View Full Version : Captain America vs Batman

10-06-2006, 07:54 AM
Captain America vs Batman(no shield-no gadgets)
<HR style="COLOR: #000000" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Takes place in a Gladiatorial ring,

No weapons of any kind this is a (hand to hand), blood lust match.

This is Classic Captain America(who can lift press 800lbs with supreme effort)

This is current Batman(master of 127 styles of fighting)

Captain America is wearing is classic quit.

Batman is wearing his protective Bat suit.

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10-06-2006, 03:20 PM
Hmm...with this setting, it would seem like the Captain has the upper hand. But you never know.

10-06-2006, 03:39 PM
Brawn vs skill? Skill wins everytime. With out any anomolaic events.

10-06-2006, 06:00 PM
Batman, of course. Heck, he didnt get killed when facing off against the godlike villain in the justice league, the last season of the last episode. A villain who was only destoryed thanks to a deus ex machina moment.

10-06-2006, 07:35 PM
In a Marvel vs. DC contest, Batman and Captain America fought each other. It was a very even fight, and it was almost a stalemate. Eventually, however, Batman won the battle, but it was very close. I'd still say Batman would win the Gladiator battle. If he can beat Captain American on a normal fight, surely he can beat him when Cap doesn't have the shield?

10-06-2006, 08:00 PM
Batman would win, because he has a better PVC suit.

10-06-2006, 09:27 PM
Are we arguing who would be catcher and who would be pitcher? 'Cause I think Captain America would totally be the one takin' it.

10-06-2006, 10:10 PM
Cap would take it. What people need to keep in mind is that he is an extremely proficient hand to hand fighter, and possesses greater strength, reflexes, agility and stamina than Batman. Not to mention that he's also a very good strategist. Perhaps not on Batmans level of planning, but there's a reason guys like Thor (the freakin Norse god of thunder) will follow this man without question. Regardless, since this is a straight fight without weapons, planning won't be terribly important. This even plays to Caps strengths since he doesn't rely on gadgets to the degree Batman does, and has regularly held his own against people who physically outclass him without his shield. I think the fight would be about even for a long time, but Caps enhanced physical abilities would give him the edge in the drawn out fight.

Also with regard to Sephiroth1999AD's comment, crossovers don't mean much. They're pretty much fan service and completely at the whim of the writer. Heck, if you want to get into that, Batman even said in the Avengers/JLA crossover a few short years back that Cap could beat him, but it would take a long time.

10-06-2006, 10:24 PM
Brawn vs skill? Skill wins everytime. With out any anomolaic events.

The Super Soldier Formula and skill vs Skill

Cap's slightly superior stats give him the win. His freakish endurance and stamina would ensure that when Batman's lungs are on fire with exhaustion, Cap's only just then getting his second wind. It would be a hell of a fight though, it would probably last hours (possibly even *days*) before the victor wins. I think it's worh mentioning that in JLA/Avengers Batman admitted that Cap "might" be able to beat him.

If Bats had his gadgets I'd give it to him.

Note: During the Marvel vs DC crossover, Batman's win was pretty controversial.

10-06-2006, 10:27 PM
Cap would take it. What people need to keep in mind is that he is an extremely proficient hand to hand fighter, and possesses greater strength, reflexes, agility and stamina than Batman. Not to mention that he's also a very good strategist. Perhaps not on Batmans level of planning, but there's a reason guys like Thor (the freakin Norse god of thunder) will follow this man without question. Regardless, since this is a straight fight without weapons, planning won't be terribly important. This even plays to Caps strengths since he doesn't rely on gadgets to the degree Batman does, and has regularly held his own against people who physically outclass him without his shield. I think the fight would be about even for a long time, but Caps enhanced physical abilities would give him the edge in the drawn out fight.

Also with regard to Sephiroth1999AD's comment, crossovers don't mean much. They're pretty much fan service and completely at the whim of the writer. Heck, if you want to get into that, Batman even said in the Avengers/JLA crossover a few short years back that Cap could beat him, but it would take a long time.

Very well said :thumb:

10-06-2006, 11:02 PM
Don't forget Cap has pretty impressive rejuvination rates. Not exactly on par with Wolverine or anything, but still capable of repairing what would be a fatal injury to a normal person in the course of a few hours.

Although the premise of the Super Soldier formula was that it brought a human body to the peak of human ability. Let's face it: Batman's already there. So physically they'd be almost equal. And Batman has superior combat skills.

So- this gladatorial fight- is it a "points" match or a "knockout" match. If it's points, Batman would win. If it's knockout, it'd go to Cap. But either way it'd be close.

EDIT: Unless Batman fights dirty. KICK HIM IN THE KNEECAP!!!!!

10-06-2006, 11:28 PM
Although the premise of the Super Soldier formula was that it brought a human body to the peak of human ability. Let's face it: Batman's already there. So physically they'd be almost equal. And Batman has superior combat skills.

Cap's body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing poisons in his muscles, granting him phenomenal endurance.

you're right though, almost equal. almost.