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10-10-2006, 12:22 AM
Hello, its me, Yukikiro again. No, unfortunatly you haven't ridden yourselves of me yet, and right now I am personnaly thankful. I have a problem, and you out there reading this right now are my answer. Every single one of you who submits his or her answer will add to the collective and broaden my research base. Please keep in mind this is a scientific study, so complete and total honesty is needed in every category. None of your names will be mentioned and none of your other information will be disclosed, this is simply a survey experiment. Anyway, here goes.

How old are you?

Are you male or female?

What grade are you in (College students specify year)?

On average, what grades to you get in school?

Do you conscider yourself a serious or a casual gamer?

In your best estimate, how much time do you think you spend on video games a week (this includes any sort of game that is played on a screen)?

If you live alone skip this question
Ask someone else in your household (a sibling or parent will do) how much time they think you spend on games; what is their answer?

What systems do you own?

Do you play games online (such as XBox Live or Diablo II)?

Do you play video games on PCs(games that you buy, not online games)?

If you play an MMORPG, which one(s) do you play (including Runescape)?

What kind of games do you own? General genres are fine, or if you'd rather write out your library list, that's fine too; just be sure to include the system its on.

After playing a "violent" game, do you feel any different? Satisfied, destructive, frustrated, etc.

Have you ever gotten frustrated at a game to the point where you felt you had to vent in some way? Explain what you did and what made you angry. If you have never done this, do you know a friend or sibling who has? Explain the situation.

Once again, every honest answer I get is a step in the right direction. If all goes well I may actually try and take this somewhere. I cannot stress enough that you be completely honest with yourself and me or the entire project will be off key. Thanks to all who help.


Dr Unne
10-10-2006, 12:39 AM
Please keep in mind this is a scientific study, so complete and total honesty is needed in every category.

<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selection_bias">Letting people choose for themselves whether or not to participate in your survey may introduce bias.</a>

10-10-2006, 12:46 AM
No prob, bob. I used to have to do these for school so I feel you.

How old are you? 23

Are you male or female? Female

What grade are you in (College students specify year)? 1st year grad student

On average, what grades to you get in school? B

Do you conscider yourself a serious or a casual gamer? Semi-serious?

In your best estimate, how much time do you think you spend on video games a week (this includes any sort of game that is played on a screen)? Currently I don't have time to play more than on weekends, but when I'm not this busy I'll probably play... 30 hours a week mebbe.

If you live alone skip this question
Ask someone else in your household (a sibling or parent will do) how much time they think you spend on games; what is their answer?
My husband says "I don't know... How many hours are you awake?" but he's just as bad as me so he can shut his pie hole.

What systems do you own?
I own SNES, SEGA Genesis, GB Color, GBASP, GameCube, PSP, and DS Lite. We also have my husband's SEGA Masters and five operational computers in our apartment. I would have an Atari but my grandma decided to just take it out of my room and give it away when I still lived with her.

Do you play games online (such as XBox Live or Diablo II)? Right now mostly just Dawn of War and Battlefield 2.

Do you play video games on PCs(games that you buy, not online games)? Most of the time.

If you play an MMORPG, which one(s) do you play (including Runescape)? Guild Wars is a CORPG, but most people count it as an MMORPG.

What kind of games do you own? General genres are fine, or if you'd rather write out your library list, that's fine too; just be sure to include the system its on. Uhh... Simulation, puzzle, party, RPG, action, real time strategy, racing, fighting, and first person shooters. Maybe a couple others. I mostly play simulation games though.

After playing a "violent" game, do you feel any different? Satisfied, destructive, frustrated, etc. Not any different than after playing any other type of game.

Have you ever gotten frustrated at a game to the point where you felt you had to vent in some way? Explain what you did and what made you angry. If you have never done this, do you know a friend or sibling who has? Explain the situation. I haven't. One of my friends broke his Super Smash Bros disk in half after losing too many rounds but he was drunk and he thought it was funny so that probably doesn't count.

Azure Chrysanthemum
10-10-2006, 12:47 AM
The best way to go about interviewing is to go out and talk to people and ask them to answer a few questions. If it's supposed to be localized to your school, so much the better.

I personally would worry about data procured from an internet forum and as a teacher I would not hold it as credible in any major assignment.

10-10-2006, 12:48 AM
You both are taking this too seriously. It's homework.

10-10-2006, 12:52 AM
Please keep in mind this is a scientific study, so complete and total honesty is needed in every category.

<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selection_bias">Letting people choose for themselves whether or not to participate in your survey may introduce bias.</a>

This is simply a starting point. I'm not going to go and say "here are my results, they're from a forum full of video gamers." That would be pure stupidity. And maybe scientific wasn't the word I was going for, its more of a jump start to something larger. I've sat down and thought hard for a while on what I'm going to do for this, and what it is as a whole is what is made of it when I recieve the answers. But what do you mean otherwise that "letting people choose can result in selection bias?" Its a website, I can't say "answer this survey or I'll release a virus onto your computers."

Azure Chrysanthemum
10-10-2006, 12:54 AM
Isn't homework supposed to be serious?

Well, anyway, not my place to judge I suppose. I've a spare moment so I'll fill it out.

How old are you?


Are you male or female?


What grade are you in (College students specify year)?

Junior year of University (3rd year, 15th grade, as it were)

On average, what grades to you get in school?

Fluctuates (sometimes wildly) depending on if I care about the class, we'll put it at around a high C to low B average though. May change in this environment, but there you go.

Do you consider yourself a serious or a casual gamer?


In your best estimate, how much time do you think you spend on video games a week (this includes any sort of game that is played on a screen)?

Honestly can't say for sure. I'd say I invest a good 5, 6 hours at least. It depends on if I have something I want to play.

If you live alone skip this question
Ask someone else in your household (a sibling or parent will do) how much time they think you spend on games; what is their answer?

Not with my family currently, but they'd likely say that I play way too much.

What systems do you own?

Gamecube, Playstation 2, DS Lite, GBA, GBA SP.

Do you play games online (such as XBox Live or Diablo II)?

Diablo II generally.

Do you play video games on PCs(games that you buy, not online games)?

Afforementioned Diablo II, and other games usually by Blizzard or Bioware.

If you play an MMORPG, which one(s) do you play (including Runescape)?

I HAVE played Maple Story and Runescape. Both of which sucked so I stopped. MMORPGs don't really appeal to me all that much.

What kind of games do you own? General genres are fine, or if you'd rather write out your library list, that's fine too; just be sure to include the system its on.

Mainly RPG and SRPG, some RTS, a few action and puzzle mixed in for good measure.

After playing a "violent" game, do you feel any different? Satisfied, destructive, frustrated, etc.

Not at all different.

Have you ever gotten frustrated at a game to the point where you felt you had to vent in some way? Explain what you did and what made you angry. If you have never done this, do you know a friend or sibling who has? Explain the situation.

I get irritated with games sometimes when they're stupid. But then I just turn them off. I don't know anyone who really reacts strongly to any video game.

Dr Unne
10-10-2006, 12:58 AM
You both are taking this too seriously. It's homework.

I thought the original poster may have been taking it too seriously. Either way.

How old are you? 25

Are you male or female? Male

What grade are you in (College students specify year)? Graduated college 2 years ago (BS in Computer Science)

On average, what grades to you get in school? A's.

Do you conscider yourself a serious or a casual gamer? Casual.

In your best estimate, how much time do you think you spend on video games a week (this includes any sort of game that is played on a screen)? 8 hours.

If you live alone skip this question
Ask someone else in your household (a sibling or parent will do) how much time they think you spend on games; what is their answer? Skipped, I live alone.

What systems do you own? PS2, DS Lite.

Do you play games online (such as XBox Live or Diablo II)? Yes.
Do you play video games on PCs(games that you buy, not online games)? Yes.

If you play an MMORPG, which one(s) do you play (including Runescape)? None.

What kind of games do you own? General genres are fine, or if you'd rather write out your library list, that's fine too; just be sure to include the system its on. PC and PS2 RPGs. Some adventure games on DS.

After playing a "violent" game, do you feel any different? Satisfied, destructive, frustrated, etc. Amused, but overall unaffected.

Have you ever gotten frustrated at a game to the point where you felt you had to vent in some way? Explain what you did and what made you angry. If you have never done this, do you know a friend or sibling who has? Explain the situation. I have never known anyone to have this kind of reaction to a game.

EDIT: I got my age wrong. Gah.

10-10-2006, 01:03 AM
Alright, I PMed you my survey. I hope it helps.

10-10-2006, 01:07 AM
I think what Unne meant by the bias is that generally speaking, the statistics achieved by surveys are deemed more valid when the sampling is random and each person equal opportunity to be in the sampling pool. This is done through various ways, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, quota sampling, etc. Just asking a bunch of people to answer questions for you introduces a lot of bias into the equation which makes the survery and the results from the survey less valid.

Also, the way you've phrased your questions as open ended (no real set answers to choose from) will make it difficult to accurately infer information from the survey afterward. At least in any real scientific way.

I'm only rambling about this because I'm taking Sociological Statistics right now. :p


How old are you?

Are you male or female?

What grade are you in (College students specify year)?
College Junior

On average, what grades to you get in school?

Do you conscider yourself a serious or a casual gamer?

In your best estimate, how much time do you think you spend on video games a week (this includes any sort of game that is played on a screen)?
Maybe 10 hours a week, mostly on the weekends

If you live alone skip this question
Ask someone else in your household (a sibling or parent will do) how much time they think you spend on games; what is their answer?
A buttload. But they don't know what they're talking about!

What systems do you own?
PS2, Computer

Do you play games online (such as XBox Live or Diablo II)?
Final Fantasy XI

Do you play video games on PCs(games that you buy, not online games)?
FFXI. I bought that game. But it's online too. Dunno why they'd be mutually exclusive.

If you play an MMORPG, which one(s) do you play (including Runescape)?

What kind of games do you own? General genres are fine, or if you'd rather write out your library list, that's fine too; just be sure to include the system its on.
Mostly RPGs.

After playing a "violent" game, do you feel any different? Satisfied, destructive, frustrated, etc.
I feel like kicking things.

Have you ever gotten frustrated at a game to the point where you felt you had to vent in some way? Explain what you did and what made you angry. If you have never done this, do you know a friend or sibling who has? Explain the situation.

Sure, plenty of times. Especially when people are being douchbags in FFXI.

10-10-2006, 01:10 AM
How old are you?

Are you male or female?

What grade are you in (College students specify year)?
Senior high school

On average, what grades to you get in school?

Do you conscider yourself a serious or a casual gamer?

In your best estimate, how much time do you think you spend on video games a week (this includes any sort of game that is played on a screen)?

If you live alone skip this question
Ask someone else in your household (a sibling or parent will do) how much time they think you spend on games; what is their answer?

What systems do you own?
I own a playstation 1 and my computer

Do you play games online (such as XBox Live or Diablo II)?

Do you play video games on PCs(games that you buy, not online games)?

If you play an MMORPG, which one(s) do you play (including Runescape)?

What kind of games do you own? General genres are fine, or if you'd rather write out your library list, that's fine too; just be sure to include the system its on.
RTS, mmorpg, stradegy, first person shooter.

After playing a "violent" game, do you feel any different? Satisfied, destructive, frustrated, etc.
I have felt better as in relieving stress, but not in a destructive sense.

Have you ever gotten frustrated at a game to the point where you felt you had to vent in some way? Explain what you did and what made you angry. If you have never done this, do you know a friend or sibling who has? Explain the situation.
I have gotten frustrated at a game, and what I did was simply walk away from it.

10-10-2006, 01:17 AM
How old are you? 20.

Are you a male or a female? Male.

What grade are you in? Sophomore in college.

On avererage what grades do you get in school? In the B range.

Do you consider yourself a serious or caual gamer? Serious

In your best estimate, how much time do you think you spend on video games a week? Around 20, more if a new game came out that I really like.

Ask someone else in your household (a sibling or parent will do) how much time they think you spend on games; what is their answer?
Honestly, no one pays enough attention to know.

What systems do you own? Nes, PS2, GC, X Box

Do you play games online? Counter-Strike on PC

Do you play video games on PCs? Only play CS online and thats it, no other PC games.

If you play an MMORPG, which one(s) do you play (including Runescape)? None.

What kind of games do you own? General genres are fine, or if you'd rather write out your library list, that's fine too; just be sure to include the system its on. RPG's, Action, Adventure, some Racing, FPS.

After playing a "violent" game, do you feel any different? Satisfied, destructive, frustrated, etc? No, not at all, I feel pretty much the same as I did before playing.

Have you ever gotten frustrated at a game to the point where you felt you had to vent in some way? Explain what you did and what made you angry. If you have never done this, do you know a friend or sibling who has? Explain the situation. I have felt frustrated in games before but it was nothing serious. After about a minute the frustration goes away.

I hope this helped.

10-10-2006, 01:59 AM
How old are you?

Are you male or female?

What grade are you in (College students specify year)?

On average, what grades to you get in school?

Do you conscider yourself a serious or a casual gamer?

In your best estimate, how much time do you think you spend on video games a week (this includes any sort of game that is played on a screen)?
Hmm... it varies. 3+ I guess

If you live alone skip this question
Ask someone else in your household (a sibling or parent will do) how much time they think you spend on games; what is their answer?

What systems do you own?
PS2 and Game Cube.

Do you play games online (such as XBox Live or Diablo II)?

Do you play video games on PCs(games that you buy, not online games)?

If you play an MMORPG, which one(s) do you play (including Runescape)?

What kind of games do you own? General genres are fine, or if you'd rather write out your library list, that's fine too; just be sure to include the system its on.
RPG, Fighting and War

After playing a "violent" game, do you feel any different? Satisfied, destructive, frustrated, etc.
Never really thought about it :p Successful, I guess.

Have you ever gotten frustrated at a game to the point where you felt you had to vent in some way? Explain what you did and what made you angry. If you have never done this, do you know a friend or sibling who has? Explain the situation.
No, and no.

10-10-2006, 02:22 AM
How old are you?

Are you male or female?

What grade are you in (College students specify year)?
12th Grade

On average, what grades to you get in school?
High B's to Medium A's (87-95%)

Do you consider yourself a serious or a casual gamer?

In your best estimate, how much time do you think you spend on video games a week (this includes any sort of game that is played on a screen)?
Maybe five or six hours.

If you live alone skip this question
Ask someone else in your household (a sibling or parent will do) how much time they think you spend on games; what is their answer?
Between eight and ten, though they said it was because I spend time on the computer in my room and they can't tell if I'm playing games or not.

What systems do you own?
Super Nintendo, Gamecube, Nintendo DS, Xbox, PC

Do you play games online (such as XBox Live or Diablo II)?
Yes, though mainly Call of Duty: United Offensive on the PC.

Do you play video games on PCs(games that you buy, not online games)?

If you play an MMORPG, which one(s) do you play (including Runescape)?

What kind of games do you own? General genres are fine, or if you'd rather write out your library list, that's fine too; just be sure to include the system its on.
First-person shooter (Call of Duty, Halo, etc.)
Nintendo multiplayer game (Super Smash Bros., Mario Kart, Mario Tennis, etc.)
RPG (Final Fantasy, Tales of, Chrono Trigger, etc.)
Stealth (Thief, Metal Gear Solid, Splinter Cell, etc.)
RTS (Age of Mythology and Age of Empires mostly)
Action-Adventure (Castlevania, Super Metroid, The Legend of Zelda, etc.)

After playing a "violent" game, do you feel any different? Satisfied, destructive, frustrated, etc.
If I did a good job and had fun, I feel satisfied. I do with any game I play.

Have you ever gotten frustrated at a game to the point where you felt you had to vent in some way? Explain what you did and what made you angry. If you have never done this, do you know a friend or sibling who has? Explain the situation.
I usually stop playing before I reach this point. I can tell when I'm just having a bad day with a game, and would rather stop playing it then get mad at it. I don't know anyone personally who has done that either.

10-10-2006, 03:29 AM

How old are you?

Are you male or female?

What grade are you in (College students specify year)?
senior in high school :D

On average, what grades to you get in school?
they vary, but as of now I'm passing everything and I've improved alot since freshman year

Do you conscider yourself a serious or a casual gamer?
eh... both I guess. I'm obsessed with the games that I do play but I don't play alot, just FF, Soul Calibur, Sims and a few other random things so I guess I can't be classified as "serious" but I play games on a daily basis and have obsessions with certain characters like Amy and Raphael Sorel :love: and RIKKU :love:

In your best estimate, how much time do you think you spend on video games a week (this includes any sort of game that is played on a screen)?

so this includes the handheld soccer game I got from McDonalds? I play games whenever I get the chance... which is about every day or so. Maybe one or 2 hours during weekdays and possibly the entire day on the weekends.

If you live alone skip this question
Ask someone else in your household (a sibling or parent will do) how much time they think you spend on games; what is their answer?

my mom yells at me sometimes for playing games too much. I can't ask her right now though cus she's in bed, but she got mad at me once and I know she thinks I play too much cus I ignore her sometimes. But hey they're more entertaining than her. And they're not mean.

What systems do you own?

PS one, PS2

Do you play games online (such as XBox Live or Diablo II)?

umm... I play a dirty hentai game called Crimson Yuna

Do you play video games on PCs(games that you buy, not online games)?

umm... no

If you play an MMORPG, which one(s) do you play (including Runescape)?

what's MMORPG?

What kind of games do you own? General genres are fine, or if you'd rather write out your library list, that's fine too; just be sure to include the system its on.

PSone- Soul Blade, Silent Hill, Final Fantasy 7,8,9, Frogger
PS2- Red Ninja, Final Fantasy X & X-2, The Sims, The Sims Bustin Out, The Sims 2, Soul Calibur 2 & 3

After playing a "violent" game, do you feel any different? Satisfied, destructive, frustrated, etc.

Happy, and a feeling of accomplishment when I win and frustrated and disappointed when I repeatedly lose. I don't feel destructive after I play. I play BECAUSE I feel destructive.

Have you ever gotten frustrated at a game to the point where you felt you had to vent in some way? Explain what you did and what made you angry. If you have never done this, do you know a friend or sibling who has? Explain the situation.

I broke my controller. Twice. The first time I was 11 and playing Frogger and that was actually an accident but I broke it over my best friend's knee... :( It was my favorite controller too, it was all green and pretty. I don't think that was because I was frustrated though, but the second time I was playing Soul Calibur 3 and kept dying and slammed my controller down. That was just recently, like a few weeks ago maybe. You'd think I learn my lesson the first time my controller broke.

10-10-2006, 03:55 AM
How old are you?


Are you male or female?


What grade are you in (College students specify year)?

I'm in Year 11 - Senior Highschool.

On average, what grades to you get in school?


Do you consider yourself a serious or a casual gamer?

Maybe both? At the moment, I'm casual - but when I get into a game I'm serious.

In your best estimate, how much time do you think you spend on video games a week (this includes any sort of game that is played on a screen)?

At the moment? Zero. I haven't had the time to touch my PS2 in a couple of weeks.

If you live alone skip this question
Ask someone else in your household (a sibling or parent will do) how much time they think you spend on games; what is their answer?

Zero, at the moment.

What systems do you own?

PS2 & Nintendo DS.

Do you play games online (such as XBox Live or Diablo II)?


Do you play video games on PCs(games that you buy, not online games)?

Rarely. I do play The Sims though.

If you play an MMORPG, which one(s) do you play (including Runescape)?

What kind of games do you own? General genres are fine, or if you'd rather write out your library list, that's fine too; just be sure to include the system its on.

Tomb Raider, Gran Turismo (all four), Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX, X, Metal Gear Solid, Super Mario 64 (DS), New Super Mario Bros (DS), Syphon Filter - plus more.

After playing a "violent" game, do you feel any different? Satisfied, destructive, frustrated, etc.

Nope. I don't tend to play "violent" games anyway, though.

Have you ever gotten frustrated at a game to the point where you felt you had to vent in some way? Explain what you did and what made you angry. If you have never done this, do you know a friend or sibling who has? Explain the situation.

Of course you get frustrated sometimes. Like when you've accidentaly saved over your game when it's near the end - or deleted the file. Sometimes you just can't complete a level or whatever. But you just walkaway and get over it soon enough.

Nominus Experse
10-10-2006, 05:40 AM
How old are you?

Are you male or female?

What grade are you in (College students specify year)?
High School Alumni - planning to go to college in a year or two

On average, what grades to you get in school?
2.845 GPA

Do you conscider yourself a serious or a casual gamer?

In your best estimate, how much time do you think you spend on video games a week (this includes any sort of game that is played on a screen)?
At least three hours a day - so around 21 hours at the very least. Sometimes I will play almost ten or twelve hours day after day, so it really varies. I once played a game for 38 hours straight.

If you live alone skip this question
Ask someone else in your household (a sibling or parent will do) how much time they think you spend on games; what is their answer?
Basically the same as what I just related

What systems do you own?
CPU, PS2, Gameboy Pocket Colour, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, NES, 2 Ataris that I cannot recall their exact model, Genesis, Gamegear, N64

Do you play games online (such as XBox Live or Diablo II)?
Yes, and frequently

Do you play video games on PCs(games that you buy, not online games)?

If you play an MMORPG, which one(s) do you play (including Runescape)?
I used to play FFXI, but no longer do so
I tried Runescape, but thought it sucked
I also tried WoW, but stopped due to money situations
I used to play Silk Road Online until I came to my senses that it also sucked

What kind of games do you own? General genres are fine, or if you'd rather write out your library list, that's fine too; just be sure to include the system its on.
RPGs (such as FF or Star Ocean)
Action (such as Bloodrayne or LoTR)
RTS (such as Warcraft or Command and Conquer)
Adventure (such as Jak)
FPS, or other shooters (such as Star Wars: Battlefront or Ratchet and Clank)
Puzzle (such as Myst)

After playing a "violent" game, do you feel any different? Satisfied, destructive, frustrated, etc.
Nothing really, other than if I finished a difficult mission. The happiness comes not from conquering people, but the accomplishment of advancing the game further.

Have you ever gotten frustrated at a game to the point where you felt you had to vent in some way? Explain what you did and what made you angry. If you have never done this, do you know a friend or sibling who has? Explain the situation.
Yes, indeed I have felt angry at a game.

The worse thing I have done is curse or mumble obscenities and shake my fist or pick up the keyboard and threaten the game with it. Stupid little gestures of threatening something that will not respond in any way...Sometimes I will quickly, none-too-gently turn the game off, but nothing more than that.

My father would throw controllers when he's mad.

Madame Adequate
10-10-2006, 08:36 AM
How old are you?

Are you male or female?

What grade are you in (College students specify year)?
First year at college

On average, what grades to you get in school?
As and Bs

Do you conscider yourself a serious or a casual gamer?

In your best estimate, how much time do you think you spend on video games a week (this includes any sort of game that is played on a screen)?
Upwards of 30 hours

If you live alone skip this question
Ask someone else in your household (a sibling or parent will do) how much time they think you spend on games; what is their answer? Nobody is up right now.

What systems do you own?
PC, PS2, X-Box, GameCube, Mega Drive, N64.

Do you play games online (such as XBox Live or Diablo II)?

Do you play video games on PCs(games that you buy, not online games)?

If you play an MMORPG, which one(s) do you play (including Runescape)?
World of Warcraft, until recently at least.

What kind of games do you own? General genres are fine, or if you'd rather write out your library list, that's fine too; just be sure to include the system its on.
Way, way more than I could list. RPGs, RTS, FPS, sports, beat 'em ups, strategy, action, pretty much every genre has a showing in my library.

After playing a "violent" game, do you feel any different? Satisfied, destructive, frustrated, etc.
It depends on whether I win or not. Assuming I do, I feel good and calm. If I lose, I might be a bit ticked, but that's the case with all games I play.

Have you ever gotten frustrated at a game to the point where you felt you had to vent in some way? Explain what you did and what made you angry. If you have never done this, do you know a friend or sibling who has? Explain the situation.
I have bitten controllers, smashed them off the ground, and yelled with outrage. I cannot remember what at exactly, but probably one of those cheap-as-chips bosses who moves faster than the smallest girl character in the game, and hits harder than the biggest, heaviest guy.