View Full Version : Guess what I brought today :D!

Markus. D
10-19-2006, 12:16 AM
it was delicious!

I watched that evil mcdonalds ad with the two people poking there tougne out at eachother enough times to actually crave one myself...

I searches Robina Town centre until I remembered that Donut King sells Ice Cream tooooo and it was Choc Top :D!

so, is there anything you brought that you took care in/went out of your way to, buy?

10-19-2006, 08:47 PM
I drove 2 hours to get to Best Buy to buy a game because the local one was being renovated.

10-19-2006, 08:50 PM
I went to 7 different GameStops before I found my original FFX copy. Good buy, worth about 4 times what I paid for it.

I also went to California from Utah to pick up a rare car. 33 hours of driving, very tiring.

05-12-2024, 05:22 AM
I bought a new brain today. Hopefully i will be smarter after installing it.:bigsmile: