Jack's wife.

I wish it showed more people. The cage stuff was funny.


Not enough was revealed, as is the usual with Lost.

I'm interested to see what's going to be so hellish about their next two weeks, maybe they'll put them in the 'room' that scared Walt so much?

Either way, the girl who was on the other side of Jack's glass (Juliet I think?) is an awesome character. I hope Ms. Clue also comes back soon.

I dislike Ben, he locked Juliet out of the room when Jack stupidly opened the flood gate :mad2:

10-06-2006, 09:49 PM

I'll add my thoughts later. ;) But I'll just say right now, the first 5 minutes were hella WHOA!

No joke. Great show!

10-06-2006, 09:55 PM
(And you'll believe that there are polar bears and large clouds of violent black smoke, but not that The Others can contact the outside world and do a little investigation? :confused: Because I know which threatens MY suspension of disbelief more.)

Well that's great for you if you're fine with what's currently happening on Lost. That's YOU, and it really shouldn't matter what I believe or don't believe since it doesn't impact you at all.

And fyi, I never mentioned anything about believing polar bears or large clouds of black smoke.

And the stuff they knew about Jack's life wasn't a "little investigation." But like I said, the stuff I believe or don't believe shouldn't matter to you at all.

Madame Adequate
10-06-2006, 09:59 PM
Okay, now I am really lost*. My point was, simply, that something that is probably a lie, told by someone we know to be an extremely good liar, shouldn't make you think "Hang on, how could she know that? This is stretching it a bit." but, surely "Another lie from The Others. And Jack's buying into it - they're wearing him down." (Or something vaguely similar) *shrugs* That's all, as you say it's your call in the end. I'm just clearly missing something in your thought progression.

* Edit: Lol pun.

Del Murder
10-07-2006, 02:20 AM
I highly doubt she knows how his wife is, and I don't think we are expected to believe she knows. I think the point of her saying that was to calm Jack down and we are to take nothing more than that away from it.

Crushed Hope
10-07-2006, 04:40 AM
They should kill off Jack and give Charlie more flashback episodes. :bigsmile:

Yes, I adore Charlie and he is never given enough time.

10-07-2006, 05:00 AM
I highly doubt she knows how his wife is, and I don't think we are expected to believe she knows. I think the point of her saying that was to calm Jack down and we are to take nothing more than that away from it.

I'll agree with that.

However, the episode showed that the Others had/have very significant contact with the world (Stephen King novel?). So who knows what they can know.

Of course, this was the first episode I've ever watched.

Moon Rabbits
10-07-2006, 06:32 AM
NOTE - The Others put Sawyer in a cage, if they know all about people they'll know Sawyer 'just wants to be free', I guess you could say. Coincidence? Maybe, but keep going.

Kate was put in handcuffs by the Other's, they're playing off of her fear of becoming a convict again.

Jack is placed in a room with 1 glass wall, perhaps something to do with his ex-fiance? Something he cannot get past, get over, the invisible wall.

Coincidence? I don't think so anymore.

Madame Adequate
10-07-2006, 11:27 AM
I highly doubt she knows how his wife is, and I don't think we are expected to believe she knows. I think the point of her saying that was to calm Jack down and we are to take nothing more than that away from it.

I'll agree with that.

However, the episode showed that the Others had/have very significant contact with the world (Stephen King novel?). So who knows what they can know.

Of course, this was the first episode I've ever watched.

The novel was Carrie, which was first published in 1974, so that doesn't really prove much, that's 30 years before the plane crash.

Of more interest is that "Downtown" was played on a CD - I've not yet verified when it was first printed onto CD, because it is a bitch to search through all Clark's compilation CDs, but it might narrow down a date of The Other's definite last contact with the outside world.

Quindiana Jones
10-07-2006, 12:02 PM
They should kill off Jack and give Charlie more flashback episodes. :bigsmile:

Yes, I adore Charlie and he is never given enough time.

And Charlie was in, like, one of the biggest films EVER!

Flying Mullet
10-07-2006, 02:06 PM
They should kill off Jack and give Charlie more flashback episodes. :bigsmile:
The funny part is that Jack originally died in the pilot episode(s). When he and Kate and Charlie find the cockpit and the pilot, Jack's the one that looks outside and dies rather than the plane's pilot. But the test audience was so hurt that one of the main characters that they tied an emotional attachment to died that they had to rewrite the script so that Jack was a main part of it.

10-07-2006, 03:00 PM
They should kill off Jack and give Charlie more flashback episodes. :bigsmile:
The funny part is that Jack originally died in the pilot episode(s). When he and Kate and Charlie find the cockpit and the pilot, Jack's the one that looks outside and dies rather than the plane's pilot. But the test audience was so hurt that one of the main characters that they tied an emotional attachment to died that they had to rewrite the script so that Jack was a main part of it.

Like me with Arnst or whatever. :P

10-07-2006, 05:03 PM
The novel was Carrie, which was first published in 1974, so that doesn't really prove much, that's 30 years before the plane crash.

Ok, then, let's look at other things. Vinyl houses? The clothing? I don't see how they can justify all that without significant outside contact.

Madame Adequate
10-07-2006, 05:07 PM
I'm not versed in anything like that, so I can't say either way :p

I do think they have a lot of contact with the outside world (That or the situation is more extreme than we think, like everyone's in space or something), I'm just trying to find evidence for exactly when the last contact must have been.

Plus, in Season 2 there was the Dharma supply airdrop - so someone is still thinking something is going on there, clearly. That could be a lot more extensive than we think.

10-07-2006, 05:09 PM
I'm not versed in anything like that, so I can't say either way :p

I do think they have a lot of contact with the outside world (That or the situation is more extreme than we think, like everyone's in space or something), I'm just trying to find evidence for exactly when the last contact must have been.

Plus, in Season 2 there was the Dharma supply airdrop - so someone is still thinking something is going on there, clearly. That could be a lot more extensive than we think.

Yeah, I was just going to bring up the Dharma supply airdrop. And don't forget, they have boats too. Boats need fuel. So they do, in some way, have contact.

I really want the story to get back to Desmond and his girlfriend and those mountain guys. D: I thought that was exactly where 2.5 would start off. Maybe that's where season 3 will start off? Either way, more Desmond, if you please!

Quindiana Jones
10-07-2006, 05:25 PM
Desmond and Charlie are hawt :love: Easily my fave characters.

Damnit! Why do I keep coming back to this thread??

Madame Adequate
10-07-2006, 05:46 PM
Henry Ian Cusick is on board as a main cast member for Season 3. This means much more Desmond, which is clearly awsome, because he's great.

I don't believe either Harold Perrineau Jr. or Malcolm Kelley have been signed up for Season 3, so it could be left up in the air for a very long time as to whether they genuinely got away or not. You know how The Others are - they could have quite readily steered them towards absolutely nowhere.

10-07-2006, 07:25 PM
I highly doubt she knows how his wife is, and I don't think we are expected to believe she knows. I think the point of her saying that was to calm Jack down and we are to take nothing more than that away from it.

I'll agree with that.

However, the episode showed that the Others had/have very significant contact with the world (Stephen King novel?). So who knows what they can know.

Of course, this was the first episode I've ever watched.

The novel was Carrie, which was first published in 1974, so that doesn't really prove much, that's 30 years before the plane crash.

Of more interest is that "Downtown" was played on a CD - I've not yet verified when it was first printed onto CD, because it is a bitch to search through all Clark's compilation CDs, but it might narrow down a date of The Other's definite last contact with the outside world.
My best guess would be '86. That's when Petula Clark's Greatest Hits CD was released. The studio album that Downtown was on wasn't released until 1994 in CD form.

Madame Adequate
10-07-2006, 09:23 PM
Just been following up a rumor and I think we might be wrong about CD - I think it's actually DualDisc, judging from the markings on the inner ring of the disc when she puts it into the player (About the 40 second mark).

Dualdisc was first rolled out in 2004, so that means they have pretty much constant contact with the rest of the world (Presuming, of course, that the makers didn't just bollocks up with continuity, but given that all the other music aside from Hurley's CD player have explicitly been on old-style Vinyl records, I doubt they did).

Edit: Just want to say, I absolutely love the first segment of this episode. I've watched it like eight times now, it gets better and more interesting every time. We see The Others as normal Humans, with petty disputes going on. Yet they know instantly what to do then Oceanic 815 crashes, and Goodwin and Ethan have no hesitation in obeying Ben's orders.

Flying Mullet
10-09-2006, 01:43 PM
Just been following up a rumor and I think we might be wrong about CD - I think it's actually DualDisc, judging from the markings on the inner ring of the disc when she puts it into the player (About the 40 second mark).

Dualdisc was first rolled out in 2004, so that means they have pretty much constant contact with the rest of the world (Presuming, of course, that the makers didn't just bollocks up with continuity, but given that all the other music aside from Hurley's CD player have explicitly been on old-style Vinyl records, I doubt they did).

I think people are reading too much into this and it could be a minor boo-boo on the producers' part in regards to what type of disc she puts in the CD player to listen too.

10-10-2006, 06:03 PM
Nothing in Lost is a boo boo. :bigsmile:

10-12-2006, 03:03 AM
I laughed so hard at the last scene of this week's episode.

10-12-2006, 03:07 AM
This episode was much better than the last one in my opinion. I love Jin and Sun, and this flashback was whoa!

Also, Jack is redeemed in my eyes for his Red Sox dissing. Until he starts sobbing again. :p

10-12-2006, 03:26 AM
This was an awesome episode. The question is what Sun meant when she said "I can't" - is it "I can't have an affair" or "I can't continue an affair."

10-12-2006, 06:03 AM
I liked this episode much better. Although it's funny how the show is slooooowly turning audiences away from Sun and toward Jin. When the opposite was true at the beginning of the show. Boo at Sun being skanky.

Juliet annoys the heck outta me. Uhg.

And Kate needs to just fall over and die. What a worthless character.

I think the only female character I like on the show is Rose. Bring back Rose.

Del Murder
10-12-2006, 06:07 AM
Kind of interesting how it is getting back to the characters layer by layer. Two whole episodes and the main group hasn't even been shown once.

10-12-2006, 11:52 AM
I liked this episode much better. Although it's funny how the show is slooooowly turning audiences away from Sun and toward Jin. When the opposite was true at the beginning of the show. Boo at Sun being skanky.

Juliet annoys the heck outta me. Uhg.

And Kate needs to just fall over and die. What a worthless character.

I think the only female character I like on the show is Rose. Bring back Rose.

God, I love Rose. ;__; And I think it's cool that the show is doing that, because at first they kind of showed (to an extent) most of the character's good sides, and it seems like this time they're going to show the dark side of every character.

Btw, I am so sad at Sun for that! I had faith in her. I was like NO SHE DID NOT CHEAT IT WAS AN ISLAND MIRACLE! ;__; But noooo. But wouldn't it be a kicker if it WAS Jin's baby and it was an island miracle, but she just happened to sleep with that bald guy without getting pregnant? xD I want that to happen so much!

Flying Mullet
10-12-2006, 01:13 PM
I think the polar bear got Sun pregnant. :chef:

10-12-2006, 01:19 PM
I think Sun killed Jae Lee and the offer Ben tells Jack is to save Colleen from dying. (goes with next episode description with Jack/Kate/Sawyer)

10-12-2006, 03:07 PM
I liked this episode much better. Although it's funny how the show is slooooowly turning audiences away from Sun and toward Jin. When the opposite was true at the beginning of the show. Boo at Sun being skanky.

Juliet annoys the heck outta me. Uhg.

And Kate needs to just fall over and die. What a worthless character.

I think the only female character I like on the show is Rose. Bring back Rose.

God, I love Rose. ;__; And I think it's cool that the show is doing that, because at first they kind of showed (to an extent) most of the character's good sides, and it seems like this time they're going to show the dark side of every character.

Btw, I am so sad at Sun for that! I had faith in her. I was like NO SHE DID NOT CHEAT IT WAS AN ISLAND MIRACLE! ;__; But noooo. But wouldn't it be a kicker if it WAS Jin's baby and it was an island miracle, but she just happened to sleep with that bald guy without getting pregnant? xD I want that to happen so much!
They have been on the island for 69 days. Sun took her pregnancy test in Episode 2-16, "The Whole Truth", which took place on about day 58, and even that date is friendly (it's probably 60+). She would have already missed a menstrual cycle had she conceived prior to the plane crash. There's no telling how long before Sun and Jin leave after Jae's death, but I assume it's about a week. That's 65 days from possible conception to Sun's realization that she's pregnant. That leaves no doubt that there must be another menstrual cycle in there that would be late had Sun gotten pregnant prior to getting on the island.

EDIT: This assumes of course that Sun has a normal reproductive system. Some women do bleed in the early stages of a pregnancy, anyway, but it's pretty rare.

10-12-2006, 03:10 PM
*ignores rest of thread*

I just got episode 1 of Season 3 and I can't wait to watch it :D

10-12-2006, 07:19 PM
God, I love Rose. ;__; And I think it's cool that the show is doing that, because at first they kind of showed (to an extent) most of the character's good sides, and it seems like this time they're going to show the dark side of every character.

Btw, I am so sad at Sun for that! I had faith in her. I was like NO SHE DID NOT CHEAT IT WAS AN ISLAND MIRACLE! ;__; But noooo. But wouldn't it be a kicker if it WAS Jin's baby and it was an island miracle, but she just happened to sleep with that bald guy without getting pregnant? xD I want that to happen so much!
They have been on the island for 69 days. Sun took her pregnancy test in Episode 2-16, "The Whole Truth", which took place on about day 58, and even that date is friendly (it's probably 60+). She would have already missed a menstrual cycle had she conceived prior to the plane crash. There's no telling how long before Sun and Jin leave after Jae's death, but I assume it's about a week. That's 65 days from possible conception to Sun's realization that she's pregnant. That leaves no doubt that there must be another menstrual cycle in there that would be late had Sun gotten pregnant prior to getting on the island.

EDIT: This assumes of course that Sun has a normal reproductive system. Some women do bleed in the early stages of a pregnancy, anyway, but it's pretty rare.

I definitely think there's a good chance the baby is Jin's. Assuming it's not Jin's and it's bald dude guy's, then that would make Sun about 3 months into her pregnancy and she should be showing more. Plus she would have gotten morning sickness at like the 1 month mark. Anyway, none of this might matter because it is television and the writers could have just been like, "screw it! We're gonna make Sun have bald dude's baby!"

Flying Mullet
10-12-2006, 08:01 PM
God, I love Rose. ;__; And I think it's cool that the show is doing that, because at first they kind of showed (to an extent) most of the character's good sides, and it seems like this time they're going to show the dark side of every character.

Btw, I am so sad at Sun for that! I had faith in her. I was like NO SHE DID NOT CHEAT IT WAS AN ISLAND MIRACLE! ;__; But noooo. But wouldn't it be a kicker if it WAS Jin's baby and it was an island miracle, but she just happened to sleep with that bald guy without getting pregnant? xD I want that to happen so much!
They have been on the island for 69 days. Sun took her pregnancy test in Episode 2-16, "The Whole Truth", which took place on about day 58, and even that date is friendly (it's probably 60+). She would have already missed a menstrual cycle had she conceived prior to the plane crash. There's no telling how long before Sun and Jin leave after Jae's death, but I assume it's about a week. That's 65 days from possible conception to Sun's realization that she's pregnant. That leaves no doubt that there must be another menstrual cycle in there that would be late had Sun gotten pregnant prior to getting on the island.

EDIT: This assumes of course that Sun has a normal reproductive system. Some women do bleed in the early stages of a pregnancy, anyway, but it's pretty rare.

I definitely think there's a good chance the baby is Jin's. Assuming it's not Jin's and it's bald dude guy's, then that would make Sun about 3 months into her pregnancy and she should be showing more. Plus she would have gotten morning sickness at like the 1 month mark. Anyway, none of this might matter because it is television and the writers could have just been like, "screw it! We're gonna make Sun have bald dude's baby!"
You all keep forgetting a key point...

Sun is carrying the polar bear's love cubbies.

Quindiana Jones
10-12-2006, 08:18 PM
You all keep forgetting a key point...

Sun is carrying the polar bear's love cubbies.

Is it wrong that I find that arousing?

When the hell is the new Lost coming to UK?? JUST ATTACH IT STRAIGHT TO MY BRAIN.

10-12-2006, 08:27 PM
You want a good site where you can download Lost fast and free Quin?



Del Murder
10-13-2006, 03:27 AM
A magical person sent me Lost Season 1 in the mail. I hear this was the better season.

10-14-2006, 12:21 PM
I just saw Yoon-jin Kim (Sun) on Conan and she said that she doesn't know who the father of the baby is. She asked the producers to tell her so that she would know how to appropriately act in certain scenes, but the producers just told her to just, "act as ambiguously as possible". So there you go. :p

10-14-2006, 12:39 PM
Just caught up with last weeks episode. Better than the previous episode. It seems like they really tried to turn the tables on a few characters. Apparantly Sun was a brat when she was young, and cheated on Jin :eek:
Sayid set up Jin, a very un-Sayid thing to do.

Next weeks episode covers what happened after the hatch went sky-high. Is Locke a mute now ? That cloud of smoke I hope will make another appearance next episode as well. And its good to hear Desmond isnt dead.

A magical person sent me Lost Season 1 in the mail. I hear this was the better season.


10-14-2006, 03:31 PM
When the hell is the new Lost coming to UK?? JUST ATTACH IT STRAIGHT TO MY BRAIN.

Internet. :P

10-14-2006, 03:37 PM
Dude...the hatch blew off your underwear. :D

10-14-2006, 04:00 PM
I don't understand how you guys think we'll ever know who the father is. They're both Korean, and Jae was sleeping with Sun we know, and Jin obviously was. So it was either she got pregnant from Jae, or Jin's bad sperms got cured by the island, either way I don't think there's going to be a proper way to introduce it through the show. Unless it's going to be like that episode of the simpsons where it shows Homer's sperm just floating around bumping into each other!

Del Murder
10-14-2006, 05:48 PM
Well we could tell it wasn't either of them if the kid turned out black.

I like how casually Sayid said that he'd single handedly capture two Others, and then kill all the rest. Like it was no big deal. That guy is hardcore.

Moon Rabbits
10-14-2006, 08:48 PM
I just saw Yoon-jin Kim (Sun) on Conan and she said that she doesn't know who the father of the baby is. She asked the producers to tell her so that she would know how to appropriately act in certain scenes, but the producers just told her to just, "act as ambiguously as possible". So there you go. :p

If the father was Jae Lee it would ruin the whole you know, emotional strength of Sun+Jin finding out, or something.

A magical person sent me Lost Season 1 in the mail. I hear this was the better season.

It was better than Season 2 in some respects, but Season 3 is shaping up to be better already, I think.

Was anyone else fretting that Sun was going to die in that episode!? During the ENTIRE boat scene I had my fingers crossed in hopes she wasn't going to get hurt. When she fell off the boat I was afraid that Jin wasn't going to find her and she would drown slowly :cry:

I'm glad to see that they're turning Sun+Jin into central characters, not just "kind-of main characters" as they were in the first 1.5 seasons.

Vincent, Thunder God
10-15-2006, 12:33 AM
I found the season premiere was a rather lackluster start, especially after the previous finale.

Things are getting more interesting with the second episode though, and the scenes of the third epsisode promises that the plot will continue to thicken and improve.

10-17-2006, 04:39 PM
Ohmagawd, new episode tomorrow.

I've prepared with cheese doodles.

<del>Oh, and wasn't Sun kidnapped in her garden in season 1? Did she pass out? Maybe the father is an other. :eek:</del>

Nevermind, just remembered it was Charlie. Oh my god, Charlie is the father.

10-17-2006, 05:27 PM
Hobbit baby?! No way man.

Flying Mullet
10-17-2006, 05:28 PM
Sun had hobbitsecks! :eek:

Quindiana Jones
10-17-2006, 07:41 PM

10-19-2006, 03:01 AM
Another good episode. We're already halfway done with this story arc!

10-19-2006, 03:02 AM
* This episode was reeeeally good

* That dream/acid trip with Boone and John in the airport was friggin' scary! Really good though.

* Polar beeeeears!

10-19-2006, 04:57 AM
I did have some problems with this episode, though:

1. It was only 40 minutes long instead of the usual 42.

2. Locke's flashback didn't finish!

3. Good Lord, we didn't find out why he was paralyzed!

10-19-2006, 06:04 AM
Locke's backstory just keeps getting more and more bizaare. He goes from working at a toy store to working in a cubicle and his whole deal with his Dad stealing an organ and now we learn that he's worked on some weird drug farm?

I mean. All of the character's stories are kinda out there, but Locke's just keeps getting more and more bizaare everytime he has one. I don't like it. I liked it better when he was just this guy who had big dreams but was hindered by his disability and he worked a normal mundane job.

Also, I had to deal with some roaches during the last few minutes, can anyone explain what Hurley's weird reaction at the end was all about? Did something happen with him and Desmond?

10-19-2006, 06:13 AM
Locke's backstory just keeps getting more and more bizaare. He goes from working at a toy store to working in a cubicle and now we learn that he's worked on some weird drug farm?

I mean. All of the character's stories are kinda out there, but Locke's just keeps getting more and more bizaare everytime he has one. I don't like it.

Also, I had to deal with some roaches during the last few minutes, can anyone explain what Hurley's weird reaction at the end was all about? Did something happen with him and Desmond?
When Hurley ran into Desmond in the jungle, Desmond was (of course) naked and mentioned something about Locke saying that he was going to go save JKS in "his speech". Hurley said that he only said he was going to save Eko, and Desmond was like "uh... okay, I guess." It was pretty easy to tell that by the end of the episode, Locke was going to give a speech where he said he was going to save JKS.

In the final scene Locke gave a speech where he said they were going to save JKS (after fixing Eko), and even Charlie said "now that's a speech". Hurley was flabbergasted (haha, I totally just used that word) that Desmond foretold the future. Apparently the ignition of the hatch gave Desmond the ability to foretell the future.

The last scene also introduced two random people. Paolo and Nikki. It was a bit odd how they suddenly just became a part of the main group.

10-19-2006, 06:20 AM
Oh yeah, I totally lol'd at random redshirts popping into the inner circle of characters. They must've been sooo excited to get some lines.

Del Murder
10-19-2006, 06:28 AM
Well it's nice to see that the writers at least acknowledge that there are more survivors than the main group.

KB are you sitting by the TV with a stopwatch or something?

10-19-2006, 07:14 AM
Well it's nice to see that the writers at least acknowledge that there are more survivors than the main group.

KB are you sitting by the TV with a stopwatch or something?
Well, having the DVDs taught me that each episode is 42 minutes and change. Both my roommate and I noticed how many commercials there were and how little episode there was. Someone at lost-forum.com gave me the 40-minute figure.

10-19-2006, 08:56 PM
Yeah, Locke's backstory is driving me crazy, but I do like it. I REALLY thought we'd find out why he was paralyzed though. ;__;

Vincent, Thunder God
10-19-2006, 09:14 PM
Some of the storylines seem to be abandoned and then new ones are added on in the show, even in the flashbacks. This past episode was good, but it seems to me either the writers are stuck with how to advance some of the season 1 threads (such as the monster on the island, the numbers, the Frenchwoman) and adding in more material, or just want to leave things for later. The whole connection of the others having this little isolated town (likely being part of the Dharma Initiative) is rather strange.

IMPORTANT:The biggest thing I noticed was that this past episode one of the others was in Locke's flashback. The main man on the drug farm is the same actor as the Other with the grey hair (who had the fake beard earlier) and origially took Walt in Season 1's finale. This must be deliberate.

EDIT: Damn. They're just look-alikes.

10-19-2006, 09:24 PM
No its not the same actor but they look very much alike and Lost has done this with many different characters.

Vincent, Thunder God
10-19-2006, 10:18 PM
No its not the same actor but they look very much alike and Lost has done this with many different characters.

How can you be so sure? It looks exactly like him. All you need is a hair color change and cut, then BOOM. It's him, I think. You could be right too, though.

10-19-2006, 11:06 PM
Some of the storylines seem to be abandoned and then new ones are added on in the show, even in the flashbacks. This past episode was good, but it seems to me either the writers are stuck with how to advance some of the season 1 threads (such as the monster on the island, the numbers, the Frenchwoman) and adding in more material, or just want to leave things for later. The whole connection of the others having this little isolated town (likely being part of the Dharma Initiative) is rather strange.

IMPORTANT:The biggest thing I noticed was that this past episode one of the others was in Locke's flashback. The main man on the drug farm is the same actor as the Other with the grey hair (who had the fake beard earlier) and origially took Walt in Season 1's finale. This must be deliberate.
<a href="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0301370/">MC Gainey</a> plays Tom Patterson. <a href="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0611889/">Chris Mulkey</a> plays Mike from the drug farm.

Vincent, Thunder God
10-19-2006, 11:52 PM
Some of the storylines seem to be abandoned and then new ones are added on in the show, even in the flashbacks. This past episode was good, but it seems to me either the writers are stuck with how to advance some of the season 1 threads (such as the monster on the island, the numbers, the Frenchwoman) and adding in more material, or just want to leave things for later. The whole connection of the others having this little isolated town (likely being part of the Dharma Initiative) is rather strange.

IMPORTANT:The biggest thing I noticed was that this past episode one of the others was in Locke's flashback. The main man on the drug farm is the same actor as the Other with the grey hair (who had the fake beard earlier) and origially took Walt in Season 1's finale. This must be deliberate.
<a href="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0301370/">MC Gainey</a> plays Tom Patterson. <a href="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0611889/">Chris Mulkey</a> plays Mike from the drug farm.

Now that's the sign of a very devoted Lost fan. They look so exactly alike though...Fixed.

Moon Rabbits
10-20-2006, 12:02 AM
The third season is moving far too slow for my liking. It's been 3 episodes and so far all we know is:

- Where Kate, Jack, and Sawyer are.
- Just how advanced the Others are.
- The hatch is now gone, imploded.

Or at least, that's all I've gained from the third season. The episodes are too much of nothing. I mean, they've dropped everything of interest from the first season (numbers, Ruissou, the monster, as mentioned above), and resolved one of the three biggest questions (imo) of the second season, like so:

- What are the Others intentions for JKS?
- <s>Where is the hatch storyline headed?</s> Nowhere, it's exploded!
- Where are Michael and Walt?

Or at least, those were the questions I was asking at the end of the second season.

Well, the fourth episode looks like it is going to be interesting enough to keep my attention for more than 5 minutes. Emotionally charged torture scenes, all right!

Flying Mullet
10-20-2006, 02:18 PM
Something my wife noticed when we were watching the last episode:

The only other time the polar bears appeared was right after the plane crashed, which was due to the magnetic overload in the hatch. At the end of last season the hatch has a magnetic overload again and the polar bears show up. Is it coincidence or does the polar bear activity tie into the magnetic activity in some way?

10-20-2006, 05:57 PM
Polar bears are highly magnetic. Duh.

Speaking of which, that polar bear running away in the cave after Locke shot fire at him was the worst CG ever.

10-20-2006, 06:08 PM
This episode sucked.

Bring on the next one.

10-20-2006, 06:10 PM
Something my wife noticed when we were watching the last episode:

The only other time the polar bears appeared was right after the plane crashed, which was due to the magnetic overload in the hatch. At the end of last season the hatch has a magnetic overload again and the polar bears show up. Is it coincidence or does the polar bear activity tie into the magnetic activity in some way?
The polar bears appeared in 1-14 "Special", a Michael/Walt episode. So good thought, but no.

10-20-2006, 06:46 PM
Did anyone else catch the Lost shoutout during The Office yesterday?


Oh god, I laughed.

10-20-2006, 06:49 PM
It has corrupted our world. :(

Madame Adequate
10-20-2006, 09:39 PM
The third season is moving far too slow for my liking. It's been 3 episodes and so far all we know is:

- Where Kate, Jack, and Sawyer are.
- Just how advanced the Others are.
- The hatch is now gone, imploded.

Or at least, that's all I've gained from the third season. The episodes are too much of nothing. I mean, they've dropped everything of interest from the first season (numbers, Ruissou, the monster, as mentioned above), and resolved one of the three biggest questions (imo) of the second season, like so:

- What are the Others intentions for JKS?
- <s>Where is the hatch storyline headed?</s> Nowhere, it's exploded!
- Where are Michael and Walt?

Haha, I must be too patient. I was just thinking after I watched 3-03 that this season is moving way faster than the other two did :p

I loved the drug trip with Boone though. And it's like... is he remembering something he really saw? Or is it all just hallucinations? And I was happy to see more Boone, he's cute :jess:

Anyway yeah, they're not forgetting stuff or retconning. Given that there is so much though (Tons of characters, numerous arcs), it's not reasonable to expect them to deal with everything regularly.

Finally I would point out that there are still other hatches - The Pearl, The Flame, The Staff, The Arrow, and The Hydra. Plenty more scope for mystery. Actually though The Staff is abandoned, so there might be nothing more there.

Edit: Although yeah, given the general pacing of Lost, I wager it'll be a lot more enjoyable for those losing interest once it's all done and dusted and out on DVD.

Moon Rabbits
10-20-2006, 09:48 PM
And I was happy to see more Boone, he's <s>cute :jess:</s> ridiculously sexy, kthnx.

Anyway yeah, they're not forgetting stuff or retconning. Given that there is so much though (Tons of characters, numerous arcs), it's not reasonable to expect them to deal with everything regularly.

It's not that I'm angry at how they're not dealing with enough, it's that when they do deal with something they're not revealing anything OR giving me any reason to pay attention. With the exception of a few moments, this season has moved at a slow drag.

Finally I would point out that there are still other hatches - The Pearl, The Flame, The Staff, The Arrow, and The Hydra. Plenty more scope for mystery. Actually though The Staff is abandoned, so there might be nothing more there.

There was also the fake hatch, I believe the name it was given was "The Door".

10-21-2006, 05:10 AM
im liking this season so far its more ahhh "normal" than season 2...the pace is ok slow was the first 5 episodes of season 2! Im glad the "old" locke was back though (locke in season 2 was just purely annoying)! Atleast now we know how he can make homemade drugs. I hear that how he got paralysed will be explained this season so yeah waiting for that

Charlies still pretty funny and how weird was that hallucination locke had!

oh and now that the whole hatch has emploded does that mean theres no magnetism in the island? imean i thought that it was because of that huge magnet thing that locke could walk or that rose was in remmision (somthing. im no magnet expert lol) what happens to those guys?

i did find it weird that two people just started talking randomly i was like wtf and then i remembered that most of the other cast were either with the others or marooned on the other side of the island!

oh and FYI those 2 people that were talking in the end. series regulars!

10-24-2006, 06:19 PM
Maybe the hatch was the source of the healing...

10-24-2006, 06:40 PM
The way I see it, there is four groups of three, each with their own little stories on the island right now. There's: Jack, Sawyer, and Kate who are captured by the Others; Sayid, Sun, and Jin who are looking for JSK; Desmond, Locke, and Eko who are mysteriously alive from the implosion; and Hurley, Charlie, and Claire who really have no story at the moment. However, I think Hurley might be interested in Desmond and start his own little story.

Right now I'm very interested in the Desmond, Locke, and Eko story. It's so intriguing, and I really want to know what the heck is up with them. How did they survive, and what's up with Desmond's crazy new power? Although, Locke seems to be going to venture off to find JSK and start another story; most likely with Sayid.

I love Jin and Sayid, however, Sun is definitely bringing down that group which is making their little adventures less appealing. I would be very happy if she was the next one to go, but they wouldn't do that... After all, she's pregnant. Or would they?

I do want to find out what the Others' real motives are, but I've given up on waiting for that information anytime soon. Jack is very depressing these days and he goes through very dramatic mood swings. Kate would be better off with Sawyer. I know Jack has been through a lot, but Sawyer has been through a lot more, so my sympathy for Jack has its limit.

In any case, season three is pretty awesome so far. I hope they put more Desmond, Locke, and Eko time in and less Sun. However I think tomorrow's episode will be going back to Jack, Sawyer and Kate... which isn't bad at all.

10-26-2006, 03:00 AM
This episode was really great and shocking, this 2.5 part of the series is really picking up. :)

Of Mice And Men references were lawl.

Okay, so correct me if I'm wrong, but Ben (or some Other, but I think it's Ben) has a tumor in his spine, and they need Jack to fix it, and only he can?

10-26-2006, 03:38 AM
This episode was really great and shocking, this 2.5 part of the series is really picking up. :)

Of Mice And Men references were lawl.

Okay, so correct me if I'm wrong, but Ben (or some Other, but I think it's Ben) has a tumor in his spine, and they need Jack to fix it, and only he can?
That is correct.

10-26-2006, 03:56 AM
This episode is by far the best episode of the third season. Especially since Sawyer is my favourite character, and they brought him back in the game; with his centric episode.

First I would like to start off by saying that I hate Charlie. Ever since he's fallen for Claire he's been irrational, sarcastic, jealous, and overprotective. So if he and Sun die, I won’t be sad.

Anyways, Desmond is still very intriguing even more now than ever. I just need to more about what's going on with him. They've also got Sawyer to calm down, so that's two down, and since both of them aren't going anywhere... That means Kate is staying too. I have to hand it to Ben, he got Sawyer good, he called everything and even jeopardized Sawyer's chances with Kate. Also, I wonder who Jack has to save, eh?

Well, cheers to next Wednesday. Which the same day FFXII and Saw III comes out over here. <3

10-26-2006, 06:14 AM
Kate just now realized she can slip in and out of her cage whenever she feels like it :Oo: Oh Kate.

10-26-2006, 01:06 PM
It's most likely purposely done, and pointless. It's not like she's going to be able to escape or go anywhere.

Flying Mullet
10-26-2006, 01:12 PM
Okay, so correct me if I'm wrong, but Ben (or some Other, but I think it's Ben) has a tumor in his spine, and they need Jack to fix it, and only he can?
I'm going to assume that it's not Ben, but a different "Other", that has the tumor. If you remember last week's preview, it showed scenes of Sawyer being tortured (we now know if was the shot they were giving him) with the sound bit of Kate being "interrogated" and saying she loves him. Since we know that the scenes they visually show don't necessarily align with the souds bites, Jack could have been talking to anyone when he mentions the tumor.

Also, I love the little clip at the end of the previews with the video screens of the other hatches and some guy in an eye patch appears and reaches up to cover the camera. That gave me chills. I hope they do more with the hatches and the Dharma Initiative. I find that a lot more interesting than the Drama with the others.

10-26-2006, 05:52 PM
The Others seem to have something to do with the Dharma initiative.

Am I the only one who really wants to see what happens next with the smoke monster?

10-26-2006, 07:28 PM
I'm loving the whole deal with Desmond.

But everyone else is just blaaaah. What was the point of Sawyer's flashback? It seemed so useless to include it. The only mildly interesting thing was that he has a daughter but even that wasn't worth the flashbacks taking up time that could have been used to push the story forward. Boo to that!

And kate is so stupid.

Jack is stupid too.

More Desmond, brother!

10-27-2006, 12:10 AM
Desmond can't really be Scottish. His accent isn't sexy enough.

Moon Rabbits
10-27-2006, 12:43 AM
Of Mice And Men references were lawl.

Okay, so correct me if I'm wrong, but Ben (or some Other, but I think it's Ben) has a tumor in his spine, and they need Jack to fix it, and only he can?

Yes they are.

I think the tumor is in Ben's spine and that he already knows it is. Remember when Ben told Jack he would need to do something for the Others and he could go home, it's probably the surgery. And here I was thinking it was gonna be killing someone or something.

But everyone else is just blaaaah. What was the point of Sawyer's flashback? It seemed so useless to include it. The only mildly interesting thing was that he has a daughter but even that wasn't worth the flashbacks taking up time that could have been used to push the story forward. Boo to that!

I think that the flashback developed Sawyer's character rather well, after all, in the end of the episode he wound up giving his cut of the money to his daughter Clementine and now we all know he's not a heartless bastard.

The preview for next weeks episode was AMAZING. Mullet mentioned an eye patch, to me it looked like tribal face paint on the guy who's standing right in front of the camera. Either way, it was creepy as hell and I can't wait for that episode.

I noticed that the plot is moving unbearably slow, but relationships are developing quickly. Sawyer+Kate's relationship has moved forward alot more in these 4 episodes than it did for the first two seasons, I think. I'm glad that Kate is finally making up her mind instead of going "I LOVE YOU JACK, LET'S HAVE A MILLION BABIES." and then five seconds later going "I LOVE YOU SAWYER, LET'S HAVE SEX ON THESE ROCKS AS I STEAL YOUR GUN."

Jin should die and Sun+Sayid should hook up <33

Also, did the whole thing with the two islands confuse anyone? Well, it didn't really confuse me, but it's importance did. Wow, two islands right beside eachother. :\ I speculate that the hatches connect these islands though, perhaps the Hydra is in the water in between the two islands?

And that whole pacemaker thing? What was the point!?! All it really did was show us (and the Others) that Sawyer cares about Kate, because he didn't tell her anything and didn't escape with her, and that Kate cares about him because she wouldn't leave without him. Big deal, we knew they liked eachother already.

The scene where Kate is having "Do you love him?" screamed at her was far less awesome than I expected, I was hoping it would be some dramatic torture scene like the previews led us to believe, not soem crappy "smack yo' face up" scene.

The two new random survivors = lame.

P.S. Boone is sexy kthnx.

10-27-2006, 02:02 AM
Of Mice And Men references were lawl.

Okay, so correct me if I'm wrong, but Ben (or some Other, but I think it's Ben) has a tumor in his spine, and they need Jack to fix it, and only he can?

Yes they are.

I think the tumor is in Ben's spine and that he already knows it is. Remember when Ben told Jack he would need to do something for the Others and he could go home, it's probably the surgery. And here I was thinking it was gonna be killing someone or something.

But everyone else is just blaaaah. What was the point of Sawyer's flashback? It seemed so useless to include it. The only mildly interesting thing was that he has a daughter but even that wasn't worth the flashbacks taking up time that could have been used to push the story forward. Boo to that!

I think that the flashback developed Sawyer's character rather well, after all, in the end of the episode he wound up giving his cut of the money to his daughter Clementine and now we all know he's not a heartless bastard.

The preview for next weeks episode was AMAZING. Mullet mentioned an eye patch, to me it looked like tribal face paint on the guy who's standing right in front of the camera. Either way, it was creepy as hell and I can't wait for that episode.

I noticed that the plot is moving unbearably slow, but relationships are developing quickly. Sawyer+Kate's relationship has moved forward alot more in these 4 episodes than it did for the first two seasons, I think. I'm glad that Kate is finally making up her mind instead of going "I LOVE YOU JACK, LET'S HAVE A MILLION BABIES." and then five seconds later going "I LOVE YOU SAWYER, LET'S HAVE SEX ON THESE ROCKS AS I STEAL YOUR GUN."

Jin should die and Sun+Sayid should hook up <33

Also, did the whole thing with the two islands confuse anyone? Well, it didn't really confuse me, but it's importance did. Wow, two islands right beside eachother. :\ I speculate that the hatches connect these islands though, perhaps the Hydra is in the water in between the two islands?

And that whole pacemaker thing? What was the point!?! All it really did was show us (and the Others) that Sawyer cares about Kate, because he didn't tell her anything and didn't escape with her, and that Kate cares about him because she wouldn't leave without him. Big deal, we knew they liked eachother already.

The scene where Kate is having "Do you love him?" screamed at her was far less awesome than I expected, I was hoping it would be some dramatic torture scene like the previews led us to believe, not soem crappy "smack yo' face up" scene.

The two new random survivors = lame.

P.S. Boone is sexy kthnx.
Uh, it was Ana Lucia who had sex with Sawyer to get his gun.

10-27-2006, 02:09 AM
I think pretty much everyone already knew that Sawyer is not a heartless bastard.

I understand that the whole show has been based on the whole, eyelid-opening-stare-off-into-the-distance-boom-flashback-thingy. But I seriously think the show could benefit from moving away from that format and focusing more on moving the story forward on the Island. I don't think they should include flashbacks for the sake of including flashbacks (as I feel it was the case in this last episode with Sawyer) but only including the flashbacks when the flashbacks really help develop a character and also the story. I don't think Sawyer's latest flashback was necessary, AT ALL. There were a few interesting tidbits about him but nothing more than that.

Vincent, Thunder God
10-27-2006, 02:42 AM
The third season is moving far too slow for my liking. It's been 3 episodes and so far all we know is:

- Where Kate, Jack, and Sawyer are.
- Just how advanced the Others are.
- The hatch is now gone, imploded.

Or at least, that's all I've gained from the third season. The episodes are too much of nothing. I mean, they've dropped everything of interest from the first season (numbers, Ruissou, the monster, as mentioned above), and resolved one of the three biggest questions (imo) of the second season, like so:

- What are the Others intentions for JKS?
- <s>Where is the hatch storyline headed?</s> Nowhere, it's exploded!
- Where are Michael and Walt?

Or at least, those were the questions I was asking at the end of the second season.

Well, the fourth episode looks like it is going to be interesting enough to keep my attention for more than 5 minutes. Emotionally charged torture scenes, all right!

I agree with you. Since season 2 things have slowed down, and a lot of interesting storylines haven't been mentioned in a long time.

I think things might be moving a bit faster than Season 2, even though it's still slow.

Apparently Lost is starting to lose viewers due to the slower pace. Hopefully that will make the writers speed things up even more.

10-27-2006, 02:54 AM
Okay, so correct me if I'm wrong, but Ben (or some Other, but I think it's Ben) has a tumor in his spine, and they need Jack to fix it, and only he can?
I'm going to assume that it's not Ben, but a different "Other", that has the tumor. If you remember last week's preview, it showed scenes of Sawyer being tortured (we now know if was the shot they were giving him) with the sound bit of Kate being "interrogated" and saying she loves him. Since we know that the scenes they visually show don't necessarily align with the souds bites, Jack could have been talking to anyone when he mentions the tumor.I'm with you on this. I personally think it's the mysterious "He", who Ben mentioned, and was terrified of in season 2.
The Others seem to have something to do with the Dharma initiative.

Am I the only one who really wants to see what happens next with the smoke monster?From what Juliet said to Jack, they used to be with the Dharma Initiative, but now they're not.


10-27-2006, 03:23 AM
Well, now nobody is. The Dharma initiative is a thing of the past. Learnign about the initiative is learning about the Others.

Moon Rabbits
10-27-2006, 03:29 AM
Uh, it was Ana Lucia who had sex with Sawyer to get his gun.

Kate's still a whore. :greenie:

I think pretty much everyone already knew that Sawyer is not a heartless bastard.

I understand that the whole show has been based on the whole, eyelid-opening-stare-off-into-the-distance-boom-flashback-thingy. But I seriously think the show could benefit from moving away from that format and focusing more on moving the story forward on the Island. I don't think they should include flashbacks for the sake of including flashbacks (as I feel it was the case in this last episode with Sawyer) but only including the flashbacks when the flashbacks really help develop a character and also the story. I don't think Sawyer's latest flashback was necessary, AT ALL. There were a few interesting tidbits about him but nothing more than that.

True, but it's also interesting to have two different timelines going. The story on the island is more interesting, but so is some of the stuff off the island. Sun's flashback episode was especially good, and in my opinion developed Sun alot. However, I do see where you are coming from with the Sawyer flashbacks.

Well, now nobody is. The Dharma initiative is a thing of the past. Learnign about the initiative is learning about the Others.

Episode 7, the first episode of the second arc of the third season (mouthful), is supposedly a Juliet-centric episode and has flashbacks detailing how she got involved with the Dharma Initiative. I cannot wait 3 months to see this.

Vincent, Thunder God
10-27-2006, 04:39 AM
I think pretty much everyone already knew that Sawyer is not a heartless bastard.

I understand that the whole show has been based on the whole, eyelid-opening-stare-off-into-the-distance-boom-flashback-thingy. But I seriously think the show could benefit from moving away from that format and focusing more on moving the story forward on the Island. I don't think they should include flashbacks for the sake of including flashbacks (as I feel it was the case in this last episode with Sawyer) but only including the flashbacks when the flashbacks really help develop a character and also the story. I don't think Sawyer's latest flashback was necessary, AT ALL. There were a few interesting tidbits about him but nothing more than that.

True, but it's also interesting to have two different timelines going. The story on the island is more interesting, but so is some of the stuff off the island. Sun's flashback episode was especially good, and in my opinion developed Sun alot. However, I do see where you are coming from with the Sawyer flashbacks.

To me the flashbacks are an integral part of the show. They could be lessened, but should not be removed completely.

10-27-2006, 02:33 PM
Sometimes I prefer the flashback than the present show. I thought this weeks flashback wasnt that great though. Even though it had the guy from Predator in it ( loving it ), it just told the same Sawyer story again, but this time in Prison.

I dont like how the others are being such bastards now, hell I dont like how much the show has changed. They should go back to trees getting ripped out of the ground and polar bears going on a rampage.

I hope they mean it when they said the show is going to change forever next episode. Although they didnt say for the better, so I wont hold my breathe.

Del Murder
10-27-2006, 07:22 PM
They always say the show will change forever next episode.

So far this season, Sun's flashback was the only one of the four that was actually interesting and relevant. I agree that they shouldn't show flashbacks just because that's how the show is structured.

The last two episodes weren't that great.

More Desmond please.

Who was that random guy with the golf clubs?

10-27-2006, 07:24 PM
To me the flashbacks are an integral part of the show. They could be lessened, but should not be removed completely.
I never said they should be removed completely. I said they should only be employed when necessary and when it moves the plot forward, not just this, "oh hey guys, we need a flashback for this episode" and the writers sticking in a series of flashbacks that really doesn't add to the show.

Flying Mullet
10-27-2006, 07:50 PM
Who was that random guy with the golf clubs?
They said that they are going to introduce a couple of new characters from the crash this season. We had a couple of random people named when Mr. Eko was brought back to camp. I'm assuming that the guy with the golf clubs is another.

10-27-2006, 08:18 PM
They always say the show will change forever next episode.

Yeah, but not before a three-month hiatus. :P

10-27-2006, 09:08 PM
The new characters are called Nikki and Paulo.

I believe the guy in the camera with the eyepatch was Radzinsky (Kelvin's partner). He could be at the Flame station since we are to discover the station soon according to the execs.

10-27-2006, 09:11 PM
Thanks for the spoilers, Really appreciate them.

10-27-2006, 10:03 PM
...Is that sarcasm..?

Madame Adequate
10-27-2006, 10:19 PM
No, he genuinely likes hearing sudden spoilers with no warning. :rolleyes2

And I liked this episode. This season keeps getting better and better. And it's about time we had another Sawyer episode.

I think that everyone's history is going to be revealed to be very important though. Not just to how they act and change, and not just to whatever leverage it might give The Others over them, but more important than that.

10-27-2006, 11:06 PM
Who was that random guy with the golf clubs?
They said that they are going to introduce a couple of new characters from the crash this season. We had a couple of random people named when Mr. Eko was brought back to camp. I'm assuming that the guy with the golf clubs is another.
The guy with the golf clubs was one of the ones introduced when Eko was brought back to camp. His name is Paulo.

Del Murder
10-28-2006, 07:36 AM
It would be interesting to know what happened to the other 30 or so people in the crash while all this other stuff is going on.

I think flashbacks just to show a snippet of the character's history is pointless. It is good to see those, but they should be showing something more than just that. Like something relating to their current situation on the island, or why they were in Sydney going to Los Angeles. Sawyer and Locke's recent flashbacks were just showing brief periods of their lives that didn't really add up to anything. It didn't develop anything we already didn't know about their character, and it didn't give any more insight into what brought them to the fated flight.

So for all the characters introduced thus far, how many do we know why they were going from Sydney to LA? I can remember the story for Jack, Claire, Charlie, Anna Lucia, Michael and Walt, Hurley, and Locke. We know why Kate was coming back but we don't know why she was there. We've also seen some brief glipses of Sun and Jin, and Eko, but no real answers. The flashbacks should be filling in these holes, especially for major players like Sayid and Sawyer.

10-28-2006, 02:24 PM
Like sawyers current flashback being held in jail wasnt related to his current situation? but i think i see your point

So for all the characters introduced thus far, how many do we know why they were going from Sydney to LA? I can remember the story for Jack, Claire, Charlie, Anna Lucia, Michael and Walt, Hurley, and Locke. We know why Kate was coming back but we don't know why she was there. We've also seen some brief glipses of Sun and Jin, and Eko, but no real answers. The flashbacks should be filling in these holes, especially for major players like Sayid and Sawyer.

true that kate's one hasnt been explained i assume she was still running from the cops but yeah no real insight, they shouldve given us the answer to that one atleast.

Correct me if im wrong but i think sayids reason to go to australia was to find a terroist he knew before he defected. He had to stop some terrorist plot from happening in australia...He was blackmailed, if he stops them he finds his girl when the guy found out he ratted him out to the poilice for a girl he shot himself, sayid stayed to bury him hence he had to wait an extra day that got him on that flight! Sawyer went to australia cause he tracked down who made him the way he was! he was in some prawn shop... just as he was about to kill him he backed down....decided to take a drink, met Jacks dad in a bar, he ended up in a police station, saw boone and got deported to LA that landed him on that flight!

but yeah as for Sun and Jin indeed...no idea why i think australia was where sun was going to run from jin....but thats all i remember lol

someone asked why they conned sawyer...ben said to get a con-mans 'respect' they had to con him...i think it was just to say that they're better than him or something....i think they want him to give up, something....i just want to know what the hell their endgame is cause all this seperation from people is begining to bug me

need more stuff happening on the island, everyone (the other 30 people) seems a little too comfortable

10-29-2006, 03:13 AM
It would be interesting to know what happened to the other 30 or so people in the crash while all this other stuff is going on.

I think flashbacks just to show a snippet of the character's history is pointless. It is good to see those, but they should be showing something more than just that. Like something relating to their current situation on the island, or why they were in Sydney going to Los Angeles. Sawyer and Locke's recent flashbacks were just showing brief periods of their lives that didn't really add up to anything. It didn't develop anything we already didn't know about their character, and it didn't give any more insight into what brought them to the fated flight.

So for all the characters introduced thus far, how many do we know why they were going from Sydney to LA? I can remember the story for Jack, Claire, Charlie, Anna Lucia, Michael and Walt, Hurley, and Locke. We know why Kate was coming back but we don't know why she was there. We've also seen some brief glipses of Sun and Jin, and Eko, but no real answers. The flashbacks should be filling in these holes, especially for major players like Sayid and Sawyer.
Sayid was in Australia because that's where the US Army (led by Kelvin Inman, no doubt, formerly of the hatch) told Sayid that if he stopped a suicide bomb attempt, he would be able to go to Los Angeles to see Nadia.

Sawyer was in Australia because that's where he thought the real Sawyer was. He killed him before realizing that he had been conned. That was one of the later episodes of Season 1.

Madame Adequate
10-29-2006, 11:21 AM
And Jin was delivering some watches for his boss, one of these deliveries was in Australia, one was in California. Sun was accompanying, although she was very close to running away.

Del Murder
10-29-2006, 05:32 PM
Ok I haven't seen those Sayid and Sawyer episodes yet. Should be good. I'm about halfway through season 1 right now.

11-01-2006, 07:34 PM
Eko is gonna die tonight. Killed by the monster.

11-01-2006, 07:42 PM
No he's not.
The monster's <i>gone.</i> Practically everyone on earth hated it being a weird smoke thing so they haven't mentioned it in like a year.

11-01-2006, 07:51 PM
Trust me on this.

11-02-2006, 03:01 AM
MR. EKO DIED NOOOOOOOOOO ;_______________;

He was one of my favorites! *cries*

1) The next episode looks amazingly awesome (I sees me some Sawyer x Kate sex!), but I'm still in mourning over MR. EKO. ;_;

2) That scene with um... I forgot her name and Jack with the signs was very shocking.

11-02-2006, 03:07 AM


Aint it always the way? D:

Del Murder
11-02-2006, 06:07 AM
Man I liked Eko. Why introduce new characters and give them backstories if you're just going to kill them off? Bernard is now the only survivor of the tail section. That's kind of weird, it makes their whole presense in the second season kind of pointless.

Cool to see the smoke in action, though I don't know how they'll ever explain that.

11-02-2006, 08:46 AM
This last episode was JUNK. Junk I tell ya.

Complete wtf at Eko dying.

Also, I'm hating Kate 2.0 very much. I don't even know her actual name. but she reminds me of kate, kinda looks like a blonde version of kate, and is even more annoying than kate. Ugh.

Also, I don't trust Juliette chick at all.

That smoke hand monster bashing Eko against the tree was possibly the lamest, cheesiest thing Lost has ever pulled.

11-02-2006, 01:18 PM
We all grieve differently. Some through anger. :P

11-02-2006, 05:19 PM
Man the monster revelation was the best piece o info they ever revealed to us.

I mean now we know the reason for the hallucinations and sightings and what they are.

The only reason I am made Eko died is that now the Losties will never find out that the monster is the cause of the hallucinations.

It would be cool if the Others were taking the good people away for the sole reason that the monster wouldn't scan them and eventually kill them.

Okay possibly the Monster left Eko alone the first time because it was scanning him and wanted to see more of whether he was good or bad. Same with Locke most likely. The monster gave Eko tests by showing him his most powerfullest desire, Yemi. And with that it tested his faith in it and other stuff. If this is so than Locke will die or come close to death soon.

But if you all remember correctly Locke WAS dragged by the monster down a hole and was saved, so maybe the monster has been trying to kill Locke because it found out he was good.

But when Eko came into the picture it left John alone...until now! Remember Boone. The monster is aware of Locke and will do what it did with Eko to Locke.

Madame Adequate
11-02-2006, 11:14 PM
That episode was completely kickass. I did not see it coming at all. :love: :jess:

11-02-2006, 11:28 PM
That smoke hand monster bashing Eko against the tree was possibly the lamest, cheesiest thing Lost has ever pulled.

They left fucking Greg Haster torn to pieces up in a tree, why couldn't we see crap like that!

Del Murder
11-03-2006, 04:49 AM
The show seems pretty erratic lately.

11-03-2006, 04:57 AM
The show seems pretty erratic lately.
I didn't care for the randomness of this episode. With Libby and Ana-Lucia's deaths, you could at least mildly see something big coming, with Michael's inevitable betrayal on the group. But this was too random, and worse, the manner of death was even more comical.

But I love the direction the Jack-Ben storyline took. That's some serious decision Jack has to make. He has too many morals as a doctor to go through with it, but no telling what will end up happening.

I call for a Ben episode next week, though I already know it's Kate.

11-03-2006, 04:03 PM
Ekos episodes/flashbacks are always amazing....he will definately be missed...imean he "out-locked" locke! As soon as i saw that monster rising up above him i was like...oh snap not Eko....though i do think it was abit of an anticlimax how the monster kills....nevertheless i loved the episode

and yeah blonde chick..the "kate 2.0" = royally annoying...her character was doomed to be disliked as soon as she said her fist line

so were finally getting some reason why ben needed jack....i wonder if putting kate and sawyer together was part of the plan to get jack to want to do the surgery

juliette is interesting though i sense a new couple hapeening in the messed up world that is lost

Moon Rabbits
11-03-2006, 11:56 PM
To me the flashbacks are an integral part of the show. They could be lessened, but should not be removed completely.
I never said they should be removed completely. I said they should only be employed when necessary and when it moves the plot forward, not just this, "oh hey guys, we need a flashback for this episode" and the writers sticking in a series of flashbacks that really doesn't add to the show.

Sawyer, we learned, was in fact the total opposite of the self centered in it for himself character he tries to convince everyone he is. In fact, he selflessly gave up a fortune to take care of a love child he'd never met; an act which seems to balance against any of the small time con-jobs he's perpetrated.

This quote justifies the Sawyer flashbacks for me.

Also, I don't trust Juliette chick at all.

That smoke hand monster bashing Eko against the tree was possibly the lamest, cheesiest thing Lost has ever pulled.

Yes, the death was lame.

Yes, Juliette isn't trustworthy, which is why I like her so goddamn much :greenie:

As Magus of Zeal mentioned, we *edit: know where the hallucinations are coming from.

11-04-2006, 07:31 AM
Am I the only one that didn't notice until now that Mr. Eko and Lock-Nah, the big black guy that serves Imhotep in The Mummy Returns are the same guy?

Vincent, Thunder God
11-04-2006, 06:52 PM
I can't believe they killed off Eko. He was an excellent character.

Why bother to introduce all these good new characters in Season 2 and then proceed to kill off 90% of them?

I hated it when they killed Libby because she was a great character, and the fact that she was in the psych ward with Hurley could have really developed into an interesting subplot. I didn't mind as much about Ana Lucia, but her death was pointless as well.

And just when they save Eko from the hatch's implosion, they kill him a few scant episodes later! He was one of the last new characters left from Season 2, and one of the best. It's just unacceptable that they killed him!

11-04-2006, 06:55 PM
Ana Lucia and Libby were both killed off because they both faced legal problems in their real lives due to drunk driving charges.

And maybe the actor who plays Eko had personal reason to leave the show? Because yeah, I really do think that it was a pointless, random, and very sudden death. So maybe there's more to it on the personal/business side of things.

11-04-2006, 07:02 PM
Ana Lucia and Libby were both killed off because they both faced legal problems in their real lives due to drunk driving charges.

And maybe the actor who plays Eko had personal reason to leave the show? Because yeah, I really do think that it was a pointless, random, and very sudden death. So maybe there's more to it on the personal/business side of things.
I read an article about Adewale whateverhislastnameis-secondpart and apparently he had never done a TV show before. He apparently prefers movies. Even last season, he said they didn't plan on having him stay very long. They knew from the beginning that he was going to be killed off, and apparently both Carlton Cuse and Eko's actor decided together that now would be the best time to do it, before things got really involved.

Del Murder
11-04-2006, 07:31 PM
They could have written him out without killing him, and leave the door open for him to return. He was too good a character to just do away with.

EDIT: This was written before Texas's post.

11-05-2006, 12:44 AM
I read an article about Adewale whateverhislastnameis-secondpart and apparently he had never done a TV show before.

He was also in Oz, along with Micheal's actor. And he was one bad motha fucka in that, too!

11-05-2006, 02:10 AM
I read an article about Adewale whateverhislastnameis-secondpart and apparently he had never done a TV show before.

He was also in Oz, along with Micheal's actor. And he was one bad motha smurfa in that, too!
Right, he was. The article was in Entertainment Weekly (http://www.ew.com/ew/report/0,6115,1553848_3_0_,00.html):

"Though producers say they envisioned Eko's death from the beginning and knew Akinnuoye-Agbaje might not be sticking around for the long haul, the actor is the first Lost star to vote himself off the island. (He's the fifth series regular to leave the show.) After Eko's first flashback episode aired last season, Akinnuoye-Agbaje felt ''the character was complete. It was such a well-written episode that I knew I would be able to sew him up in a season.'' Says exec producer Carlton Cuse: ''In a perfect world it would've been great to have Mr. Eko for a little longer. But it was the best time to go our separate ways.''


"Mostly, though, he struggled with playing the same person every week. ''I'm primarily a movie actor because there's a lot more flexibility,'' he notes. ''I never like to get lazy, sitting in a character two or three years, him getting fat and having grandchildren. I like to hit and run.'' Toward the end of last season, he met with Cuse and Lindelof to discuss his future, and agreed to stick around for a few season 3 episodes. ''There was an ongoing dialogue [when he signed on] about what the longevity of the character would be,'' Lindelof explains. ''And we all decided the shocking and emotional death would be the best way to go.''

I guess it's that he didn't like doing TV, not that he hadn't done it before.

11-05-2006, 02:46 AM
Ah, that's interesting. Kind of fits in with his experience with Oz, where people got killed off a lot more frequently than Lost. :eek:

Madame Adequate
11-05-2006, 02:54 AM
Ana Lucia and Libby were both killed off because they both faced legal problems in their real lives due to drunk driving charges.

'Cept for that being explicitly denied by both the actresses and the producers.

Del Murder
11-05-2006, 04:27 AM
Lost needs to pick their people more carefuly.

11-05-2006, 01:13 PM
Just saw the last 3 episodes. I'm a bit relieved Eko died, that way we'll see more of the other (and better imo) characters. Eko's story never interested me. Now only Desmond needs to die. I really really really dislike the supernatural parts of Lost. It would all be so much better if there was a reasonable explanation behind everything, so there's much about the latest episodes I didn't like, namely the stupid smoke monster, Locke talking to the island, Eko talking to the island, and I guess Desmond being able to tell the future is irking me too. Ah, feels good to get my issues out in the sun.

My favorite part of Lost is Jack, Kate and Sawyer. :count:

11-05-2006, 03:52 PM
Right when Ben tells Jack "I want you to think about it" and then he walks over to the door he stops. You can clearly hear the sound of the monster in the silence. Then Ben speaks again.

Is this an error or does this hint that the Others control the monster?

Listen to it here:

Can you hear it?

Del Murder
11-05-2006, 05:13 PM
I didn't hear anything.

11-05-2006, 05:45 PM
Listen to the weird gurgling.

ALSO I found a HUGE spoiler. Read at your own risk. It probably is not valid but intriguing to think about.

Ben reaches into a file and pulls out a piece of paper.

Newspaper cutting

Ben: this is the latest newspaper report "new york times"

Jack reads

"Oceanic plane still not found after two weeks"

Jack looks horrified

Ben: Thats right Jack, you havent been here as long as you thought. They are looking, and we are in danger they will find us.

11-06-2006, 10:33 PM
Just saw the last 3 episodes. I'm a bit relieved Eko died, that way we'll see more of the other (and better imo) characters. Eko's story never interested me. Now only Desmond needs to die. I really really really dislike the supernatural parts of Lost. It would all be so much better if there was a reasonable explanation behind everything, so there's much about the latest episodes I didn't like, namely the stupid smoke monster, Locke talking to the island, Eko talking to the island, and I guess Desmond being able to tell the future is irking me too. Ah, feels good to get my issues out in the sun. I think the super-natural side of Lost is great. Things like the whispers (http://www.lostpedia.com/wiki/The_Whispers) or just the healing power of the island (Locke's legs, Rose's cancer, Jin's infertility) are what keep me watching. I guess I like a good mystery.

11-07-2006, 07:32 PM
Listen to the weird gurgling.

ALSO I found a HUGE spoiler. Read at your own risk.

Ben reaches into a file and pulls out a piece of paper.

Newspaper cutting

Ben: this is the latest newspaper report "new york times"

Jack reads

"Oceanic plane still not found after two weeks"

Jack looks horrified

Ben: Thats right Jack, you havent been here as long as you thought. They are looking, and we are in danger they will find us.

That's the stupidest thing I've ever read, and obviously untrue. If they are as you said, how exactly does Ben show Jack a videotape of the Red Sox winning the World Series more than a month after the crash?

Flying Mullet
11-07-2006, 07:38 PM
In regards to the spinal surgery, I still think there's a twist there, like it's not Ben who is to be operated on, he's just leading Jack on. Then when Jack gets to the operating room and "Ben" is lying face down on the table for the surgery, something will happen to reveal the face of the patient, and it's not Ben, but someone else entirely, like Sawyer.

11-09-2006, 03:04 AM
I was totally crying during the about to kill Sawyer part, I'm so gullible. xD

Besides that part, and the hot sexing part (;D ;D), Lost really has been going down in quality. Maybe it's my boyfriend being bad and trying to brainwash me into liking Lost less, but it's not like the first two seasons. I hope when it comes back in Feb, it'll be more like the last two. :(

11-09-2006, 03:04 AM
Holy moly! I normally don't like Kate episodes, but that was great.

And now, fellow Lost fans, we wait. A long time.

11-09-2006, 03:17 AM
I wanted Ben to flatline as soon as Jack sliced into him for comedic effect.

11-09-2006, 03:30 AM
Ok, I know WHY the characters get killed of... this is just a prediction, ok everyone has a big flaw, right? So when they overcome this flaw, they become "good people" and pass on to the other side... here's the overcoming....

Boone- He managed to not be obssessed with Shannon, and gain confidence in himself.
Shannon- She learned to receive love and give it in return without scamming, lying leaving, etc.
Ana Lucia- Like her past, she had the ability to kill Ben/Henry, but didn't.
Libby- I don't know.
Eko- He realized he did some horrible things, but none of them were exactly bad, like the priest-posing and statue-using, he was meaning to do good, and the stealing from God, he was trying to survive, he wasn't exactly doing anything wrong.

Well, I feel pretty confident about that being true.

11-09-2006, 03:54 AM
Oh man this episode kicked ass! Why oh why must they make us wait so long for more! :cry:

11-09-2006, 04:17 AM
Ok, I know WHY the characters get killed of... this is just a prediction, ok everyone has a big flaw, right? So when they overcome this flaw, they become "good people" and pass on to the other side... here's the overcoming....

Boone- He managed to not be obssessed with Shannon, and gain confidence in himself.
Shannon- She learned to receive love and give it in return without scamming, lying leaving, etc.
Ana Lucia- Like her past, she had the ability to kill Ben/Henry, but didn't.
Libby- I don't know.
Eko- He realized he did some horrible things, but none of them were exactly bad, like the priest-posing and statue-using, he was meaning to do good, and the stealing from God, he was trying to survive, he wasn't exactly doing anything wrong.

Well, I feel pretty confident about that being true.
That's a theory I've had since Shannon died. Except, I don't think that IN THE SHOW, ON THE ISLAND that's why they died. I think that the writers planned on the characters dying after they overcame their biggest flaws, but I don't think that it's the characters dying because they overcame these flaws. I'm not sure if that makes sense.

11-09-2006, 05:08 AM
Omg, Captain Mal!

Ahhhhhh! *dies*

But ewww, he's hooking up with Kate. That's so not cool. But seeing him makes me super happy.

Edit: Ewww, now Sawyer is hooking up with lame Kate. Boooo! DIE KATE, DIE!

Edit2: Holy crap. Is there any character on any tv show/movie/book that is as annoying as Kate? I mean, gosh, I get so violently upset when watching her scenes because she's so damn stupid and useless. Ugh.

11-09-2006, 06:34 AM
Omg, Captain Mal!

Ahhhhhh! *dies*

But ewww, he's hooking up with Kate. That's so not cool. But seeing him makes me super happy.

Edit: Ewww, now Sawyer is hooking up with lame Kate. Boooo! DIE KATE, DIE!

Edit2: Holy crap. Is there any character on any tv show/movie/book that is as annoying as Kate? I mean, gosh, I get so violently upset when watching her scenes because she's so damn stupid and useless. Ugh.
I know this might be a revelation to you, but I think you might have a problem with Kate.

11-09-2006, 07:15 AM
Nathon Fillion. I'm glad they managed to find a spot for him on Lost. :)

11-09-2006, 06:25 PM
This "cliffhanger" that they promised sucked. The writers outta be shot.

The trailer doesn't really draw me in but they did say that they will reveal trailers/sneak peaks for Lost ep 7 during their new show called Day Break.

11-09-2006, 07:01 PM
This "cliffhanger" that they promised sucked. The writers outta be shot.

The trailer doesn't really draw me in but they did say that they will reveal trailers/sneak peaks for Lost ep 7 during their new show called Day Break.
The only reason they're doing it is because they know it'll be the only way anyone watches that show. Taye Diggs is such an awful actor.

Madame Adequate
11-09-2006, 08:53 PM
I was totally crying during the about to kill Sawyer part, I'm so gullible. xD

Besides that part, and the hot sexing part (;D ;D), Lost really has been going down in quality. Maybe it's my boyfriend being bad and trying to brainwash me into liking Lost less, but it's not like the first two seasons. I hope when it comes back in Feb, it'll be more like the last two. :(

Yah I think we can blame this on Wesley because that episode was fucking kickass.

Moon Rabbits
11-09-2006, 11:27 PM
Holy moly! I normally don't like Kate episodes, but that was great.

And now, fellow Lost fans, we wait. A long time.

Yeah, Kate's back story actually managed to stir emotion in me this time. Yay!

As for the Sawyer getting shot scene, it was kind of obvious he was gonna live, but the scene was still so intense <33.

Vincent, Thunder God
11-09-2006, 11:34 PM
I agree with those that have said that Season 3 is starting to lose the feel of Season 1 and even Season 2. All we see is Jack/Kate/Sawyer again and again in the same places, with little action occuring with the other cast. Also, I don't like the new characters Paulo and Nikki. The new characters in Season 2 were great, but these new characters have no interest at all.

The long wait until February 7th better be worth it. This has to improve, or I'm going to start disliking the show more and more.

11-10-2006, 03:25 AM
Hey, Paulo and Nikki are awesome! But, I don't know what there realationship is...

Lovers- Nah, they argue too differently.
Friends- Hmmm, might be.
Siblings- Could be possible, and most likely to be true.

There, and shame they had to kill off Eko, I cried too much, I cried myself to sleep.

RIP: Eko, my old favorite character.

11-10-2006, 04:56 AM
Hey, Paulo and Nikki are awesome! But, I don't know what there realationship is...

Lovers- Nah, they argue too differently.
Friends- Hmmm, might be.
Siblings- Could be possible, and most likely to be true.

There, and shame they had to kill off Eko, I cried too much, I cried myself to sleep.

RIP: Eko, my old favorite character.
They're lovers. How can people named Paolo and Nikki be siblings? There was supposed to be a scene showing their relationship in <i>Further Instructions</i> that was cut out.

Del Murder
11-10-2006, 06:21 AM
I thought that new show Daybreak looked interesting.

11-10-2006, 09:52 AM
People will always find something to complain about (including me, I don't like the monster.), but I think season 3 is just as good as the others. :p I remember, in season one and two, people complaining about there being flashbacks all the time before and nothing happening. I think there's been fewer flashbacks, and more stuff is happening lately. What really happened in season 1? They found a hatch? I don't think Lost has changed, at least not much. I can't wait for the next episode. :D

Madame Adequate
11-10-2006, 11:47 AM
People will always find something to complain about (including me, I don't like the monster.), but I think season 3 is just as good as the others. :p I remember, in season one and two, people complaining about there being flashbacks all the time before and nothing happening. I think there's been fewer flashbacks, and more stuff is happening lately. What really happened in season 1? They found a hatch? I don't think Lost has changed, at least not much. I can't wait for the next episode. :D

:love: :love: :love: Thank you! I am glad someone else sees this.

As to Paolo and Nikki, I don't see how you can like or dislike them given that we know hardly anything about them.

Flying Mullet
11-10-2006, 01:07 PM
The only reason they're doing it is because they know it'll be the only way anyone watches that show. Taye Diggs is such an awful actor.
My wife wants to Tivo the new show so that we can fast forward through the show to watch the sneakpeaks. I told her that I never thought that I'd be taping a show to watch a "commercial". xD

11-10-2006, 02:45 PM
You can explain what happens in the sneak peeks to the rest of us, since lord knows I don't want to watch it.

11-10-2006, 03:39 PM
I bet someone will put it on youtube the same day it's aired on TV. People are crazy about Lost!

11-10-2006, 04:49 PM
I bet someone will put it on youtube the same day it's aired on TV. People are crazy about Lost!
You'd find it better if you used www.lost-media.com.

Flying Mullet
11-10-2006, 05:44 PM
Wow, people are <i>just</i> a little too into Lost when there's that media site, the Lost wiki and 1,000 other sites just as detailed.

Del Murder
11-10-2006, 06:27 PM
So you're saying my Lost lunch box and Sawyer toothbrush holder is a bit much?

11-10-2006, 06:49 PM
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v194/kingbahamut/lost.png">

Totally on my Christmas list.

11-10-2006, 06:54 PM
People will always find something to complain about (including me, I don't like the monster.), but I think season 3 is just as good as the others. :p I remember, in season one and two, people complaining about there being flashbacks all the time before and nothing happening. I think there's been fewer flashbacks, and more stuff is happening lately. What really happened in season 1? They found a hatch? I don't think Lost has changed, at least not much. I can't wait for the next episode. :D

I just recently rewatched most of Season 1, and I gotta say, anyone who says that there's no difference between the first season and the second/third are insane!

Watching Season 1 again, I must say that it was one of the best examples of writing, action, music, cinematography, character development, and story-telling in recent television history. I mean, man. It was just GREAT. Amazing how the whole season flowed and came together.

Lost has not progressed to a better place since Season 1. It's gotten more convoluted, plot lines have been discarded and forgotten, characters are being neglected, the pace is slower and nothing much seems to get accomplished in any of the recent episodes.

And this doesn't really come as a surprise for me. J.J. Abrams, is without a doubt one of the most innovative and compelling story-tellers out there. Almost on par with Joss Whedon. But he has a thing for launching a program and making a success out of it, and then dropping it for another project. The first project suffering for lack of Abrams-love. Abrams got Alias off to an amazing start. The first 2 seasons of Alias will go down as my favorite seasons of television. EVER. But after the second season, Abrams got a new project, Lost. He abandoned Alias and Alias suffered for it immediately. It was heart-breaking how far Alias fell.

After the first season of Lost, Abrams was offered the job as director of Mission Impossible 3. Well, duh. Lost wasn't getting the special Abrams treatment anymore. It suffered. Continues to suffer.

I wish that guy would just STICK to his current projects because obviously he has a talent for making great television. But arrghghg.

11-10-2006, 07:09 PM
I agree the writing of season 1 is awesome, I just think that way of all the seasons. I guess it sounded like I thought the other seasons were better than season 1, but I don't. I think they're just as good, or at least somewhere around the same level. Sure, Lost gripped me more in season 1 than in season 3, but I think that's more because I've changed rather than the show changing, I expect more from it, I guess.

With that said, I agree with you that they've neglected some characters lately. Claire, Sayid, Charlie. This will probably change soon since they've introduced new characters among those, or at least I hope so. :p I really don't think the pace is slower, though. I think the pace is faster or the very least the same as earlier. The pace was pretty slow in the other seasons too. It may not seem that way because it's a while since we saw them. Either way, I think the focus on JKS will soon come to an end.

But yeah, we seem to disagree on most stuff when it comes to Lost. xD And I can see why people who don't like Jack, Kate and Sawyer would not like Season 3. But really, didn't they focus a lot on Ana Lucia's group in Season 2 and at the same time neglecting other stuff on the island? Oh, and was that Ethan in Kate's flashback or did it just really look like him? I'm guessing it just looks like him 'cause it would probably be all over this thread if it was.

11-10-2006, 07:21 PM
As to Paolo and Nikki, I don't see how you can like or dislike them given that we know hardly anything about them.

Because women and teenagers are bitches and hate everyone who tries to include themselves in their predefined groups! :love:

Del Murder
11-10-2006, 07:48 PM
It was not Ethan. Different actor.

11-10-2006, 09:34 PM
People will always find something to complain about (including me, I don't like the monster.), but I think season 3 is just as good as the others. :p I remember, in season one and two, people complaining about there being flashbacks all the time before and nothing happening. I think there's been fewer flashbacks, and more stuff is happening lately. What really happened in season 1? They found a hatch? I don't think Lost has changed, at least not much. I can't wait for the next episode. :D

I just recently rewatched most of Season 1, and I gotta say, anyone who says that there's no difference between the first season and the second/third are insane!

Watching Season 1 again, I must say that it was one of the best examples of writing, action, music, cinematography, character development, and story-telling in recent television history. I mean, man. It was just GREAT. Amazing how the whole season flowed and came together.

Lost has not progressed to a better place since Season 1. It's gotten more convoluted, plot lines have been discarded and forgotten, characters are being neglected, the pace is slower and nothing much seems to get accomplished in any of the recent episodes.

And this doesn't really come as a surprise for me. J.J. Abrams, is without a doubt one of the most innovative and compelling story-tellers out there. Almost on par with Joss Whedon. But he has a thing for launching a program and making a success out of it, and then dropping it for another project. The first project suffering for lack of Abrams-love. Abrams got Alias off to an amazing start. The first 2 seasons of Alias will go down as my favorite seasons of television. EVER. But after the second season, Abrams got a new project, Lost. He abandoned Alias and Alias suffered for it immediately. It was heart-breaking how far Alias fell.

After the first season of Lost, Abrams was offered the job as director of Mission Impossible 3. Well, duh. Lost wasn't getting the special Abrams treatment anymore. It suffered. Continues to suffer.

I wish that guy would just STICK to his current projects because obviously he has a talent for making great television. But arrghghg.

I actually agree with you there, you know he couldnt even find the time to write or direct the alias finale!

and the deaths havent really been handled well since boone died...its like they really tried with him with the others it was like...poof they're dead!

hmmm i thought the episode was ok but this cliff-hanger was pretty hyped up that at the end i was like....ahh ok not that different to any other cliff-hangers in lost

Vincent, Thunder God
11-10-2006, 10:02 PM
People will always find something to complain about (including me, I don't like the monster.), but I think season 3 is just as good as the others. :p I remember, in season one and two, people complaining about there being flashbacks all the time before and nothing happening. I think there's been fewer flashbacks, and more stuff is happening lately. What really happened in season 1? They found a hatch? I don't think Lost has changed, at least not much. I can't wait for the next episode. :D

I just recently rewatched most of Season 1, and I gotta say, anyone who says that there's no difference between the first season and the second/third are insane!

Watching Season 1 again, I must say that it was one of the best examples of writing, action, music, cinematography, character development, and story-telling in recent television history. I mean, man. It was just GREAT. Amazing how the whole season flowed and came together.

Lost has not progressed to a better place since Season 1. It's gotten more convoluted, plot lines have been discarded and forgotten, characters are being neglected, the pace is slower and nothing much seems to get accomplished in any of the recent episodes.

My point exactly! That just about took the words out of my mouth!

11-13-2006, 05:29 AM
Regarding Eko's departure, this is what Kristen from E! had to say about it:

From Jason: Why was Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje written off Lost? Was he as unruly as the rumors are saying? I don’t wanna believe it!
And as the creator of the moniker SexAAA, you know I don’t wanna either. But it’s now been confirmed to me by various sources that Adewale had some interpersonal issues on the set. Personally, I don’t want to soil my own karma by spilling it all (Mr. Hickey would be so proud), but let’s just say that when Eko appeared to be a gentle humanitarian, that was indeed an Emmy-worthy performance. (P.S., I also would like to retract the words "mean," "stinker" and "of a stupid head" from my former statement regarding JJ Abrams.) Meanwhile, a fellow E! Online reporter (Josh Grossberg) ran into Lost executive producer Bryan Burke this morning and asked whether Eko’s departure was something planned. Burke replied: "Story-wise, it was definitely the direction we're going. I don't know what our official answer is on all that." Burke later added that Adewale asked to leave the show and that "it was for personal reasons that we can't talk about."

11-13-2006, 05:48 AM
So he's a dick?

Del Murder
11-13-2006, 06:11 AM
Well that sucks. Choose better actors you dumb producers! Three new characters they put time into creating and developing last season were just tossed aside because the actors made poor decisions in their offscreen lives. What a waste.

11-13-2006, 09:44 AM
are you kidding those actors played their part great...its not the producers fault they seem to choose those with alot of personal baggage! must work for them when getting in character or something cause now noone in the "lost" world has a happy story to tell

Del Murder
11-14-2006, 02:12 AM
Well I don't know if the ladies had a history of DUI or whatever, but you should at least make sure the actors you hire actually want to be in a weekly series.

Vincent, Thunder God
11-14-2006, 02:28 AM
Maybe they're picking actors with baggage because they can portray the faulted characters of Lost better.

Just a thought.

11-14-2006, 04:42 AM
Well I don't know if the ladies had a history of DUI or whatever, but you should at least make sure the actors you hire actually want to be in a weekly series.

Michelle Rodriguez (Ana Lucia) has a previous record of 1) drunk driving, 2) hit and run, and 3) driving with a suspended license.

So the girl's got a history. I think she had to serve jail time for this 4th incident.

But honestly, I don't like the actress and I hated her character so I'm glad Ana Lucia got killed and booted off the show.

Loony BoB
11-14-2006, 11:09 AM
Regarding the plot lines becoming all twisted... that's what Lost calls 'progress'. I mean, seriously, if you think the plots got more confusing between season 1 and season 3, look at the first third of season 1 and the end of season 1... just as much additional convulsion or whatever there, too! The whole thing about Lost is that it leaves you with only more questions, very rarely giving answers. If the plot lines weren't getting more mixed up and crazy, I don't think that the show would be Lost. I guess it's more 'Lost' because it leaves the viewers feeling that way rather than because they're actually lost. I don't think they're lost so much as they don't know where they are... if that makes sense. It does if you don't think about it!

I like this season. They couldn't leave them sitting on the beachline for longer than one season, after all, so they're doing a good job of restricting the developments.

I think that by the time this entire season is over, only a week or so would have passed in the real time world of Lost. So really, despite them 'ignoring' characters, we probably aren't missing too much anyway. I mean, what are they doing on the beach anyway? It's not like there's a lot of things happening there. I, for one, would much rather learn more about the imprisoned people and the Others than I would want to learn about what trivial things people are doing on the beach, like watching a baby or hunting for boar. It would get tedious, boring and repetitive.

To summarise, they're doing the best they can.

11-14-2006, 12:34 PM
i guess, it is called 'lost for a reason but season 2 went all alias season 3-esque with the convoluted plot-line thing....that charlie episode with the religious dreams was absolutly POINTLESS btw (in season 2 remember)

they could involve the 'extra' characters doing something on the beach, or hunting? or gardening imean they are "lost" on the island after all, if the primary characters arent there (i.e sun to do the gardening, locke to hunt, jack to be a doctor) whos the one to garden or handle injuries n stuff you know, if you watch the start of the season there was a balace between the mythology of the show and the whole 'survivor' aspect of the show i just wish it showed the whole survivin aspect abit (if that made anysense at all lol)

and besides where the hell did sun and Jin or claire go anyway?

Loony BoB
11-14-2006, 12:53 PM
Claire is tending to her baby, Jin and Sun recently swam ashore after the boat was stolen in a gunfight.

I, for one, would be frustrated if they spent an episode watching people sit around on a beach, doing gardening, talking about the weather and looking for fruit while there were much more important things happening on other parts of the island(s).

Just sit back, close your eyes, and imagine the characters wandering around looking for food. Better yet, go down to a beach and walk about, watching people walk about on a beach. There you go. That's what the other people are doing. Pretty much nothing. Hooray!

They'll get their episodes when the time comes.

As for the 'pointless' things, there are lots of things that even at the end of season one you might have thought were 'pointless' (eg. polar bear) but I'm sure over the many seasons they will be explained.

11-14-2006, 06:30 PM
I think that by the time this entire season is over, only a week or so would have passed in the real time world of Lost. So really, despite them 'ignoring' characters, we probably aren't missing too much anyway. I mean, what are they doing on the beach anyway? It's not like there's a lot of things happening there. I, for one, would much rather learn more about the imprisoned people and the Others than I would want to learn about what trivial things people are doing on the beach, like watching a baby or hunting for boar. It would get tedious, boring and repetitive.

One of the best parts of the show in my opinion were the little moments that showed small snippets of what life was like on the island. Example: the teeny tiny side-story with Sawyer needing glasses. Or Hurley collecting leaves to use when he went potty. Or Sun making her garden.

All those things were just tiny moments that took up only a few minutes in an episode, but it added *so* much to the show. I think those elements were needlessly taken out of the show. In favor of what? Jack crying some more. Kate being more indecisive. Sawyer growling. Boooo.

No, they don't need to include a whole show on that. But Season 1 was written so that a whole gripload of stuff happened, mysteries were revealed, more questions were raised, characters were developed, and yet they still had time to write in those lovely little moments of island life. Like I said in a previous post, that's what's so great about Season 1, how well each episode flowed combining so many different elements including interesting flashbacks and making a tight cohesive episode out of it. The recent episodes don't do that. They *don't* flow well. That's my biggest beef I think.

Loony BoB
11-14-2006, 07:03 PM
They were nice, for sure, but they were much easier to fit in back then. They'd have to take chunks out of current storylines to do it now, though. I think they've already done most of that stuff anyway, and after a month or so on the island you'd think that they'd not have too many new learning experiences to show because most of them have already happened. There have been some, though, such as the guy pointing out that the roof needed fixing, and then later figuring out how to create fire via the magnet & lightning (or something). But again, most of the stuff has already been done now. They couldn't do that for three seasons in a row.

11-14-2006, 07:47 PM
There have been some, though, such as the guy pointing out that the roof needed fixing, and then later figuring out how to create fire via the magnet & lightning (or something).
That had nothing to do with learning how to live on the island. :p That was Desmond trying to learn about his psychic powers. He told them to fix the roof because he KNEW it was going to rain. He also knew it was going to lightning, so he created a lightning rod so Claire and Aaron wouldn't DIE.

11-15-2006, 02:11 AM
Here's (http://nymag.com/arts/tv/features/23763/index.html) an interesting article by NY Magazine that basically says a lot of what I'm thinking about the current problems that are weighing Lost down. The main thing being that the very basis of Lost's story-telling technique isn't working anymore. Obviously the flashbacks and whatnot worked for awhile, it's sinking the show now. They need to seriously re-think how they're telling their story and get their act together.

But which would you rather tune in to next fall: a brand-new mystery from the creators of Lost, that entirely satisfying and thrilling limited-run series you loved? Or yet another season of Lost, that show that started out so well but is now meandering all over the damn place? Puzzles are meant to be solved, not prolonged. You can only tease viewers so long before they feel like they’re being mocked.

Del Murder
11-15-2006, 03:40 AM
They could easily add the little snippets of island life in, just replace the flashbacks. It was important in the beginning to show how the characters came to be where they are, but now it just waters the show down and makes it go sooo slowly.

The people on the beach don't have to just be twiddling their thumbs. The writers could easily create storylines for them. This is a story in progress, no where does it say that the people on the beach can't be doing stuff. The writers have control of their fate just as much as they have control of JKS. The problem is that they are focusing too much on that storyline, and that storyline is moving so slowly. Six episodes and this is all that has happened:

- The Others need Jack to perform back surgery on Ben
- Kate and Sawyer have sex

Only one of those two things are even relevant to the plot. That could have been accomplished in one episode, but it has had three to four devoted to it. Compared to the beach people (also had threeish episodes):

- Locke saves Eko from a bear
- Desmond develops psychic powers
- Eko dies
- Desmond's ship gets stolen

That isn't much. Saving Eko from the bear shouldn't even count since he dies anyway.

Anyway, the point is that I don't think the show is budgeting its time and resources as well as it did in the first season. To say that the other characters aren't doing anything so why show them is the wrong way to put it. The writers aren't giving them stuff to do, focusing too much on one plotline that is dragging on.

Loony BoB
11-15-2006, 01:18 PM
It's entirely possible that the flashbacks are more important than we realise. Likewise, I think that - as much as some people might not like it - Jack, Kate and Sawyer are the lead characters for this season. They said it from the start that this season they will be concentrating on the Others.

Note: Not "Jack, Kate and Sawyer" - but the "Others". Maybe we aren't seeing as much of Charlie and Jin, but we are seeing a lot of Ben and his gang, and that didn't happen so much in previous seasons. They were new last season and now it's our time to find out about them.

On a similar note, you guys are only complaining about what you've seen so far without thinking about the fact that there probably is some solid storyline to this whole thing and it's entirely possible that they have to, you know, fit it in. Maybe Jack, Kate and Sawyer are the most important characters for a reason, and we just don't know what it is yet. I don't really care for them either, personally - I like Jin the most and did like Eko quite a bit too - but I respect the fact that in this season, it's Others time, and they are the three characters which are now with the Others and thus they get a lot of viewing time. Jack, Kate and Sawyer are essentially our gateway to finding out about the Others, and that's the primary purpose of Season 3. Maybe Season 4 will be more to your liking, but you do need to think about the bigger picture the people organising this thing have in mind.

Season 1 was focusing on getting to know the new characters, and also how they adapted to island life, giving up hope of getting rescued, etc.
Season 2 was focusing on getting to know the new characters, and also the mystery of the hatch, and of course 'Henry'.
Season 3 is focusing on getting to know the new characters, and also what the 'Others' are all about, and I am guessing that we will also in the end find out much more about such things as the second hatch, possibly the smoke monster and possibly the 'powers' of various people.

One does wonder what the 'powers' of the people who haven't done anything are. Particularly the Others.

Each season has a purpose, and the next season relies on it, so I don't think they will be swaying much from their storyline because of some disgruntled viewers. I think there is some sort of masterplan and who lives and dies along the way isn't as important as 1) the main characters and 2) what they will focus on during each season in order to lead up to the finale.

Del Murder
11-16-2006, 02:57 AM
If this all leads to something awesome down the road I will be satisfied. It is a possibility. My complaint is that there has been too much buildup for whatever the climax is.

Well what's done is done. All I know is I was entertained, but not nearly as entertained as I was with the first part of the previous two seasons. I hope for some better things next year.

11-16-2006, 03:04 AM
I'm telling you, this is the Abrams curse!

And BoB, I think you're giving the writers waaaaay too much credit for having some sort of masterplan all sorted out in their head. Especially when these same writers had it set that Jack was gonna die in the first episode and only changed this a few weeks before they started shooting. I really do think that they're just going with the swing of things and deciding what happens from episode to episode.

11-16-2006, 05:18 AM
If this all leads to something awesome down the road I will be satisfied. It is a possibility. My complaint is that there has been too much buildup for whatever the climax is.

*whispers* "The X-Files."

11-17-2006, 02:22 AM
Oh God if it turns into an x-files ending (though im sure JJ is smarter than that) that i'll be so pissed off, it'll be worse than finding out it might be a dream in the end!

but yeah im sure the writers have a big picture planned its just the little things that arent planned as much (well thats how they said in an interview)

But i dunno if the solving of the mystery of the hatch is to go by im slightly worried (people did know the button was important right!?) i guess we'll see how this one plays out! At least it took like 6 episodes to find out ben's need for jack... The next episode is going to be Juilie's flashback episode so that should be interesting

Del Murder
11-17-2006, 03:07 AM
I don't mind flashbacks of the newer charcters, to find out who they are. That was the point of the flashbacks in the first place.

Loony BoB
11-17-2006, 11:29 AM
Interview with Mr. Garcia (Hurley) in today's Metro...

Are the writers making it up as they go along, or is there a master plan?
No, there is a master plan but if they want tot ell the story in five years and we're still a successful show, the network will want to keep the show going. The writers and producers need to fulfil their contract with the network. They want to tell a story but don't know how long they have to tell it, so they have to guess.

Madame Adequate
11-17-2006, 11:48 AM
One of the best parts of the show in my opinion were the little moments that showed small snippets of what life was like on the island. Example: the teeny tiny side-story with Sawyer needing glasses. Or Hurley collecting leaves to use when he went potty. Or Sun making her garden.

Clearly Lost is no longer about what life is like on the island. There are no more concerns about acquiring resources, building shelters, etc. etc.. That was season 1 business, because in season 1 those were the issues at hand. Now it's nothing of note. And we do still tend to see Sun in her garden.

All those things were just tiny moments that took up only a few minutes in an episode, but it added *so* much to the show. I think those elements were needlessly taken out of the show. In favor of what? Jack crying some more. Kate being more indecisive. Sawyer growling. Boooo.

Well, except for the way each of those characters have been pretty great this season (And I'm no Jack or Kate fan), sure.

11-19-2006, 01:38 PM
Im getting tired of having more and more questions thrown at me while not getting any answers what so ever. I do not like the show a whole lot just for the characters themselves, as the creators of Lost said should be the main interest in the series. So im getting a little frustrated.

11-24-2006, 05:50 PM