View Full Version : 8 characters in single mode

Elemental Alchemist
10-14-2006, 08:40 PM
Which would be the best way to increase the skills of each character in single player?

I use a different character per year, but it's taking me too long.
Help would be appreciated.

10-16-2006, 06:40 AM
Don't forget to take into account that every time you complete a dungeon-thing, it increases in difficulty (until after the 3rd time). I suggest making sure you avoid some dungeons until your very last character gets a chance to play and get an artifact. (In other words, save the easy passes for the beginner characters.)

I suppose you could do three characters per year, or two, or whatever you see fit. If it were me, I'd switch off between characters after every stage completion just to keep things interesting. :D

Be prepared for a long time spent on you Gamecube though. You WILL be powering up 8 characters instead of 1, you know. :3

Monster Hunt
10-21-2006, 11:25 AM
Like Xaven said, keep changing characters every stage- that's what I do too. I have four characters and i've gone into my 17th year just for fun and they're still not the best they can get! It takes tons of time- there isn't a shortcut. If you finish a level quickly it'll only reward you with not so good artifacts (+1/2).

Keep doing places that don't need myrrh if you don't want it to get harder. Getting myrrh make it harder. Just repeat dungeons with out myrrh...


Certain level have some artifacts that can only be obtained in that level so you might have to do places with myrrh and surely enough, it's not going to be quick. Looking out for the Ultima artifacts which give you +10 would give you a boost but you have to go into the hard bits of the game just to get it.

Hope that helped!!